In Conjunction With Space - Alternative View

In Conjunction With Space - Alternative View
In Conjunction With Space - Alternative View

Video: In Conjunction With Space - Alternative View

Video: In Conjunction With Space - Alternative View
Video: TRUE Limits Of Humanity – The Final Border We Will Never Cross 2024, September

Indeed, recent years have been a time of rehabilitation not only for individuals, but also for entire scientific fields. Anthropocosmoecology, founded by Vernadsky, Chizhevsky and for a long time later expelled from Russian science, is one of them. In Siberia, this direction found further development in the works of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. His latest achievements have gained priority in world natural science. Some of them will be discussed.

No astrologer can compare with the accuracy of the forecast of Novosibirsk scientists about the time of the most unfavorable cosmic impact on the human body. Whether you are a retired person or a baby, put your date of birth in your computer and in ten minutes you will know if you can sleep peacefully. Or when and how to protect yourself from diseases, strokes, premature death …

The laboratory of helioclimatopathology has developed a database of the space situation of each day for the last 70 years by seven parameters. These are geomagnetic activity and interplanetary magnetic field, the influence of sunspots and the number of magnetic storms …

It turned out that during the period of intrauterine formation, the body is least protected from various kinds of harsh influences, and the space situation that has developed at this moment in many respects, including for health, plays a very important role in the future fate of a person.

This situation, individual for everyone, can be repeated, and it must be met at the height of all protective forces. For during such a period, any additional impact can "trigger" the mechanisms of many diseases, which are already much more difficult to fight.

The first stage of research was devoted to one of the most active factors - the magnetic field. And as a result, a method of protection against the oppressive influence of magnetic storms has been developed. According to statistics, every third person in our country is exposed to it. People with high blood pressure are especially affected. It is no coincidence that the number of hypertensive patients is not decreasing, but is increasing in some areas.

All this was told by the senior researcher of the laboratory, Candidate of Medical Sciences Alexander Vasilievich Trofimov:

“We have found a fairly simple way to help people with increased magnetic sensitivity. We decided to use reflexology points. According to our data and the materials of other researchers, the electrical resistance in them is very dependent on the external environment. Following the principle of "knocking out a wedge by a wedge", we create a constant magnetic field in a person by placing micromagnets on an elastic basis on his bioactive points. And the organism is thereby removed from the influence of space.

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Scientists, when making recommendations, also take into account two important factors to which medicine is still closing its eyes. The places of our residence with you have their own "personal" magnetic background. And if you have high magnetic sensitivity, then you, unknowingly, expose yourself to additional stress, often living in places of magnetic anomalies. Although, perhaps a few kilometers away, your stability will always be normal. In the event of a move, probably everyone is interested in knowing where it is better to live so as not to endanger health.

Few people think about the increased electromagnetic pollution in the area of large cities in recent years. Household and industrial electromagnetic fields are an additional source of oppression for many of us. Imagine the state of a magnetically sensitive person in such an environment, which also falls under the blows of the space "press". The majority, however, cannot change their job or place of residence. This is where the saving micromagnets come in handy.

The laboratory has tested the technique at large enterprises. As a result, for example, at the Chkalov Novosibirsk aircraft plant, the drop in working capacity on unfavorable days decreased by two and a half times. The number of ambulance calls has also decreased. The effect is multifaceted. Sleep improves, blood pressure in hypertensive patients is normalized, headaches and heartaches decrease, labor productivity is noticeably increased.

We sort of place dangers for everyone, protecting a person from breakdowns, strokes, and sometimes saving his life. I would like not only the patients themselves, but also the leaders of large labor collectives to show initiative. Small costs in this more than a noble cause will be reimbursed many times both in moral and economic terms.

The new approach found by the researchers will also help healthy people, athletes striving to maintain their shape. Using the method of expresszinc magnetosensitivity and a computer database, scientists are able to determine the cosmic risk for everyone who wants to play sports. And in a new way to form groups of beginners for any sport. It has been established that sports performance depends on what day the training or competition takes place. No matter how high-class an athlete is, if he has a strong magnetic sensitivity, then he will not achieve good results during periods of magnetic storms or flares on the Sun. So sports organizations can get information about the days of defeats of their wards in advance and "plan" victories.

Unexpected, but, as it turned out, logical were the results of studying people with unusual abilities. While studying the influence of space on humans and searching for appropriate methods to unlock the protective reserves of the body, scientists found that the methods they found also contribute to the disclosure of extrasensory capabilities. The question arose: can this phenomenal natural gift be scientifically organized? The efforts of the past three years have responded positively.

Now, with the help of an original computer program, they will tell you whether you have such a predisposition, and, if there is, they will help to develop it and teach you scientifically and methodically. For an explanation of whether the student will be able to use the acquired power for evil, let us turn to the same A. V. Trofimov.

“No,” he says. - We have developed an objective method that helps to understand what direction of these forces a person has. We can test those who wish, even in absentia. A bioindicator system connected to a computer has been created in our laboratory. The Chinese rose acts as an indicator - a plant that is very sensitive to such influences. This complex allows us to record ultra-weak impacts at very large distances. We no longer doubt and are ready to convince any skeptic that the weakest signal of an informational nature under certain heliophysical and cosmic conditions can be perceived thousands of kilometers away. If someone wants to turn his “good”, namely “good”, to this plant, then we, according to the answer calculated by the computer, say: whether his signal has been received or not and what sign it is. To put it simply, with plus or minus. That is, conversations in the now fashionable literature about white and black magicians have acquired objective significance for us.

The scientist also said that future psychics who are preparing within the walls of the institute are allowed to work with people only if they have an unconditionally positive effect on the surrounding biosphere and on humans. Nature has decreed that the bearer of the healing power, even if he wants to harm someone, is simply powerless to do so. The other, with all good intentions, is not able to bring good, and he cannot be allowed to practice in medicine.

Now no one dares to predict all the consequences of the current "unconventional" boom. The number of cooperatives continues to grow, where amateur psychics who, like Ilya Muromets, feel a "great power" in themselves, but do not know how to use it wisely, act recklessly. It will take years to create an appropriate research and organizational base in the Ministry of Health. It would be nice to “pass” through the quite accessible and reliable “filter” created at IKEM, the whole mass of psychics who are now treating the country.

By the way, recently in the Magadan region, the authorities have forbidden "folk healers" to heal without a certificate from the central authorities and the Ministry of Health. But will the latter be able to distinguish white from black? That's the question.

From the book: “XX century. Chronicle of the inexplicable. Opening after opening”. Nikolai Nepomniachtchi