Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 4 - Alternative View

Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 4 - Alternative View
Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 4 - Alternative View
Video: Causes and Effects of Climate Change | National Geographic 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -

And now I will put forward a version about the time of the shift, or, as it was already promised in the second part, about the timetable of the pole shifts on Earth. All previous reasoning was based on objective facts, with which it is almost impossible to argue. Either the eyes look and see, or not. Any forecast with insufficient information is based on intuition, and to some extent on conjectures and guesses. The criterion of truth, as always, will be practice. The forecast will either come true or not.


In general, this is the version. On a field circle in England dated July 20, 2003, which was successfully decoded on January 24, 2012, a long cycle is drawn, the essence of which is that the planet Mars occupies a position at ecliptic coordinates 330 ° in the constellation Aquarius, and the Earth is at the same time in opposition with Venus, that is, it is at the maximum distance from Venus, on the other side of the Sun, while approaching Mars at the minimum distance. The event on the circle is recorded by the Venus-Earth oppositions. That is, most likely, the outer circle of the arrow is Earth, the inner one is Venus.

Before reading further, I recommend that you figure out the decoding of this circle, otherwise nothing will be clear.

Within the large cycle, which lasts 1183 years, there are short sub-cycles that last 32 years, within these shorter 32-year cycles there are even shorter ones, which last 13, 12 and 7 years. The most interesting thing is that Mars at half the time of the great cycle of 1183, that is, every 591.5 years, takes the opposite position, that is, symmetrical relative to its position in Aquarius, position in the constellation Leo, practically opposite the brightest star of this constellation - Regula.


As we remember, the constellations of Leo and Aquarius in the myths of different peoples are associated with floods.

Promotional video:

The ancient Egyptians believed that Regulus is the heart of the heavenly Lion and called the star Regulus - Kalb al Asad - the heart of a lion in Arabic. On the Sphinx, which has the body of a lion and the head of a man (the constellation Leo-Aquarius in the sky), there is also a protrusion on the chest of a lion's body, which some archaeologists considered the heart and a direct indication of the star Regulus.


Abu Al Hol - the name of the Sphinx in Arabic - is the father of fear. Fear of what - draw your own conclusions.

More on this topic video:

Naturally, with its simultaneous, that is, Mars, rapprochement at this moment with the Earth, the Earth at this time is in opposition to Venus. That is, the large cycle is divided into 2 sub-cycles. And the length of this subcycle, which is 591.5 years, fits very well with the estimated time between the two pole shifts.

Here are the years in which the big half-cycle begins at 591.5:

2003, 1412, 820, 229

The city of Machu Picchu in Peru, which is oriented towards the last pole in the United States, Nebraska was built, according to archaeologists, in 1440.

St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, which is oriented towards the last pole in Greenland - in 820. Let's remember these facts, they will be useful to us in the future.

In the meantime, back to the field circle in England.

The circle was drawn in 2003 and the clock on the circle measures 32 years from the start - the date the circle appeared. On this circle, 3 drops are clearly visible, which, as it were, flood or capture the outer filled circle - presumably the planet, since there are 2 objects inside the clock - Venus and Earth. The drop "drips" onto the outer filled circle, bypassing or not touching the inner one, that is, on the outer planet - in our case - the Earth, without touching Venus. Venus, after all, is closer to the Sun than the Earth, so that the Earth is the outer planet in relation to Venus. That is, it can be assumed that a drop that falls on the Earth means large floods on Earth. These 3 drops are obviously associated with the outer dial, that is, over the years. Let's try to check if there were major floods on Earth in the indicated years. The drops are drawn in "negative", that is,ears inside drops are not knocked down. In past circles, this meant that the event that the object painted in negative represents is in the future or in the past.

The arrow of 2 filled circles, which is connected to the largest drop in size, will conventionally point to 12 o'clock. Its peculiarity is that the drop, as it were, runs over the dial and touches 3 circles indicating the years. If the central filled circle - 12 o'clock - is the year the circle appeared, that is, 2003, then a year earlier and a year later there should have been floods on Earth. If we look at which years are opposite the "drops", then these are all years, except for 2009. Let's check this assumption.

Here is a reference on floods from 2000 to 2010.

Particularly large floods were in 2002 and 2013

2002: the largest flood in 100 years in Germany

2013 even more powerful flooding in Germany and catastrophic flooding in the Far East of Russia, India, the United States.

The events are quite consistent with the information on the circle. The fact that in 2003 not a single person on Earth could predict catastrophic floods in 2013 is obvious in my opinion. This is the second confirmation that not all crop circles are drawn by people.

It can be predicted that the next peak of floods, which will be even more intense and destructive than in 2013, will be, if you look at which years the next drop points to a circle, in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025. In the coming years, between 2013 and 2022, the intensity of floods will decrease. Although 2014, 2015 is also opposite the drop, so it is possible that the floods will ease only from 2015.

