Profession - Parapsychologist - Alternative View

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Profession - Parapsychologist - Alternative View
Profession - Parapsychologist - Alternative View

Video: Profession - Parapsychologist - Alternative View

Video: Profession - Parapsychologist - Alternative View
Video: ParaPsychology - Psychology in Hindi 2024, July

“I can disperse the clouds, but I haven’t learned to make it rain yet…”

And what do they themselves think about the regulation of the work of parapsychologists? How can this mysterious profession be described? And how should we, mere mortals, relate to specialists who, according to them, see our future, can correct our destiny and know when we will die? For answers to these questions, we turned to one of the most famous parapsychologists in Lithuania, Vladimir AZANOV.

People come to him with traditional everyday questions. Women ask about love, men - about how to make money and keep health, and Azanov himself, following Bulgakov's Woland, states that for more than 15 years of his practice, the problems that worry people have not changed at all.

Vladimir, you probably know that the Diet is considering a draft law on the regulation of the work of psychologists, in connection with which our politicians have thought about how to regulate the activities of magicians, parapsychologists, healers, healers and others working in this area. How do you feel about such a bill?

- I think it's not serious. After all, no one can certify our work. Tell me, who will appreciate my work as a parapsychologist? Or who will appreciate the work of a medicine man? Then you need to create a special commission of our own specialists. But this is also not easy. So far, the state can only assess how legitimate our activities are from the point of view of entrepreneurship. For example, I have a company, I pay taxes, and whether I provide services well or badly, let my clients evaluate it.

“But you must admit that they can only assess it by trial and error

- But in the same way, you can evaluate the work of a dentist or hairdresser. People often come to us, like them, on recommendations, and this is normal. If you helped a person, then his relatives, acquaintances, friends will come to you. And if you hurt someone, then in a maximum of six months you will be unemployed.

Trust your eyes

And yet how to immediately distinguish a good parapsychologist from a charlatan?

- I think you need to trust the logic and the first impression. Firstly, a self-respecting specialist will never give such advertising as, for example, "I will cure cancer!" The specialist does not guarantee anything, because all problems are individual. Only those who knowingly know that they cannot fulfill this promise promise a lot. Take a close look at how the healer behaves with you during the first meeting. A good specialist should not have a pronounced dominance, he will never put his "I" above yours. Just listen to your heart - whether you like this person or not. If you don't like him, it's best to turn around and leave. This means that your energy does not match, and it is unlikely that anything useful will come out of your communication. You shouldn't look at the parapsychologist with bated breath and believe everything he says without looking back. Even if the person saysthat he sees an aura or a biofield does not mean that he actually sees it.

Still, back to the experts. Who could evaluate your activity, if not at the state, then, say, at the academic level. After all, we have an Academy of Parapsychology …

- There is an Academy, but I don’t know what is the real benefit of it. I think that in order to become a parapsychologist, I listen to lectures a few times a week.

If you make a mistake, you will get sick yourself

Must there be an innate talent?

