Outside A Store In Texas, A Security Camera Caught A Strange Anomaly - Alternative View

Outside A Store In Texas, A Security Camera Caught A Strange Anomaly - Alternative View
Outside A Store In Texas, A Security Camera Caught A Strange Anomaly - Alternative View

Video: Outside A Store In Texas, A Security Camera Caught A Strange Anomaly - Alternative View

Video: Outside A Store In Texas, A Security Camera Caught A Strange Anomaly - Alternative View

The ghostly anomaly that floated past the surveillance camera is the latest in a series of paranormal events taking place at the Sansom Park grocery store, which is located northwest of Fort Worth, Texas (see video below).

The black translucent cloud that appeared in the parking lot outside the store on Monday November 13 after 7 p.m. puzzled even a skeptic like Mohammad Hammad, who is one of the store's owners.

“When I watched this video, I couldn't find any explanation. This is something supernatural,”he said.

The video clearly shows how the strange formation slowly moves in the frame from left to right, and then disappears into the wall.

“This is not fog or smoke. I do not believe in all this, but … - said Ahmad, brother of Mohammed, who was working at the time in the store. “There were no cars passing by, so it’s not smoke. And it was hardly a shadow. The cloud hit the wall from the side where our light is on. Thus, if it were a shadow, it would disappear where it is light."

Shop visitors also agree with the shop owners.

“I think it was a ghost,” said Chris Gilliland.

According to the brothers, strange incidents have already occurred in the store, the chair moved by itself and the cups rotated without anyone's help. Therefore, the video from the security camera made them believe in the existence of ghosts.

Promotional video:

So far, they called the police, but it didn't work. Ahmad says the next person he's going to call will be the ghostbusters.

Voronina Svetlana