About Good And Evil - Spirits Say - Alternative View

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About Good And Evil - Spirits Say - Alternative View
About Good And Evil - Spirits Say - Alternative View

Video: About Good And Evil - Spirits Say - Alternative View

Video: About Good And Evil - Spirits Say - Alternative View
Video: 6 WAYS DEMONS ENTER | Protect YOUR Family from these Spirits 2024, April

Good and evil live in our hearts. What did you choose?

Life itself is neither good nor evil:

she is a repository of both good and evil, depending on what you yourself turned it into.

Michel de Montaigne

Systematic answers given by spirits of high rank to questions asked by them. The answers to the questions were received in the course of seances, "automatic writing", or "psychography", in the "Paris Society of Spiritual Research", under the leadership of A. Kardek.

Contracts with "evil spirits"

Promotional video:

• Is there some truth in the stories about the contracts made with the spirits of evil?

“No, there are no such agreements, but there is an evil nature that sympathizes with evil spirits. For example, you wish harm to your neighbor, but you do not know how to do it; then you call to you the lower spirits who, like you, thirst only for evil, and for helping them they want you to serve them in their evil intentions; but it does not follow from this that your neighbor cannot free himself from them with the help of opposite spells and his own will. Whoever wants to do evil deeds, thereby calls on evil spirits to help him; and then he will be forced to serve them, as they serve him, because they also need him for the evil that they wish to commit. This is only the "agreement with the dark forces" is concluded."

Note. The dependence on evil spirits, in which people sometimes find themselves, comes from their adherence to bad thoughts that they inspire them, and not from any contractual obligations between them. "Contract" in the everyday sense attached to this word is an allegory that outlines the evil nature sympathetic to evil spirits.

• What is the point in fantastic legends in which some people allegedly sell their souls to Satan in order to get some benefits from him?

- “In all fairy tales there is a certain lesson and moral meaning; man's trouble is that he always understands them literally. This legend is an allegory, which can be explained in this way: who called the spirits for help in order to receive from them the gifts of fortune or some other advantage, having done so, he murmurs against Providence; thereby renouncing the assignment that he received and the trials that he must undergo here, and the consequences of this he will experience in his future life.

This does not mean that his soul will be forever plunged into misery; but because instead of being freed from matter, he plunges more and more into it, then that which constituted his joy in the physical world, he will not have spirits in the world until he redeems all this with new trials, perhaps still more imposing and agonizing than those he had given up.

Because of his love for material enjoyment, he makes himself dependent on evil spirits; a tacit agreement between them and him leads him to 'ruin', but it is always easy for him to break this agreement with the assistance of good spirits, as long as he has a firm desire for that."

Occult power. Talismans. Sorcerers

• What to think about the belief in the power of the evil eye that some seem to have?

- “Some people have a fairly large magnetic force, which, however, they can give very bad use if their own spirit is bad, in which case they can be assisted by other evil spirits; but do not believe in some imaginary "magic" force that exists only in the imagination of superstitious people who do not know about the true laws of nature. The facts cited in this connection are natural facts, but which were poorly observed and were even worse understood."

• What might be the effect of verbal formulas and techniques with which some people want to subdue the will of the spirits?

- “Their action will be such that people who really believe in all this will be ridiculous; otherwise, they will simply be swindlers who deserve punishment. Any verbal formulas are nothing more than buffoonery; there is not a single sacramental word, no cabalistic sign, there is no talisman that would have any effect on spirits, because they are attracted only by the power of thought, and not by material things."

• Didn't some of the spirits themselves dictate cabalistic formulas?

- “Yes, you sometimes come across such spirits that show you various signs, strange words, or that prescribe you certain actions, with the help of which you do what you call“conspiracies”; but you can be sure that these spirits laugh at you and abuse your trust."

• The one who, rightly or not, believes in what he calls the "strength" of his talisman, can he not, by his faith, attract a certain spirit to himself, because then the thought acts, and the talisman is no more than a symbol that helps to him to direct this thought?

- "It is right; but the nature of the spirit attracted will depend on the purity of intentions and the height of the feelings of the caller; meanwhile, it rarely happens that someone who is so simple as to believe in the "power" of any talisman does not pursue a material rather than a moral goal; in any case, it can mean mental insignificance and weakness, and this in itself attracts the spirit of the imperfect and mischievous."

• What is the meaning of the term "sorcerer"?

