Is Our Planet Able To Breathe? - Alternative View

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Is Our Planet Able To Breathe? - Alternative View
Is Our Planet Able To Breathe? - Alternative View

Video: Is Our Planet Able To Breathe? - Alternative View

Video: Is Our Planet Able To Breathe? - Alternative View
Video: Evidence for a Flat Earth and Typical Glober Responses 2024, September

The great Hermes Trismegistus said that our planet is a living and intelligent organism. In the "Emerald Tablet" you can read about how the "universal Spirit" continuously descends from the distant heights of the sky. Relatively recently, the words of the ancient magician and philosopher have received scientific confirmation. As it turned out, the planet Earth can "breathe" with certain cycles.

The scientist Evgeny Barkovsky, the author of the new theory of gravity, managed to penetrate into the secret of the Earth's breathing. According to Barkovsky's calculations, the Earth completes an inhalation-exhalation cycle in about 20-30 years. On inhalation, the globe resembles a melon in configuration, since it deforms along the axis of rotation. By the moment of "exhalation" the planet becomes more like a pumpkin.

Changes in the geometry of the globe caused by the alternation of “inhalation-exhalation” cycles cause rupture of lithospheric plates. As a result, from time to time in certain regions of the Earth, seismic activity increases, volcanic eruptions begin, and giant tsunami waves are formed.


However, the authors of the monograph "On the Living Earth", spouses Tatiana and Vitaly Tikhoplav, are ready to argue with the calculations of Evgeny Barkovsky. They believe that our planet's breathing cycle is much faster. The Tikhoplav spouses are sure that the time of day, latitude and season, as well as the position of the Moon and other plates of the solar system, affect the breathing of the Earth. For example, at the equator, the “breathing” cycle takes 130 minutes, and at mid-latitudes it takes no more than 30..40 minutes.

What secrets does the geocrystal keep?

The thinker Plato described our planet as a leather ball, sewn from twenty equilateral triangles and twelve pentagons. He called the places of connection of separate "patches" the energy centers of the planet. Moreover, some of these centers perceive light energy from the Universe, while the rest of the zones absorb dark energy.

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Many years passed, and scientists from France - mathematician Poincaré and geologist de Beaumont - became interested in Plato's theory. They suggested that the planet is capable of deforming into a dodecahedron shape (the geometric figure you can see in the illustration above). The development of this theory has led to very unexpected results. Russian engineers V. Morozov and V. Makarov established that the most famous anomalous zones of the planet are located on the tops of the conditional "dodecahedron":

- The sea of the devil - the place of death of many ships;

- Bermuda Triangle, where ships and aircraft disappear;

- Easter Island;

- The pyramids of Egypt, which are considered not only tombs, but also ancient temples;

- Anomalous zone of Molebka.

The breath of the Earth has the strongest effect on its energy centers. The ancient priests skillfully used both light and dark energy. Many ancient temples were erected in places of the greatest concentration of cosmic forces. The mention of various ways of using the powers of Mother Earth has survived in the legends of almost all peoples of the world. The only pity is that most of the information about ancient techniques has been irretrievably lost …

Is the planet's breath a threat?

Have you ever heard of such a natural phenomenon as geopathogenic zones? This term is called "dead" areas located at the intersection of the geocrystal energy grids. Some researchers believe that the breathing of the planet has a direct impact on the formation of geopathogenic zones.

Scientists Yu. V. Musiychuk and E. K. Melnikov managed to find out what danger anomalous geopathogenic zones pose. People who arrive in such places for a long time are much more likely to have heart disease, oncology, and multiple sclerosis. In the "dead" zones, the harvest does not ripen, the death of livestock often happens, trees and berry bushes wither.

It is likely that our ancestors deified the Earth for a reason. Our planet is not only a bearer of life, but also a very complex energy-rich system.