The King Of Saudi Arabia Shocked The Whole World With His Decrees - Alternative View

The King Of Saudi Arabia Shocked The Whole World With His Decrees - Alternative View
The King Of Saudi Arabia Shocked The Whole World With His Decrees - Alternative View

Video: The King Of Saudi Arabia Shocked The Whole World With His Decrees - Alternative View

Video: The King Of Saudi Arabia Shocked The Whole World With His Decrees - Alternative View
Video: Early Muslim Expansion - Arab Conquest of Iran and Egypt 2024, September

What did the current king of Saudi Arabia, Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud, do that surprised and delighted some, and puzzled and even frightened others?

As soon as he took the throne after the death of his late brother, he issued a series of decrees aimed at further improving the welfare of his people. In particular, all employees, students and retirees were given a reward in the amount of two months payment and half a million citizens were forgiven their monetary fines of up to 133 thousand in terms of US dollars.

By the way, such decrees should be issued by any democratic country where the power of the people is allegedly exercised. But in fact, as it turned out, only kings and other "dictators" are capable of such actions, who really (that is, not in words, but in deeds) care about the interests of their subjects.

You can list the list of blessings of the Saudi king and further, but anyone interested in this information can learn more about this on his Twitter page. Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud of the seven kings who ruled this country, became the first sovereign who acquired an account on a social network and through it directly communicates with his people. His popularity on Twitter is fantastic - almost 2 million subscribers to date. And this is far from an accidental interest - there are not so many such rulers who completely devote themselves to caring for their people, and not just decent, but also smart and talented, in our human society.

What other decrees of King Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud would like to be mentioned without fail:

- he simply expelled all foreign prisoners from his country, without the right to enter it ever, instead of supporting this horde of criminals at the expense of his people;

- he allocated 20 billion US dollars to provide the population with free drinking water and electricity;

- he took under strict control the culture, sports, education, cooperative and trade union movement in the country, periodically pouring huge amounts of money into these areas and much more.

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How did politicians and Western media generally react to this unheard-of generosity from the ruler of Saudi Arabia? Very wary, with doubts about royal sincerity. Indeed, it is much more customary for the Western world to publish lengthy programs and promises of the president, prime minister, chancellor, and so on, and then not fulfill any of these promises. Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud promised from the very beginning of his reign only one thing - to try to continue the policy of his late brother in everything. And that's all. The rest is real deeds, which today everyone can judge, applauding this ruler without fail standing …