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Just Creepy . - Alternative View
Just Creepy . - Alternative View

Video: Just Creepy . - Alternative View

Video: Just Creepy . - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Scary Videos to Watch with your Girlfriend... if you had one 2024, September

September 2018 marked the 100th anniversary of one of the most terrible events in the history of the country - the beginning of the Red Terror.

In the 90s, after the announcement of "glasnost", previously closed materials about the October Revolution, the Civil War, the Red Terror and Stalin's repressions were published on the pages of all print media. People opened their eyes to the past, which seemed bright and so lofty, of the Land of Soviets and the Communist / Bolshevik Party. The scale of hatred of the Leninists / Stalinists who came to power, felt by them towards the entire population of Russia, is difficult even to comprehend - a normal person cannot completely put this in his head …..

After a while, readers "got tired" of the streams of revelations and materials on the terrible themes of repression, were replaced by more relevant, but no less terrible materials about the showdown of the "new lads".

And the current generations of "Pepsi" and "smart", practically nothing and know nothing about the lawlessness going on by the marginal people with red bands on their sleeves. And we need to know and remember, as firmly as about the events of World War II. Because one thing came from the other and it is not possible to say which was worse …..

This is exactly what was conceived: Back in 1902, Vladimir Ulyanov wrote: "Without at all denying the principle of violence and terror, we demanded work on the preparation of such forms of violence that would count on the direct participation of the masses and ensure this participation." That is, the cause of the party later called the Bolsheviks (and then communists), from the very beginning of its foundation, was a large-scale, continuous terror against the entire population of the country, carried out by the lowest, marginal layers of society. After the seizure of power, he suggested that the revolutionaries set the urban and rural outcasts against the most cultured, successful, enterprising, independent groups of the population with the aim of physically destroying them and forcibly changing the structure of Russian society. In fact, it was about the extermination of the best part of the population by the communists on the basis of class, about negative selection. The point of class-based killing was to make society submissive to a socialist experiment. This required the extermination of representatives of those social groups that, due to their cultural level, religiosity and independence, under some favorable conditions in the future could become organizers or catalysts of resistance. Today, when it comes to those terrible times, historians from the authorities are trying to smooth out this "horror to the shivers", presenting the Red Terror and repression as forced measures "to protect the young Soviet government in the most difficult, forced circumstances." DON'T BELIEVE THIS!The point of class-based killing was to make society submissive to a socialist experiment. This required the extermination of representatives of those social groups that, due to their cultural level, religiosity and independence, under some favorable conditions in the future could become organizers or catalysts of resistance. Today, when it comes to those terrible times, historians from the authorities are trying to smooth out this "horror to the shivers", presenting the Red Terror and repression as forced measures "to protect the young Soviet government in the most difficult, forced circumstances." DON'T BELIEVE THIS!The point of class-based killing was to make society submissive to a socialist experiment. This required the extermination of representatives of those social groups that, due to their cultural level, religiosity and independence, under some favorable conditions in the future could become organizers or catalysts of resistance. Today, when it comes to those terrible times, historians from the authorities are trying to smooth out this "horror to the shivers", presenting the Red Terror and repression as forced measures "to protect the young Soviet government in the most difficult, forced circumstances." DON'T BELIEVE THIS!religiosity and independence under some favorable conditions in the future could become organizers or catalysts of resistance. Today, when it comes to those terrible times, historians from the authorities are trying to smooth out this "horror to the shivers", presenting the Red Terror and repression as forced measures "to protect the young Soviet government in the most difficult, forced circumstances." DON'T BELIEVE THIS!religiosity and independence under some favorable conditions in the future could become organizers or catalysts of resistance. Today, when it comes to those terrible times, historians from the authorities are trying to smooth out this "horror to the shivers", presenting the Red Terror and repression as forced measures "to protect the young Soviet government in the most difficult, forced circumstances." DON'T BELIEVE THIS!

