The CIA Director Explained The Nature Of Chemtrails - Alternative View

The CIA Director Explained The Nature Of Chemtrails - Alternative View
The CIA Director Explained The Nature Of Chemtrails - Alternative View

Video: The CIA Director Explained The Nature Of Chemtrails - Alternative View

Video: The CIA Director Explained The Nature Of Chemtrails - Alternative View
Video: Chemtrails Explained In Under 2 minutes 2024, September

On June 29, 2016, CIA Director John Owen Brennan addressed the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. Towards the end of his speech, Mr. Brennan spoke about working towards climate change and, among other things, openly admitted that the US military is spraying special aerosols in the stratosphere. The main task of this technology is to reduce the temperature on the planet, but it also allows you to regulate the weather in different parts of the planet, which essentially turns it into a climate weapon.

Unfortunately, this performance was not particularly noticed, and the totality of the confessions made by Mr. Brennan is still underestimated. However, already now it can be perceived as a recognition of the fact that the US authorities are systematically working on climate change on planet Earth, and the recent climate change and widespread cataclysms, such as fires and droughts, floods, strange cyclones, abnormal weather records and hopeless clouds over individual regions are, most likely, the consequences of their activities.

Excerpt from a speech by John Brennan, taken from the official CIA website and translated into Russian:

Another example is the multitude of technologies, often referred to collectively as “geoengineering”, that have the potential to help reverse the effects of global warming. Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) attracted my personal attention. It is a method of planting special particles in the stratosphere that can help reflect the sun's heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.

The SAI program could limit global temperature increases by reducing some of the risks associated with higher temperatures and giving the global economy more time to switch from fossil fuels. The process is also relatively inexpensive - the National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $ 10 billion a year.

As promising as it could be, the use of SAI will lead to many problems for our government and for the international community. Technically, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will still have to be accompanied by the use of SAI, which leads to other effects of climate change, such as ocean acidification, but using SAI alone will not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

From a geopolitical perspective, the potential of technology to change weather patterns and benefit certain regions at the expense of others may be strongly opposed by some countries. Others could take advantage of the SAI and waive their commitments to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. As with other disruptive technologies, there are no global norms and standards for the deployment and use of SAI technology.

The original text of the speech can be found on the US CIA website:

Promotional video: