The Return Of Jack Bouncy - Alternative View

The Return Of Jack Bouncy - Alternative View
The Return Of Jack Bouncy - Alternative View

Video: The Return Of Jack Bouncy - Alternative View

Video: The Return Of Jack Bouncy - Alternative View
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February 1837 was nothing special in the English capital, if not for one event that literally shook the whole of London. One evening, the city dwellers walking sedately were scared half to death by a strange creature that was moving in huge leaps along the streets of the city, jumping over the heads of stunned passers-by. If it were just another joker, then everything would be much easier, but the fact of the matter is that the appearance of this jumper completely excluded any kind of joke.

Sparkling, literally burning in the dark, round red eyes of the monster inspired such horror that young and old Englishwomen, like sheaves, fainted, and men were speechless and only convulsively squeezed their canes. True, Jack Jumping - as the townspeople called this terrible creature - did not touch anyone and only swept with huge leaps through the streets of the city, spreading panic and horror. At first, the police did not take the reports of Jumping seriously, but soon the monster was seen by a police officer. He was so shocked by the monster's jump through a gate about four meters high that he just threw up his arms and did not get tired of repeating: "This is just incredible" …

Three nights in 1837 Jack the Jumping terrorized the inhabitants of the English capital, jumping over the highest walls and easily escaping the pursuit. Then he disappeared for a while, and a year later in Bow he attacked Jane Ellsop. The woman then described something shapeless, with glowing red eyes, it suddenly appeared right in front of her and, jumping over her head in a huge leap, was carried away.

In this case, it is difficult to talk about the attack - Jack Jumping did not rob Jane Ellsop, did not bite … Just one appearance of this terrible creature was enough for this overly impressionable lady to scream to the whole world about the terrible attack of the monster.

The bouncer did not calm down. From 1850 to 1860, he periodically appeared in many towns in southern England and brought the authorities to such an extent with his antics that the mayor of London quite officially appointed a reward for Jack the Jumping Jack, dead or alive. Journalists vying with each other printed in the newspapers more and more testimonies of eyewitnesses who met a terrible monster, and called the monster "enemy number one."

Thousands of people, armed with anything, took to the streets of cities and hunted for the elusive jumper. Jack Bouncy was described as a man with glowing red eyes and icy hands, capable of jumping over an obstacle four-five meters high without a run.

It got to the point that in the places where this monster was most often met, they began to set traps and traps, the victims of which were innocent cats. Twice the monster was still cornered. For the first time, several bullets were fired at him, but the monster with a devilish laughter jumped to an incredible height and left the pursuers, and, despite the obvious hit of bullets, no traces of blood were found.

A few months later, in Newport, Jump was shot again, and again to no avail. It seemed that this creature was spellbound from ordinary bullets, some seriously argued that Jack Jumping was a fiend of hell, and offered to atone for sins and pour silver bullets for the monster.

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In 1877, the monster seemed to appear for the last time and, it seemed, passed away from the life of the British along with the 19th century. But in 1904, Jack Jump was back! On September 10, 1904, the police were called to one of the districts of Liverpool, where a whole crowd with open mouths watched a real circus performance that took place on the roofs of the surrounding houses.

This time, Jack the Jumping Monster broke all his old records, he calmly jumped from roof to roof of houses ten to twelve meters apart … Shocked townspeople, many of whom did not even know about the existence of such a jumping monster in the past, looked with bated breath how this creature, somewhat similar to a man, swept high over their heads with bestial grace. The women screeched with fear, someone demanded that Jumping immediately go down and stop the terrible jumps.

However, the monster did not react at all to what was happening below: it seemed that he was just enjoying his overwhelming energy and frolicking on the roofs like a March cat … The last comparison is quite legitimate, because before his final disappearance, Jumpers stood up like cats on all four limbs (paws?) and with a giant leap he sank into obscurity. Since then, Jack Bouncy has never been seen again.

Over time, some researchers even expressed doubts about its real existence in those distant years, suggesting that only mass hysteria gave rise to an elusive monster in the heads of the British … However, a huge number of witnesses, among whom were not only impressionable women, but also policemen and military men, did not allows us to relate to the Jack Bouncy phenomenon with such captivating simplicity. Where did this monster come from?

Many different versions have been put forward. One of them - Jumping was still a man with unique physical abilities for jumping, a kind of joker who enjoyed frightening women.

This version crumbles to dust when you remember that the monster frightened the British for almost seventy years - no person could have maintained such excellent physical shape at an already venerable age. True, ordinary street robbers began to work under Bumpers, they put on long white robes, fastened springs to their feet and, jumping high, frightened impressionable young ladies, robbing them to the skin, but their activities clearly had nothing to do with the English monster.

The most popular version of recent years: Jack Jumping was an alien from another planet … True, if you think about it, then such an abnormal alien could only escape from some galactic mental house … Fly to Earth to jump with bulging eyes on the roofs of houses, this is, sorry too hard to understand. Now, if we imagine that some kind of pet like our cat escaped from the aliens, then everything will fall into place.

If the Bouncy Jump appeared in our time, they would certainly have put forward the assumption that this monster is the result of the underground experiments of modern geneticists.

Since the famous Jack Jumping at one time came into contact with people and they felt him as a real physical object, then any theories about his origin from the world of spirits clearly do not have any ground under them, the most probable hypothesis is that Jack Jump into our world from another dimension. On our planet, this is not the only case of the appearance of various monsters, which then suddenly disappeared without a trace, although before that they left quite real traces of their presence.

It seems that in good old England there are much more such "holes" in another dimension than in any other place on Earth, so all kinds of evil spirits crawl out of them, frightening respectable Englishmen …