This is how the "bright future" was built

The massacres of scientists, intelligentsia, doctors, officers, merchants, priests, Cossacks, wealthy peasants and other representatives of the educated and cultural part of society, were originally thought by Lenin! It was about the destruction and radical change of the social structure of pre-revolutionary Russia. Valerian Obolensky (Osinsky), Chairman of the Supreme Council of National Economy, described the fate of the Russian bourgeoisie as follows: “We will exterminate the active and dangerous.

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Others - under lock and key. The third - we will use for black labor, and we will put those who are incapable of work in camps”. A week after the coup, Lenin intended to deprive the representatives of the "bourgeoisie" of bread cards. In fact, it was planned to use hunger as a repressive instrument of Bolshevik power.

Scary statistics of "revolutionaries"

- During the period from 1930 to 1940, more than 8.5 million people became victims of Stalin's social policy: more than 760 thousand were shot for "counter-revolutionary crimes", about a million dispossessed people died at the stages of dispossession and in special settlements, about half a million prisoners died in the GULAG. Finally, 6.5 million people died as a result of the 1933 famine, which was the result of the "forced collectivization of agriculture."

- The main victims are in 1930-33 - about 7 million people. For comparison: the total number of deaths in the occupied territories of the USSR in 1941-1944 is estimated by demographers at 4-4.5 million people (just think - they died at the hands of the communists, more than at the hands of the fascist invaders!).

- According to the reference data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1953, in 1937-1938 the NKVD organs for "counter-revolutionary crimes" convicted 1,344,923 people (including 681,692 people were shot).

- The overwhelming majority of these people were guilty only that they were better educated, more cultured and more successful than the representatives of the class that came to power.

- In the Crimea, already in 1917-18, officers were found and shot using telephone books, several hundred people were killed. And immediately after the evacuation of the White Army, not just murders - atrocities began: the unfortunates were drowned alive, one officer - staff captain Novatsky (or Novitsky) was burned in the furnace of the Truvor transport.

- In 1918, after the Bolsheviks seized Kiev, the ruthless extermination of Russian military personnel, "bourgeois elements" and the intelligentsia began. Approximately eight thousand Bolsheviks rampaged in a huge city with a population of 600 thousand people, of which about 30 thousand were officers of the old Russian army. Kiev in the winter of 1918 experienced a tragedy that has not been "in its history since the capture of the city of Batu in the 13th century."

- These examples can be continued endlessly - in every city of Russia, there was a total destruction of the best people (in many cases, including together with family members!). In response to the atrocities of the Bolsheviks, as expected, uprisings broke out, the number of those who joined the White movement grew. We are still being told that the Bolsheviks won then, thanks to a change in policy towards the country's population (they say they stopped shooting and hanging indiscriminately), but this is not so! They simply drowned all the rebels and those who were not satisfied in their blood.


Stalin and his subordinates killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. For millions of people, taking into account the family members of the repressed, they broke their fates. In an atmosphere of terror, an incredible spiritual corruption of a people of many millions took place - by lies, fear, duplicity, and opportunism. They killed not only human bodies, but also the souls of the survivors. Scientific, economic, military personnel, cultural and art workers suffered heavy losses, huge human capital was destroyed - all this weakened society and the country.

3.5 million prisoners of war and about 200 thousand defectors in the summer and autumn of 1941, the cooperation of part of the population with the enemy during the war years is a natural result of collectivization, the collective farm system, the system of forced labor and Yezhovism.

The Red Terror and the Civil War in 1922 gave way to repression, then World War II, then repression again …

“The revolution, which was carried out in the name of the destruction of classes, led to the unlimited power of one new class (marginalized). Everything else is a disguise and an illusion,”wrote Milovan Djilas, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. PS: Historians have reason to believe that Stalin was eliminated by his own entourage because of plans to repeat the large-scale "Yezhov" purges.

Eternal memory to the innocent ruined by the Bolsheviks / Communists …..