Is The End Of The World Possible? Likely Scenarios - Alternative View

Is The End Of The World Possible? Likely Scenarios - Alternative View
Is The End Of The World Possible? Likely Scenarios - Alternative View

Video: Is The End Of The World Possible? Likely Scenarios - Alternative View

Video: Is The End Of The World Possible? Likely Scenarios - Alternative View
Video: 10 Apocalypses The Government Is Preparing For 2024, July

Probably, there is not a single person in the world who, at least once in his life, would not think about how the end of the world would look like. Everyone has their own thoughts on this, but there are several versions that are most common.

Just a few years ago, in 2012, the world lived in anticipation of the end of the world. Months, days, and then minutes were counted. But nothing happened. And enthusiasts with renewed vigor began to predict, look for clues in ancient documents and just fantasize. So what came of this?

First of all, it is necessary to say a few words about the prediction of the Mayan tribe. In the records that were left by the ancient priests of this civilization, in fact, there are no clear indications that would indicate that the world will cease to exist in December 2012. Meanwhile, the ancient Indians were very skillful in their astronomical and astrological calculations and were able to predict many significant events. According to the Mayan calendar, it was on December 21, 2012 that the end of the time cycle, the duration of which was 5125 years, and the beginning of a new one took place. Representatives of civilization were sure that the flow of time is not at all linear, it is cyclical, therefore it is quite possible that the end of the world is canceled, and instead there will be a kind of "reset". Actually, this is how it happened …

Another version of the end of the world, perhaps the most replicated and widespread, is the theory that the end of the world will come as a result of the collision of the Earth with an asteroid. This hypothesis became widespread mainly due to the numerous films that exploited this topic over the years. In ancient times, according to the theory, one giant asteroid had already fallen on our planet, as a result of which the dinosaurs became extinct. Therefore, it is quite possible that something similar can happen to human civilization. The chances of developing such a scenario are much higher than most others and amount to approximately 1 / 700,000. However, the chances of preventing such a collision are also quite high, because the asteroid can be tracked and destroyed with the help of modern equipment and technology and not give it the opportunity to reach Earth.

According to another scenario of the apocalypse, the planet may die as a result of the onset of a new ice age. The adherents of this theory argue that if the climate continues to change, it becomes quite possible, even if the changes are gradual. It is quite obvious that nothing like this will happen in the near future, but in the end, humanity may die precisely from the icing of the planet.

Pessimists are more determined. In their opinion, it is likely that the apocalypse will be the result of the outbreak of a nuclear war. The likelihood of such an event is very high. Besides, it is one of the most terrifying and real apocalyptic options. The war itself, the supporters of the theory are sure, will be uncompromising and cruel, and the nuclear winter that comes after is so destructive that there is practically no chance of surviving it.

The variant with the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons is also close to this scenario. The preconditions for its emergence were the threats of the former leader of Libya, M. Gaddafi, about the use of chemical weapons against Europe, if its troops did not stop bombing the Libyan territory under his control. In this regard, they recalled the predictions about the use of chemical or nuclear weapons in the Third World War, as well as the fact that as a result of this war the entire Northern Hemisphere will become lifeless.

The following theory relies heavily on biotech disaster. Today, genetic engineering is spreading rapidly, but so far mainly in food. This rapid development raises certain concerns, because it’s even scary to imagine what could happen if something went wrong. Moreover, even the scientists themselves at the moment cannot claim that they have fully studied all the possible nuances of the impact of transgenic engineering on humans. Simply put, no one can say for sure what effect GMO foods have on the human body, and whether they can, interacting with human genes, cause mutations. Thus, the "zombie apocalypse" scenario so much touted in films and comics is also very likely.

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The apocalypse can also occur as a result of the explosion of a powerful neutron star in outer space. The reasons for this scenario were earthquakes that occurred in 2004. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7, 8, and then 9 points occurred in one and a half kilometers from Indonesia. It caused a tsunami, the waves of which reached 1.5 meters and covered the coast of Thailand and Indonesia. Then more than 200 thousand people died. But … just a few minutes before the start of earthquakes, scientists recorded a powerful impact of gamma radiation from space on our planet, quite possibly from the explosion of the neutron star Magnetar. Supporters of this scenario do not exclude that the impact of gamma radiation can be repeated, and, moreover, it can be much stronger, which will lead to the destruction of the Earth.

