Pole Shift. Part 3. Reconstruction Of The Disaster. Siberia And Circumpolar Regions - Alternative View

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Pole Shift. Part 3. Reconstruction Of The Disaster. Siberia And Circumpolar Regions - Alternative View
Pole Shift. Part 3. Reconstruction Of The Disaster. Siberia And Circumpolar Regions - Alternative View

Video: Pole Shift. Part 3. Reconstruction Of The Disaster. Siberia And Circumpolar Regions - Alternative View

Video: Pole Shift. Part 3. Reconstruction Of The Disaster. Siberia And Circumpolar Regions - Alternative View
Video: Year of Russia - Coping with a Warming Winter Climate in Arctic Russia | Kennesaw State University 2024, September

Part 1: "Pole shift. Physics of the process".

Part 2: "Positioning the past pole".

The previous article in the Pole Shift series discussed the positioning of the past pole. Based on the obtained estimate of the location of the past North Pole, the author sets himself the task of presenting his own reconstruction of catastrophic events.

When the graphic material on the topic of "Reconstruction of the Catastrophe" was prepared, it turned out that it was too much for one article. Therefore, the presentation was divided into several parts according to geographical areas. This material examines traces preserved in Siberia and the circumpolar regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Water is the main destructive force

The most ambitious in terms of consequences, in terms of the coverage of spaces, was the movement of water bodies on the surface of the planet. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, the release of underground gases, electrical atmospheric phenomena in their destructive effects were significantly inferior to those of the "revived" waters of the Flood.

What made the huge bodies of water move?

Promotional video:

Below is a diagram that, with some simplification, gives us an idea of the mechanisms of the phenomenon.


Two parts of the figure show two positions of the globe relative to the axis of daily rotation (the axis is shown as yellow vertical lines). The left side is rotation before the pole shift, the right side is after the pole shift. Accordingly, for the left side, the equator of the Earth is a line of turquoise color, for the right side, the equator is a line of yellow color. Both equators, old and new, intersect (in the region of the African Lake Victoria).

The pole shift process proceeded as follows: without stopping the daily rotation, the solid body of the planet rotated as indicated by the red arrows on the left side of the figure. It took, presumably, 6-8 hours. The axis of the Earth's daily rotation (relative to the external coordinate system !!) did not change in any way - its position at any moment of the shift was exactly the same as if nothing had happened to the planet.

Since the pole is called the conditional point of intersection of the axis of rotation of the planet with its surface, for an imaginary observer on the surface of the Earth, the pole has moved from one point of the surface to another. And depending on the location of this observer, the latitude, the direction to the cardinal points, the picture of the starry sky changed for him.

It should be clearly understood that the solid body of the Earth was actually moving, and not the axis of rotation! At the same time, for people moving along with the earth's surface, it all looked like a change in the position of the poles and the equator.

When the planetary body rotates, water on the Earth's surface in accordance with physical laws tries to maintain its previous position. As a result, the solid surface of the planet is rapidly moving in space, and the water by inertia tries to stay in place, and for an observer on the surface it looks like a powerful movement of water masses running on land. The approximate direction of this inertial flow is shown on the right side of the figure in the form of blue arrows.

The force that forces the body of water to move in a similar way, hereinafter will be called the term "first inertial component". The term "second inertial component" will denote the force of inertia associated with daily rotation - water tends to maintain the linear and angular velocity that it had at the moment when the pole "went". For the point on the surface where the given body of water is located, the solid surface will move with a different linear velocity corresponding to the new position of the pole and the specified point. The difference in the speed of water and a solid earth's surface will manifest itself in the fact that the observer will see streams, the movement of which will conflict with the usual dynamics of water for a given area. More details about inertial components are explained in the article "Pole Shift. Part 1. Physics of the process".

In the figure below, the large lilac arrow shows the direction of the first inertial component, and the blue large arrow shows the direction of the second inertial component, due to which the water flow from the Arctic Ocean gradually turns its direction to the west.


To better understand the scale of the catastrophe, the figure below shows the front of a giant wave that came out into Siberia from the north.


The lilac line in the center is the so-called "shift equator" - the line encircling the planet, along which the strongest inertial component (the first inertial component) arises.


Along this line at the pole shift, water has a maximum primary impulse of movement (in the coordinate system associated with the earth's surface). For a better demonstration of the direction of the inertial force (arising due to the "revolution of the Earth"), lines parallel to the "shift equator" are drawn on the maps. They are light lilac in color. In the figure, two such lines are built to the right and left of the "shift equator". They show how, approximately, the water would move if the action of the second inertial component did not arise.

We then move on to consider the facts and arguments supporting the proposed pole shift scheme.

Permafrost suggests the direction of streams

The following image was created using a map of "permafrost" overlaid with a diagram of water flows from the ocean. Thanks to geological data on the territorial location of permafrost, we can judge how the water behaved at the time of the pole shift.


The hypothesis of the formation of "permafrost" was proposed in his article by a researcher under the nickname Memocode. Its essence boils down to the following: at the bottom of the oceans at a depth of about 1000 meters and below, methane hydrates are formed - compounds of methane with water that stably exist at low temperatures or high pressure. At the moment of the pole shift, a mass of water, capturing bottom accumulations of gas hydrates, splashes out onto the mainland. The pressure drops sharply and the methane hydrates begin to decompose. The chemical reaction of the decomposition of these compounds is endothermic, that is, it absorbs heat.

Intensive absorption of heat from sea water leads to freezing of water and the formation of "permafrost" - a mixture of ice, methane, sand and methane hydrate residues. The permafrost map above shows the thickness of this formation. The thickest layer, more than 500 meters, is located along the ocean coast, and then the layer thickness gradually decreases with distance from the coast. Near the ocean, the water mass was oversaturated with gas hydrates and the formation of permafrost proceeded more intensively, and as the flow moved, as the stream moved away from the coast, the percentage of the compound decreased (since gas hydrates decomposed during the flow of flows). And the transformation of water into ice gradually decreased, and this affected the thickness of the permafrost. What we see on the map.

The permafrost, formed at the time of the pole shift, has preserved for us a general picture of the movement of water flows in Siberia and the scale of the Flood event.

The following map complements this reconstruction. It shows the integral result of many years of geological research in the northern part of Eurasia.


Traces of the movement of the water flow

On satellite images (obtained from the Google Earth program), you can see traces of the movement of a water-mudflow. Below in the picture is the region of the Altai belt pine forests.


The following figure shows the traces of the movement of the water flow at the southern tip of Severnaya Zemlya. Here water moves under the influence of the first inertial component parallel to the "shear equator". Probably traces were left in the very first phase of the pole shift.


The picture below shows the traces of the stream left on the Taimyr Peninsula. Most likely, this is the final phase of the shift. The first inertial component is no longer noticeable, but the movement of streams under the influence of the second inertial component is clearly visible - the linear speed of water is much greater than the linear speed of land (due to daily rotation). Streams of water simply sweep across the peninsula from west to east.


The following figure shows how the stream moved in the Hudson Strait region (northeastern North America).


Below are the traces of a stream left on the island of Iceland.


The following figure shows a reconstruction of water movement in the Bering Strait area.


Below is one of the French maps dated 1762 (1862 according to the modern chronological scale, SHSH - the author). Presumably, the cartographer reflected the state of the coast of Alaska and Siberia several decades after the disaster.


Note that where the western provinces of Canada are now, the map shows large lakes and bodies of water that are not present on the modern map.

How the lakes depicted on old maps appeared

Some older maps show large bodies of water in what is now the northwestern United States and western Canada.


If there was only one such map, it could be attributed to an error, the delusion of the cartographer. But there are a significant number of such cards, and this makes one believe that the cards depict what was in reality.


For comparison, here is a physical map of North America.


There is no "western sea" - Mer de l'Ouest - in the modern west of the USA and Canada.

Why did cartographers draw this sea so confidently, where did it come from and where did it disappear?

What is this "Grande Eau" ("big water" in French) that we see on the next old map?


The clue lies in the following diagram showing how the water flows during the pole shift in the circumpolar regions of the Western Hemisphere.


The powerful glaciers of the Newfoundland Peninsula and the Baffin Islands, formed in close proximity to the past pole in Greenland (white hexagons), move from the Atlantic to the west coast of North America.

After the pole shift, a huge ice massif abandoned in the Cordillera (mountains in the western United States) begins to melt intensively, forming vast bodies of water and streams of water flowing into the ocean. In particular, according to the author's assumption, this is how the landscape of the famous Grand Canyon is formed. Melt water breaks through deep winding channels in the underlying layers, consisting of loose mudflow mass. Gradually the ice fields disappear, the underlying layers dry up and turn to stone …

And we see a magnificent picture.


Continuation: "Part 4. Reconstruction of the catastrophe. America and Australia".

Author: Konstantin Zakharov
