Devil's Ravine In The Pskov Region - Alternative View

Devil's Ravine In The Pskov Region - Alternative View
Devil's Ravine In The Pskov Region - Alternative View

Video: Devil's Ravine In The Pskov Region - Alternative View

Video: Devil's Ravine In The Pskov Region - Alternative View

Not far from the village of Lyady (Pskov region, Russia), there is a very mysterious place overgrown with ferns - Devil's ravine. It seems that Mother Nature herself made sure that no one approached the ill-fated ravine, and blocked the passage with fallen trees. Locals prefer not even to look in the direction of an unfavorable place. What are the inhabitants of the village of Lyady afraid of? What secrets does the Devil's ravine hide?


People disappear in its vicinity. Even before the revolution, several peasants disappeared without a trace in the Devil's Ravine, then seven lumberjacks and four years later nine more families of kulaks who lived nearby.


In 1974, another terrible story happened. Seven mushroom pickers came to the village, who decided to gather a rich harvest in the Devil's ravine and its surroundings. The old-timers of the village dissuaded them from this dangerous venture, but the mushroom pickers only laughed and said that they would soon return safe, unharmed and with a rich harvest of honey agarics. However, everything happened exactly as the inhabitants of Lyada predicted - only two people were able to return from the Devil's ravine. They appeared on the outskirts of the village in a terrible state. The mushroom pickers were completely deranged and were so unable to explain what exactly happened to them and the missing friends. They searched for the five missing mushroom pickers for a long time, but the search remained unsuccessful. And how many disappeared here one by one - and not to count.


The last unexplained case was registered several years ago, when a group of friends went mushroom picking and lost a friend along the way. The company did not sound the alarm, as the lost man was an experienced mushroom picker and knew the area perfectly. They began to search for the missing only on the third day, and found - on the tenth. It turned out that all this time the mushroom picker wandered aimlessly around the neighborhood, eating raw mushrooms and praying to God. His exhausted body was found by one of the residents of the village of Rudno. The man survived, but could not tell anything.


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Places such as Devil's Ravine make you believe in otherworldly forces and evil spirits. Devil's ravine is an anomalous place that remains mysterious and scary to this day.