Yeti Autograph. Bigfoot Left Him In His Own Portrait - Alternative View

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Yeti Autograph. Bigfoot Left Him In His Own Portrait - Alternative View
Yeti Autograph. Bigfoot Left Him In His Own Portrait - Alternative View

Video: Yeti Autograph. Bigfoot Left Him In His Own Portrait - Alternative View

Video: Yeti Autograph. Bigfoot Left Him In His Own Portrait - Alternative View
Video: Merkur 15C, Captain's Choice North, Yaqi 24 мм, лосьон Як и Йети. Shark Blades | Бритьё с HomeLike 2024, July

Scientists searching for Bigfoot can bring 2015 to their credit. Still - now they have the autograph of this creature!

Igor Burtsev, Director of the International Center for Hominology, Candidate of Historical Sciences, talks about this and other events of the past year.

Stone and corn

- The entire twentieth century. there was a collection of data about Bigfoot: they found bones, pieces of wool, footprints, recorded eyewitness accounts, studied the features of his behavior and nutrition. And at the beginning of the XXI century. they began to find strange constructions of branches, sticks and trees in the forests. Someone bends and twists branches, sticks poles into the ground like a palisade. There are huge trunks fixed at a height of several meters between other trunks. Who and why needed to build such structures in a deep forest?

And then it turned out that there are similar things in other countries. I was visiting a friend from Oregon (USA). He was skeptical about the existence of Bigfoot (as the Bigfoot is called in America). We walked through the forest, and I drew his attention to unusual structures (here is an arch made of branches, here is a crosshair), but he brushed it off: this is because of the wind, this is because of the snow. And suddenly we see a huge trunk - it is cleaned of bark, turned over and stuck into the ground! There are a few more nearby, smaller ones. My friend sat up in amazement.

In recent years, we have learned something else: Yeti leave signs to each other in the form of branches laid out in a certain way. These signs are similar to ancient writing, runes. A group of Canadians led by Randy Brisson recorded more than 3 thousand of these signs. They are classifying them and have already begun to understand their meaning.

There is also a researcher in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan who communicates with these creatures using ancient Slavic signs. He spreads the inscription on the ground with chopsticks - the next day another appears in its place. We asked him to leave a message. He posted: "Bring the stone here." The next morning, the stone lay in place, and a message was left nearby, which Nikolai (as his name is) translated as "Bring me corn." He brought two ears of corn - the next day they disappeared.

Promotional video:

There, in Kazakhstan, an experiment was carried out. From a wooden structure in the form of a pyramid, it was possible to light a 12-volt light bulb. It is believed that the yeti are able to extract energy from the space around us, which Nikola Tesla once suggested doing. And the structures they build can be sources of such energy.

Such traces were found in Kazakhstan


Photo: Igor Burtsev /

Goblin behind the tent

One of the regions where Bigfoot encounters often occur is the Kemerovo Region. In the summer of 2015, something amazing happened there.

Andrei Lyubchenko, an artist from Tashtagol, went into the forest for birch bark and other natural material he needed for his work, and in the forest he ran into a hairy giant. They stood silently, looking at each other. Andrew suddenly felt that he was addressing him mentally, with the help of telepathy. Bigfoot said that people began to heavily pollute the forests, its habitats, made it clear that he did not live alone, but with his family.

During this "dialogue" Lyubchenko took a birch bark, a pencil and began to draw a portrait of the interlocutor, then showed him. The man nodded and scrawled a sign next to the drawing with his fingernail. That is, he left an autograph! Andrei mentally asked his name, and he answered: "Ta-ban." The local shaman later explained that in translation from Shor this word can mean either "Big leg" or "Elusive". Eventually, the Yeti telepathically said goodbye to the artist and they parted.

There was another case near Tashtagol in the summer of 2015. A 12-year-old boy found huge footprints on the banks of the river on the clay. The boy was with his father, and they photographed them.

But if you think that the Yeti lives somewhere far from Moscow and the inhabitants of the metropolis are not in danger of meeting him, then you are mistaken. Snowmen literally surrounded the capital! I counted 15 points in the Moscow region, where they found unusual wooden structures, broken branches, etc. 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road, a cottage settlement was built 5 years ago - and, apparently, they ousted Bigfoot from these places. Now there every day new structures appear in the forest. Imagine: at a height of 3 m on the branches lies a torn tree trunk intertwined with other branches.

In the Ramensky district of the Moscow region (60-70 km from Moscow), a former mathematics teacher Valentina Titova worked at her summer cottage - she was engaged in raspberries - and heard a rustle behind. She turned around and was dumbfounded. A huge creature was crawling out of the bushes. She took a step towards her and, meeting her gaze, stopped. His height, according to her estimates, was about 270 cm. And after a few seconds the creature began to disappear before our eyes, as if some kind of film fell on him and gradually hid the body. Valentina Andreevna was frightened, quickly packed up and left. I have been there - there is a real jungle around.

In addition, we received a signal from the Klin region. There, a local resident, while fishing, met a goblin (as he called him). We went there, found a lot of twigs and stayed overnight, pitching a tent. A camera was installed that took automatic photographs every 5 minutes. During the night we did not notice anything strange. But when we arrived in Moscow and looked at the photographs, we saw a dark silhouette behind the tent. He was there for about an hour. The quality of the photographs is poor, but our experts saw anthropomorphic features in this silhouette.

In the silhouette behind the tent, the experts discerned anthropomorphic features.


Photo: Igor Burtsev /

In general, the abilities of these creatures are amazing. There is even a version that they can inhabit both our three-dimensional space and four-dimensional. To move to the fourth dimension, they use portals that are inaccessible to us. Hence their ability to suddenly disappear. I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that this is some other civilization living in parallel with ours, and it should be seriously and carefully studied.