- I would not call it a talent. There is a talent for singing, dancing, drawing. And every day to deal with grief, with problems is a black job. In general, one does not come to parapsychology from a student's bench or from the street. People who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes are coming to our region. Those who have experienced clinical death, serious accident or illness. I myself came to parapsychology after cancer. I managed to get out of the cancer when all the doctors had already buried me. After such experiences, people begin to read, study, and become interested in parapsychology. However, even after learning, not everyone works with patients. I have many acquaintances who seriously studied astrology, and nevertheless it remained a hobby for them. To work with people, you also need to be a psychologist. By the way, in three European countries, however, now I don’t remember which ones,parapsychology is taught in public universities along with the exact and humanities. However, most of us come to it through self-education. Now a lot of literature has appeared, cannot be compared with what it was in the 90s. I remember that in 1991 I ordered two books from Moscow - "Astrology" and "Herbal Medicine". How happy I was then! Whether it's now: you go into a bookstore - your eyes run up. Although books alone, of course, are not enough either. Practice will show what kind of specialist you are. We have a simple measurement - if you did something wrong, you will get sick yourself. This is how our work is evaluated. And since no one wants to get sick, we learn from our mistakes.cannot be compared with what it was in the 90s. I remember that in 1991 I ordered two books from Moscow - "Astrology" and "Herbal Medicine". How happy I was then! Whether it's now: you go into a bookstore - your eyes run up. Although books alone, of course, are not enough either. Practice will show what kind of specialist you are. We have a simple measurement - if you did something wrong, you will get sick yourself. This is how our work is evaluated. And since no one wants to get sick, we learn from our mistakes.cannot be compared with what it was in the 90s. I remember that in 1991 I ordered two books from Moscow - "Astrology" and "Herbal Medicine". How happy I was then! Whether it's now: you go into a bookstore - your eyes run up. Although books alone, of course, are not enough either. Practice will show what kind of specialist you are. We have a simple measurement - if you did something wrong, you will get sick yourself. This is how our work is evaluated. And since no one wants to get sick, we learn from our mistakes. And since no one wants to get sick, we learn from our mistakes. And since no one wants to get sick, we learn from our mistakes.

Have you ever had cases when you worked incorrectly and got sick from it?

- When I first started working, it was so. And now it happens with beginners. Did something - fell down and lie. You lie and think, what did I do wrong, where did I go wrong? If you understand, it will feel better … You don't do this anymore. This is how you develop your strategy. Personally, I combine knowledge of psychology with astrology and divination by tarot cards. Charts give the answer on an intuitive level, and the astrological forecast usually gives the same answer, but in the form of dry calculation. Everyone can choose what they like best - numbers or intuition. In general, I'll tell you this: the main principle of our work is not to harm.

Relatives curse worse than a sorcerer

But there are some of your colleagues who harm - they cause damage, make love spells, lapels

- We have almost no such serious specialists in Lithuania. So in everyday life, you can not be afraid. Damage or make a love spell anyhow who can not, even if they really want to. But our people usually do not distinguish between these concepts. I'll tell you briefly now.

The simplest thing is the evil eye. Anyone can jinx, even a tradeswoman in the bazaar, whom you, as she believes, paid little. You return home and feel unwell - you have a headache. The medicine is simple - you need to take a shower, because the water washes away not only physical, but also energy dirt, drink a cup of coffee, and everything will pass.

Damage is more serious. Only a close person - a relative or a loved one - can damage you, scolding you in the heat of the moment. True, both gypsies and the mentally ill can spoil. Their biofield is changed, so they have this ability. The symptoms of spoilage are similar to those of the flu: weakness, high fever, and aching bones. The person is sick, but doctors cannot diagnose anything. And this is why it happens. When damaged, the biofield is distorted. It seems to be compressed from the impact, and in order to regain its normal shape, it raises the temperature of the physical body. It rises, and the biofield expands again, but this requires quite a lot of energy, and the person lies exhausted for some time. It happens that spoilage takes root in the liver, spine, gastrointestinal tract, and then a person starts psychosomatic diseases,which are difficult to heal unless the cause is addressed.

The worst thing is the curse. Many clients come to me, who immediately declare from the doorway: they say, I was cursed. Looking at them, I can only smile: it is immediately evident that he never faced a curse. The curse is the programming of a person for suffering, for a serious illness, disability. The curse hits the energy centers, blocks the circulation of energy. And since it cannot circulate freely, sooner or later an explosion occurs. It can manifest itself as a heart attack or stroke. In fact, curses are a cry from the heart. A mother can curse, for example, the driver who hit her child. Newborns die from the curse, women have miscarriages. One client of mine who was cursed did not feel either cold or hot water. I could put my hand in boiling water - and nothing.

And that, even the burn was not?