The explosion of Jupiter and its transformation into a new star can lead to the apocalypse. In the 90s, the Galileo spacecraft with plutonium batteries on board was flooded on this planet. The battery housing will not be able to withstand the pressure for a long time, therefore, over time, they will collapse, and the reactor itself will collapse. This can trigger a powerful nuclear explosion that will trigger a chain reaction. In this case, Jupiter will turn into a huge hydrogen bomb. After the explosion of Jupiter, a catastrophe will occur on all planets of the solar system, and life on Earth will be completely destroyed.

Another "cosmic" scenario for the end of the world is associated with the mysterious planet Nibiru, which, according to some experts, affects the movement of the Earth. When Nibiru approaches the Earth, it will reach the brightness of Venus. When passing through the ecliptic of our planet, Nibiru will be at a record close distance from the Earth, which could lead to a change in geographic poles.

A similar thing can happen as a result of the so-called "Janibekov effect". This phenomenon was discovered by cosmonaut Dzhanibekov during a space flight. Its essence lies in the fact that any body flying in outer space, after certain time intervals, turns over 180 degrees, and after some time it turns over again. With such a coup, the Earth's surface will be covered with a 100-meter layer of water, since the Antarctic ice will move to warm latitudes and melt. With a sudden revolution of the planet, the atmosphere will disappear for a while. The temperature will then drop to absolute zero (-273 degrees). The Earth's magnetic field will also disappear, as a result of which all living things will perish from hard cosmic radiation. The apocalypse will be accompanied by active volcanic activity. The eruption of a colossal volcano is also possible. Today, there are about 500 active volcanoes on our planet. Only in the United States there are three so-called "super-volcanoes", as well as the same volcanoes are found in Indonesia, New Zealand, Japan. Each of them is capable of an eruption capable of covering up to 240 cubic miles of area, which is thousands of times more than all major volcanic eruptions in the entire history of human existence. In this case, the destruction will be simply enormous, and dust and dirt can completely cover the Earth from exposure to sunlight for several years. In fact, there will be a nuclear winter. Japan. Each of them is capable of an eruption capable of covering up to 240 cubic miles of area, which is thousands of times more than all major volcanic eruptions in the entire history of human existence. In this case, the destruction will be simply enormous, and dust and dirt can completely cover the Earth from exposure to sunlight for several years. In fact, there will be a nuclear winter. Japan. Each of them is capable of an eruption capable of covering up to 240 cubic miles of area, which is thousands of times more than all major volcanic eruptions in the entire history of human existence. In this case, the destruction will be simply enormous, and dust and dirt can completely cover the Earth from exposure to sunlight for several years. In fact, there will be a nuclear winter.

Black holes, of which there are tens of millions in outer space, are also of great danger to the Earth. They rotate slowly and can mix throughout space. That is, one of the black holes may be in the Earth's orbit and drag it into oblivion together with humanity.

There are also more fantastic doomsday scenarios. So, in particular, according to one of them, our planet may die as a result of the invasion of aliens. On Earth, according to the authors of this theory, there are many resources that make the planet a potential target for the invasion of alien beings. It is quite possible that they need oxygen, hydrogen, or they simply need new territories to settle the growing population of their own. A person cannot be absolutely sure that he is alone in the universe, and that the alien mind will be benevolent towards people.

No less fantastic theory about the end of the world is associated with robots. At first glance, this seems completely incredible and even ridiculous, but in fact, her supporters are sure, anything can be. After all, all that is needed for the development of such a scenario is one active robot who will reach such a level of development that he can think independently and decide that he has had enough. And since the robots do not know the basics of diplomacy, the situation can be quite tense …

But the next reason for the apocalypse may sound absolutely insane, but the likelihood of a massive epidemic of insanity that is capable of engulfing humanity as one of the possible scenarios for the end of the world is not so absurd. Physical health has improved significantly over the past century, but at the same time, mental health has deteriorated significantly. And all because, the adherents of this theory believe, that the human body is simply not designed for such a long life as it becomes. But scientists argue that life expectancy will only increase over time, which is facilitated by rapidly developing medicine with new technologies for extending life. Already, the number of suicides and depression has increased significantly among the elderly. Therefore, one can only imagine what will happen,if people live for over a hundred years …

There are many similar theories. Believe them or not - every person's business. Time will tell who was right, and whether he was right at all. In the meantime, there is an opportunity - you just need to rejoice at every new day you live!