Now let's try to put forward a version about the time of the pole shift and the accompanying catastrophic flooding on the southern coasts throughout the eastern and northern ones throughout the western hemisphere.

Let's look again at the dates of construction of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice and Machu Micchu in Peru. The construction dates are between the start of the big cycle of 591.5 years and the end of the first small cycle of 32 years, which is indicated on the circle by a huge drop that covers the Earth.

the beginning of the cycle before last: 820. The end of the first small cycle in this large one is 820 + 32 = 852 years. This is presumably the year of the pole shift when all southern coasts in the eastern hemisphere were flooded. All structures that were built after this year with orientation to the cardinal points should be directed to the new pole in Nebraska, USA. And all the buildings that were built earlier should be oriented towards the old pole in Greenland. St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice was built in 820, before the shift and is oriented towards the pole before last in Greenland, all right.

the beginning of the last cycle: 1412. The end of the first small cycle in this large - 1412 + 32 = 1444 - the year the pole moved to its present place.

Machu Picchu was built in 1440, 4 years before the pole shift to its current position and is oriented towards the past pole in Nebraska, USA. Again, everything is correct.

The beginning of a new cycle, as we remember, is 2003. The end of the first minor cycle in this major - 2003 + 32 = 2035 - the year of the pole shift to North America.

The US Congress Building, the German Parliament in Berlin, built after the shift and oriented towards the current pole, all right again.

Let me remind you once again that the planet Nibiru of the Sumerians, which will cause floods, according to some sources, could be Mars.

Now it's time to schedule the pole shifts on planet Earth:

Pole Shift Schedule.

Shift date direction of movement of the lithosphere Mars in the zodiac Flooded country
2035 south Aquarius Greece, sea from the south
1444 north a lion Egypt, sea from the north
852 south Aquarius Greece, sea from the south
261 north a lion Egypt, sea from the north

Another interesting point: the large Egyptian pyramids are oriented towards the current pole, that is, according to our version, they could not have been built earlier than 1444. Nonsense, the reader will say? But historians Fomenko and Nosovsky in 1996 in their book "Empire" put forward a hypothesis that the great Egyptian pyramids were created in the XIV-XVI centuries AD … 1444 is the XV century. Directly striking coincidence of the data obtained absolutely independently of each other.

And here's another mystery: if you look at the distance between the old poles and, accordingly, Machu Picchu in Peru and Giza in Egypt, you will find another strange coincidence:

The last pole in the USA - Machu Picchu - distance 6582 kilometers

Past pole in the USA - Giza, Egypt - 10,696 kilometers

The last time pole in Greenland - Machu Picchu - distance 10134 kilometers

The last pole in Greenland - Giza, Egypt - distance 6065 kilometers

The distances are almost the same, but Machu Picchu changed places with Giza relative to the pole. But the poles have moved 5500 kilometers. Again, damn it, an accident, right?

An interesting fact is still found today: in the Crimea, at the bottom of the Black Sea, a mysterious tower was discovered. How, I wonder, she got there? In our version of the shift, it was simply flooded with a tidal wave, but what about the official interpretation?

Since the tower is wooden, it is possible to determine by the rings the year when the trees used for its construction were cut down, with an accuracy of one year. But something tells me that such a dating will not be done for the simple reason that it is impossible to explain that the tree was cut down not earlier than 600 years ago, and within the framework of the official version of history / geography / geology it will be impossible to explain how 600 years ago there was dry land at the site of the tower.


The American fortuneteller Edgar Cayce predicted that after 2000, part of North America would be flooded, and Siberia would not suffer. This is entirely consistent with our 2035 pole shift.

Here are excerpts from his predictions from here:

Again with regard to the physical changes: the earth will be split in western America. Most of Japan must be submerged at sea. The upper part of Europe will be changed in no time. The lands will appear off the east coast of America. There will be changes in the Arctic and Antarctica, leading to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift - so that the cold or subtropical climate becomes more tropical, and moss and fern grow there. These changes will begin between '58 and '98, the period when His light will be seen in the clouds again. (reading 3976-15) To make it clearer what a pole shift is, the video below shows the past shift.

If you look at the map, many of the coast and shelf lines are parallel to shear lines or perpendicular lines. Below is a video demonstrating this curious fact.

It is especially interesting to observe right angles in North America, South America, in the south of Europe in Spain, on the Arabian Peninsula, in Scandinavia. It is also interesting that the Adriatic, Red, Caspian seas are stretched along the lines of the pole's movement. Right angles parallel to the lines of displacement of the poles are quite natural if the poles change their positions in the indicated directions, but how to explain this fact without a shift?

- Part 5 -