- No, no reaction. Some time after we worked with her, she called and said: "Today I felt warm water." Of course, a professional can also curse, for example, by talking about such products as honey, sugar, alcohol. A person will eat such a product, and the organs begin to work out of their rhythm, and then their work completely goes wrong.

However, according to you, it turns out that harm can be caused by our relatives and friends

- Yes it is. The human biofield is quite elastic and capable of repelling the blows that strangers inflict on us. Look at the politicians: how many people are pouring mud at them, and yet not one of them has died yet. But we react to kindred spirits. We do not close ourselves off from them, and the related energy seems to stick to ours, modifying it.

Make Your Gardens Rain

What about your professional ethics? After all, it is believed that a parapsychologist can program a person for trouble with an accidentally spoken word

- That's why we don't say everything. For example, I will never tell a person the date of his death. I don't answer questions like "how many mistresses does my husband have?" I try to behave tactfully both in relation to the client and in relation to his relatives. In general, it is easier to understand how much and how you can tell a person if you know his zodiac sign. Here Gemini can say anything - they easily perceive information. Cancers need to be dosed: if you tell them something unpleasant, they will close and begin to worry. I also pay attention to the profession of the patient. The teacher can listen for a long time and attentively, and the laborer very soon ceases to perceive anything at all.

And yet, almost everything that you have told, I think, is explainable at the level of traditional science. Do we have examples of real magic in Lithuania? So as in a fairy tale - levitation, dispersal of clouds

- Not in Lithuania, but in Ukraine I came across this. I have seen people who can grow a tooth, or reshape their nose, without surgery. Can disperse or collect clouds. Before my eyes, my teacher created a cloud and rain to water his garden. He did not want to walk with a watering can, so he worked on the house in this way. For example, I cannot create a cloud, although I can disperse the clouds for a short time.

(Outside the window there is a dense fog, at which I glance thoughtfully, deciding whether to ask Vladimir to demonstrate my abilities. But the interlocutor answers my unspoken thought in the negative.)

- Now, of course, I will not do this, because it is not so simple, to show the correspondent. But I did it a couple of times. Before the wedding, so that the bride does not go to the church in the rain. Then they told me the exact time of the wedding, and I stopped the rain for a short period … But now, alas, it won't work, it's not so easy. I’m not a magician, they are born magicians, I’m only interested in…

Varvara Kozlova, journalist of Express Week.


Miracles do not happen!

- Officially there is no such science as parapsychology! - the head of the mental health center Martynas Marcinkevičius unambiguously states. - The law on the regulation of the activities of psychologists, and with them parapsychologists, magicians and healers, is necessary primarily in order to facilitate the choice of people. Not even every psychologist is capable of treating mental illness, let alone such specialists. Often, ordinary psychologists do not have enough knowledge, experience, and medicines. Therefore, we often come across cases when people go to psychologists for consultations for years, and then end up in our hospital with an already advanced disease. Although I do not deny the positive influence of various oriental practices such as yoga, meditation. They relax, calm a person, although everyone understands that it is impossible to defeat the disease with their help.

The same specialist applies to various parapsychological practices.

- I don’t think that all of them should be banned, just people should know what to expect from such activities. And now, unfortunately, we see that charlatans deceive gullible people, promise them impossible things for a lot of money, but people believe. People generally tend to believe in miracles and are lazy to work. After all, what is a doctor's treatment? This is mostly the work of the patient himself. Any conscientious specialist will tell the patient that the result depends only on him, that he must fight the disease himself - spend time and energy on it, that this is a difficult and often unpleasant process. And how nice to hear that all your problems will be solved by someone else's uncle in just a few sessions! For this, people are ready to pay big money.


Today, under the Advertising Act, parapsychologists, sorcerers, healers and their colleagues have the right to advertise in the media only if they have a patent. In addition, the advertiser has no right to claim that the healer cures diseases or corrects karma. Now, most often they write: I guess on cards, interpret dreams, give advice in difficult situations, and whether or not to use advice is a private matter for everyone.