- “Those whom you call 'sorcerers' are people if they are filled with goodwill, endowed with some abilities, such as, for example, magnetic power or second sight; and then, because they do things that you do not understand, you believe as if they are gifted with supernatural power. Didn't your scientists often look like sorcerers in the eyes of the ignorant?"

Note. Spiritualism and magnetism give us the keys to understanding many phenomena, about which ignorance has composed many different fables, in which the facts were exaggerated by the power of imagination. Knowledge, however, enlightened by these two sciences, which form a single whole, because it shows the reality of these things and their true cause, is the best defense against ideas of superstition, because it shows what is possible and what is impossible, and what is within the laws nature, and what is nothing more than an absurd belief.

• Do some people really have the gift of healing with a simple touch?

- “The magnetic force can extend to this, when it is maintained by the purity of feelings and the desire to do good, because then good spirits come to your aid; but do not trust the stories of people who are too trusting or overly enthusiastic, who are always predisposed to see miracles in the simplest and most ordinary things. It is also necessary to beware of the interested stories of those who use human gullibility for their own gain."

• Can blessings and curses attract good and evil to those who are their target?

“God does not at all listen to unjust curses, and the one who utters it is guilty in His sight. Since we have two opposite geniuses: one is good, the other is evil, this may express their temporary influence, which extends even to matter; but this influence takes place only by the will of God and as an additional test for the one to whom it is directed. However, as a rule, it is the evil who are cursed and the good are blessed. But neither blessing nor curse can ever turn Providence from the path of justice; it strikes the damned only because he is angry, and his protection extends only to the one who deserves it."

Relativity of happiness and unhappiness

• Is it possible that a person would have the fullness of happiness on Earth?

- “No, because life was given to him as a test or atonement; but it depends on him to alleviate his troubles and be as happy as it can only be possible on Earth."

• We understand that a person can be happy on Earth when humanity is transformed; but so far this is not the case, can everyone provide themselves with relative happiness?

- “Man is often the blacksmith of his own misfortune. However, implementing the law of God in practice, he delivers himself from a multitude of evils and creates for himself such happiness, which can be possible within the bounds of a gross physical existence."

Note. A person who is actually imbued with his future destiny sees only a temporary refuge in his bodily life. For him, it’s just a short stop in a bad hotel; he easily consoles himself over some transitory inconveniences of his journey, which will lead him to a position the better, the better he is prepared for this position in advance.

Even during our lifetime, we are punished for violating the laws of physical existence with diseases, which are the essence of the consequences of this violation and our excesses. If we return step by step to the source of what we call our "earthly misfortunes", we can see that they are mostly the result of the first deviation from the straight path. Because of this deviation, we have embarked on a bad path, and from investigation to investigation we fall into misery.

• Happiness in earthly life depends on the position that you managed to take here; and yet what would be enough to make one happiness causes the other's unhappiness. But is there a measure of happiness common to all people?

- “For physical life it is the possession of everything necessary; for spiritual life, it is a clear conscience and faith in the future."

• But what would be superfluous for one does not become necessary for others, and vice versa, depending on the situation?

- “Yes, of course, depending on your material ideas, prejudices, ambitious claims and ridiculous whims, which the future, when you understand the truth, will reward you. Of course, the one who had 50,000 annual income and is forced to receive 10,000 considers himself very unhappy, because he can no longer afford to have such an important appearance as before, cannot occupy what he calls "his position.", keep horses, lackeys, satisfy all their whims, etc. He believes that he lacks what is necessary; but sincerely tell me, is he worthy of pity when next to him are dying of hunger and cold and those who have no roof over their heads? The wise, in order to be happy, looks down, and up only in order to raise his soul to Infinity."

• There are misfortunes that do not depend on the course of action and strike even the most just person; is there no such means to protect oneself from them?

“He must then humble himself and endure them meekly, if only he wants to progress; but in his conscience a man always finds consolation, which gives him hope for a better future, if he does everything necessary to achieve it."

• Why does God give gifts of fortune (wealth, for example) to someone who, apparently, does not deserve such mercy?

- “It looks like gifts and grace only in the eyes of those who see nothing but the present moment; but know that wealth is a test often more dangerous than poverty."

• Isn't civilization, creating more and more needs, a source of new grief?

- “The troubles of the physical world are in direct connection with the made needs that you have created for yourself. He who can moderate his desires and without envy looks at what is beyond his capabilities, he protects himself from many disappointments and mistakes in this life. The richest is the one who has the least needs.

You envy the pleasure of those whom you consider to be the minions of fate; but can you know what is in store for them? If they enjoy only for themselves, then they are egoists, and then the other side of egoism turns against them. Better have pity on them. The Lord sometimes allows an evil person to flourish, but his happiness is unenviable, because he will pay for it with burning tears. If a just person is unhappy, then this is a test that will be credited to him if he can withstand it with dignity. Do not forget the words of Christ: "Blessed are the suffering, for they will be comforted!"

• Excess, of course, is not a component of happiness, but the same cannot be said about the necessary, and is it not really the misfortune of those who are deprived of this necessary?

“A person is truly unhappy when he does not have a body necessary for life and health. Such deprivation happens, perhaps, through his own fault, and then he should blame only himself; if it is the fault of another, the responsibility falls on the one who is the cause."

• By the distinction of natural inclinations, God clearly indicates to us our calling in this world. Are not many troubles stemming from the fact that we do not follow this calling?

- “That's right, and often it is the parents who, out of pride or stinginess, lead their children away from the path set by nature, and by this movement destroy their happiness; for this they will be responsible."

• Do you, therefore, consider it fair that the son of a man standing high in society, for example, mending boots, if he has the makings for this occupation?

- “One should neither fall into stupidity, nor exaggerate something: civilization has its own needs. Why would the son of a high-ranking man, as you say, fix his boots if he can do something else? He can always benefit to the best of his abilities, if they are not used to harm. So, for example, instead of being a bad lawyer, he could be a good engineer, etc."

• There are people who are absolutely destitute even when abundance reigns around them, and they have only death in perspective; what decision do they need to make? Should they allow themselves to starve to death?

- “You should never have the thought of allowing yourself to die of hunger; it would always be possible to find a means of subsistence, if pride did not stand between need and work. It is often said: “There is no need to be ashamed of any work. It is not craft that denigrates. "But they say this about others, not about themselves."

Note. With a wise and prudent social structure, a person may lack what is necessary only through his fault; but this guilt itself is often the result of the environment in which he finds himself. When a person begins to put into practice the law of God, he will have such a social system that is based on justice and participation, and the person himself will become better from this.

• Why are suffering classes in society more numerous than happy ones?

- “In reality, none of them are completely happy, and what you consider to be happiness, as a rule, is fraught with acute suffering; suffering in your world reigns everywhere. Yet, to answer your question, I will say that the classes you have called “suffering” are more numerous because your planet is a place of redemption. When a person turns it into a place where good reigns and good spirits live, then there will be no more unfortunate people on it and it will become an earthly paradise for people."

• For what reason in the world does the influence of the wicked often prevail over the influence of the good?

“This is due to the weakness of the good; the evil intrigue and attack, the good are indecisive; but as soon as these latter want it, they will prevail."

• If a person is often the blacksmith of his material suffering, is it the same with mental suffering?

- “The same, at the same time to a greater extent, because sometimes material suffering does not depend on the will; but wounded pride, wounded ambition, restless avarice, envy, jealousy, in a word, all passions for the soul are instruments of torture.

Envy and jealousy! Happy are those who do not know these two gnawing worms! With envy and jealousy, there can be neither calmness, nor the possibility of complacency and rest for the one struck by this evil: the objects of his lust, hatred, vexation arise before him, like ghosts that do not give him any respite, and haunt him even in his dreams. Those who are envious and jealous are in a state of constant fever. Is it possible to wish this for yourself, and do you not understand that with such passions a person arranges for himself voluntary torture and that life on earth becomes a real hell for him?"

Note. A person is often unhappy only because he attaches great importance to earthly things; it is frustrated vanity, ambition, and avarice that create his misery. If he puts himself above the narrow circle of material life; if he raises his thoughts to Infinity, which is his destiny, then the vicissitudes of man's existence seem to him then insignificant and childish, like the sorrows of a child who is worried about the loss of his favorite toy, which was a source of higher pleasure for him.

The one who sees his happiness in the satisfaction of pride and coarse appetites becomes unhappy when he is not able to satisfy them, while the one who is content with what is necessary is also happy with what seems to be unhappiness to everyone else.

We are talking about a civilized person, for a savage, because his needs are more limited, there are no the same reasons for frustration and worries: his way of seeing things is completely different. In a civilized state, a person reflects on his misfortune and analyzes it, and therefore he is more affected by it; but he can also contemplate and analyze the means of comfort.

Allan Kardek
