In The Flower Shop, The Boy Photographed A Violent Ghost - Alternative View

In The Flower Shop, The Boy Photographed A Violent Ghost - Alternative View
In The Flower Shop, The Boy Photographed A Violent Ghost - Alternative View

Video: In The Flower Shop, The Boy Photographed A Violent Ghost - Alternative View

Video: In The Flower Shop, The Boy Photographed A Violent Ghost - Alternative View
Video: GAY TEEN Pressured To COME OUT, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann 2024, September

In the photo: The outline of the ghost is outlined in the frame with a white line

The far from superstitious Tatyana Loginina had to think about the existence of other worlds. At first, inexplicable sounds interfered with the woman's trade in flowers. And then the shelves seemed to come to life. A mother and daughter tell how they tried to put in place the constantly falling package of seeds.

- In the morning you come - it is already lying around, this bag. The whole day hangs well, the night will pass, again in the morning you come to work - he again lies. And how can he?.. Two days ago, Tatiana's son took a picture of the restless corner. Roma came to replace his mother, and when he was left alone, he began to rummage in his cell phone.

- Roma Login: I was sitting here, Mukhtar is lying as usual, doing nothing. And abruptly as he began to growl, his fur rose, and bark. I took a quick photo of this place. The same photo. The outlines of a man are visible in the corner. Lip contours, nose and sly squint. It was he who scared women the most.

Nor did Victor Shono deny the presence of the entity. The shaman has already seen spirits in photographs. It was only once, on Olkhon. As Victor notes, the dead are reluctant to show themselves.

- Victor Shono, shaman: He is here from those times, he is a wandering spirit here. I can see it, even the dog feels it, the dog starts to get angry spontaneously. Evgeny Golubev is also inclined to believe that the phantom could stay in the world of people. A local lore scientist declares that the current generation of Ulan-Ude people does not know about all the secrets of the past.

- Evgeny Golubev, ethnographer: There could be something, some kind of burial. Maybe this is the place of execution, the place of execution during the times of the personality cult, repression. There are a lot of such scattered graves within the city, near it. We conducted our own independent experiment and tried to find out if it is possible to recreate the outlines of a phantom with the help of Photoshop. You can start by taking a photo of a person and then choosing a different background. The designer superimposes one photo on top of another, adds an effect … Not even an hour passes - the ghost is ready.

Fake for comparison

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- Vasily Bazhenov, editing director of the TV company "Arig Us": It is quite possible to create something similar by means of graphics. Here are just a ninth-grader Roma with a computer, as he says, “on you”. A karate fighter who disappears in training for days has no idea what filters and design editors are.

- Roma Login: I don’t do that, I don’t even know how to do that.

- Corr.: So you are sure that this is a ghost?

- Roma Login: Yes. Because this one staggered, I also noticed. - All the same, we all understand that there is some kind of world that we do not understand. Nobody has proved that this does not exist, and nobody has proved that it is …