Prophecies Of The Monk Magnus About The Future Of The Earth - Alternative View

Prophecies Of The Monk Magnus About The Future Of The Earth - Alternative View
Prophecies Of The Monk Magnus About The Future Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies Of The Monk Magnus About The Future Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies Of The Monk Magnus About The Future Of The Earth - Alternative View
Video: 7 shocking predictions for 2020 and beyond 2024, September

Dominican monk Albert von Bolstedt, nicknamed Magnus, lived from 1181 to 1280. He studied natural sciences, philosophy, theology and became famous for his predictions of the future. In his work "Oracle" Magnus predicted many events that have already taken place in our world, and some of them have yet to come true.

The monk talked about the discovery of a huge continent far beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar), which will be populated by northern peoples. According to the seer, this state (USA) in the future will become a powerful state under the sign of the cross (Christianity).

The Prophet foresaw that Germany would almost be able to take over the world three times in a period equal to 700 years from the day of his death. This prediction also came true, for the first time Germany achieved power under Charles V of Habsburg (1519-1556), the emperor of the "Holy Empire of the German Nation". The second stage fell on the years of the Hohenzollern dynasty, when the country was united under the auspices of Prussia. And the third period refers to the rule of Hitler and the Second World War.

Albert Magnus foresaw the beginning of the era of space travel 700-800 years after his death. He said that people in the future will visit the moon and other planets. New islands will appear in the Atlantic Ocean, and an ancient continent will emerge from under the water, probably the legendary Atlantis.

The prophet predicted the disappearance of Islam as a religion 800 years after his death (2080). According to Albert von Bolstedt, the world will be divided between three great superpowers, and only God's messenger will help resolve the dispute between them.

The Prophet said that a thousand years after his death (2280) angels will descend from heaven, just as they did in antediluvian times. At this time, there will be no great calamities, wars and human suffering on Earth, and a "golden" age will come.