A Los Angeles Resident Filmed Two UFOs Spraying Chemtrails - Alternative View

A Los Angeles Resident Filmed Two UFOs Spraying Chemtrails - Alternative View
A Los Angeles Resident Filmed Two UFOs Spraying Chemtrails - Alternative View

Video: A Los Angeles Resident Filmed Two UFOs Spraying Chemtrails - Alternative View

Video: A Los Angeles Resident Filmed Two UFOs Spraying Chemtrails - Alternative View
Video: Proof That 5G Is Going To Make Us All Sick? 2024, September

The video, filmed in early April by a Los Angeles resident who called himself John Grass, shows two objects rushing into the sky, leaving long trails behind them, called "chemtrails" by knowledgeable people (see video below).

Chemtrails, which differ from airplane contrails in that they can hover in the sky for several hours, are chemical aerosols containing toxic compounds of barium, aluminum, strontium, intended, according to the authorities, to regulate the climate and prevent the greenhouse effect. However, conspiracy theorists consider them to be chemical and bacteriological weapons to reduce the world's population.

According to anonymous employees of leading airlines, operations to spray toxic aerosols, which are carried out mainly from passenger aircraft, are elevated to the rank of the most secret military operations.

And now, in the context of this topic, it is worth paying attention to the video presented by John Grass, and take a closer look at two objects flying at great speed. At first glance, the pair moves in a logical order for a military operation, master-slave, but looking at the external outlines of the objects, it becomes clear that they clearly do not look like military jets or passenger airliners, which, moreover, are not able to develop a similar speed.

In addition, the author of the video, who is a keen hunter for chemtrails, was very surprised by the fact that not one, but two aerial objects leave traces at once.

“These planes always fly one at a time, and I've never seen them go in tandem,” John Grass said in an interview with researcher Hans Boysen.

When John zoomed in, he realized that the fast-moving objects were nothing more than two spherical UFOs made of polished metal gleaming in the sun. But the main intrigue lay ahead. After a few seconds of flight, one of the observed objects turned around and showed its triangular contour with a bright blinking light source in the center.

But this already completely changes the matter. The chemtrail hunter believes that his video of two UFOs spraying aerosols over Los Angeles may prove irrefutable evidence of collaboration between aliens and the authors of the population reduction program.

Promotional video:

What if the triangular UFOs are not alien spaceships? It is quite possible that secret tactical scouts TR-3B Astra, capable of developing hypersonic speed, or their more modern versions, made using technologies of the same aliens, are involved in this inhuman program.

One short video, and so many questions …

Voronina Svetlana