Will We Find Happiness On Other Planets? - Alternative View

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Will We Find Happiness On Other Planets? - Alternative View
Will We Find Happiness On Other Planets? - Alternative View

Video: Will We Find Happiness On Other Planets? - Alternative View

Video: Will We Find Happiness On Other Planets? - Alternative View
Video: Is There Life On Other Planets? | SPACE WEEK 2018 2024, September

Sooner or later, mankind will be forced to leave planet Earth - this has been stated for several years by many scientists from different countries. The reasons are different: all sorts of cataclysms, world wars … The way out of this situation can be the colonization of space. Will humanity be able to master other planets and exist on them without hindrance?

“Humanity will not be able to live even 1000 years if it does not master other planets as its new place of residence,” says the famous British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. The 71-year-old scientist calls on humanity to more actively explore space to preserve itself.

He made this statement while giving a lecture at the Los Angeles Medical Center. “We just have to figure out how the universe works, and we can control it,” says Stephen Hawking.

This is not the first time a scientist has expressed such thoughts. In 2006, he already spoke about the need to find a new, unearthly home for a person. “Our only chance of long-term survival is not to hide on Earth, but to disperse in space,” Hawking is convinced. He also firmly believes that there is biological life in many parts of the universe, but warns against contact with it.

“Most likely, the aliens possessing consciousness will pose a great danger to humans. The land can be conquered and plundered by them. Remember what happened when the conquistadors sailed to America. I don’t think that humanity will be more fortunate than the Indians,”said the British scientist.

Sergei Krichevsky, a test cosmonaut and professor at the Academy of National Economy, agrees with Stephen Hawking. “If humanity wants to survive, survive and develop, it must go beyond the Earth, since our planet will have to leave one day,” he said.

Sergei Krichevsky was the initiator of the creation of the movement "Russia 2045", in which people are united by one idea - how to prolong a person's life, how to settle in extraterrestrial space. The participants in this movement are trying to find possible options for human existence when the Earth ends its existence.

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In 300 years, there will be no humanity

Information about the apocalypse appears in the media every now and then. Some scientists believe that the third world war will destroy the planet, others are sure that it will be a flood, and still others predict the fall of an asteroid. The list is endless. Recently, however, the idea of global warming has been the most popular.

Thus, according to the forecasts of Australian scientists, by 2300 due to global warming, humanity will not be able to exist normally on our planet. With a change in the thermal regime, the humidification regime will also change. The usual water cycle in nature may be disrupted. The decisive role in this will be played by the rate of temperature increase and the response to this factor of the entire climate system.

According to Australian experts, in 300 years more than 40 percent of the land will be under water. But even with the rest of the Earth, nothing good will happen - it will quickly use up the available resources, becoming unsuitable for human life. Scientists estimate that in three hundred years, the average annual temperature will rise by 12 degrees, which will have a devastating effect on people. Therefore, maybe we don't have the 1000 years that Hawking spoke of. Perhaps you need to more actively explore other planets? However, in the process of space exploration, many questions arise. And the most important of them is - can humanity live in space?

Man is not adapted to permanent life in space

US President Barack Obama has adopted a 2030 astronaut landing program on Mars. His idea is supported by the scientist Stephen Hawking. However, many scientists believe that dreams of long journeys into space and even colonization of space will remain dreams. According to Tenis Pirsma, a professor at the University of Groningen (Netherlands), the long stay of a person in a state of weightlessness contradicts his biological essence, which firmly binds him to the Earth.

Hawking and other space travel proponents simply underestimate the biological limitations of long-term space travel. For example, it will take several years to get to Mars, but a person simply cannot leave his home planet for such a long time - human physiology and biology are very closely related to the Earth.

The human body can function normally only under conditions of gravity. The devastating effects of weightlessness can be seen by looking at astronauts returning to Earth after being in space for a long time. Their bodies are weakened so that they cannot move even without assistance.

And these are only "flowers" in comparison with the negative changes that can occur after a man's flight to Mars. Astronauts suffer primarily from the heart. After one week in zero gravity, it significantly decreases in size, which leads to a decrease in the volume of our body's motor and an increase in blood pressure.

Astronauts, after several months of work on the ISS on Earth, experience constant dizziness and temporary blindness, since blood circulation has been impaired for a long time, little blood has entered the brain. The space explorers suffer from muscle tissue, especially the muscles of the legs. There are negative changes in the metabolism. The level of fat oxidation is reduced, which can lead to the fact that muscle tissue is replaced by adipose tissue. Weightlessness poses the greatest danger to human bone tissue. In zero gravity, a person loses up to two percent of bone tissue per month. During a three-year trip to Mars, astronauts can lose about half of their skeleton …

Can't fly further than Mars?

Recently, the human flight to Mars has become a fix idea. This goal is getting closer every year. According to scientists, in the next 3-4 decades, mankind will be able to land on Mars. But man is always not enough achieved. When Mars is conquered, people will try to move on. Nobody says that this is completely impossible, but there are many obstacles. For example, Lev Zeleny, director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that mankind does not need to indulge in vain illusions. He is convinced that Mars will be the destination of space travel. The person will not fly further.

In his opinion, cosmic radiation will not allow this. Even on Mars, a person cannot stay for a long time - he will die from radiation sickness. “Earthlings simply do not want to move deeper into outer space, because the risk to their lives is too great,” Zeleny is convinced. Our planet's magnetic field protects astronauts in orbit from harmful rays. Far from the home planet, the human body will be exposed to the catastrophic effects of radiation. The rays will destroy DNA, the central nervous system, and lead to cellular mutations.

Summarizing all the above information, I would like to ask a question to mankind - maybe it is better to preserve our native Earth, adapted for human living, than to seek refuge on unknown and dangerous planets for us?