Mysterious Places Of Russia - Alternative View

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Mysterious Places Of Russia - Alternative View
Mysterious Places Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Places Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Places Of Russia - Alternative View
Video: Warning: Dangerous! 6 places in Russia you should NOT to visit! 2024, September

Nikolskoye cemetery. The last refuge of officials

One of the mysterious places in Russia - the old Nikolskoye cemetery at the famous Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg was opened back in 1861. Today, the once famous cemetery is rather neglected, although the highest Lavra clergy were once buried here. The marble mausoleums are lopsided, and the family crypts are for the most part rudely broken, because since the end of the 20th century, cases of grave-digging have been repeatedly noted at the Nikolskoye cemetery.

"Black archaeologists" hunting for the regalia of bishops and ministers buried in the Nikolsky necropolis are not even embarrassed by the fact that the cemetery has long been famous for the fact that here, among centuries-old trees and abandoned graves, right in the center of St. Petersburg it is possible to meet head to head with evil spirits.

• Nowadays the Nikolskoye cemetery is being put in order by the city authorities and the monastery. Ruined graves are being restored, thickets are being cut down. An alley of knights of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky was also created. The cemetery is becoming popular again, especially its "front" part, but not the one, unfortunately, where prominent writers, scientists and the flower of the clergy rest, but new pompous alleys with burials of officials and businessmen.

Satan walks through the Nikolskoye cemetery, usually in the form of a huge black cat. According to legend, at the end of the 19th century, a certain monk lived near the cemetery, about whom there was fame as a skilled healer. But the sick did not know that the monk heals them … with a powder from the bones of the dead. The monk was not a monk at all - he studied black magic and worshiped Lucifer, and wore a robe only to divert his eyes. For his soul, he received the ability to heal.

The black monk's dream was to receive the elixir of immortality, and the devil provided him with a recipe: on the bright holiday of Easter, the monk tied a girl to a cross, gouged out her eyes, cut off her tongue and put a cup under a stream of blood. But he did not have time to drain the bowl full of the victim's blood: while performing all the rituals, he forgot that it must be done before dawn. With the first rays of the sun, he collapsed dead to the ground.

Those who came to visit the graves of their relatives on Easter morning were amazed by what they saw: a dead girl tied to a cross, and a monk, whose mouth was stuffed with worms, and one leg was covered with hair and looked like a cat's paw! It was after this terrible incident at the Nikolskoye cemetery that they began to meet a huge black cat. Surely the uncle is looking for a new sacrifice and longs to possess new souls, and does he not receive them in exchange for pointing the way to the richest burials?

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Bypass channel. The line between the worlds of the living and the dead

For what reason, in some places a person feels good, while in others, at first glance, much more pleasant and prosperous, he goes to suicide? Esotericists and parapsychologists explain this by the curse of the lost places, which remain so, even "dressed" in granite and marble.

The Obvodny Canal in St. Petersburg has had a bad reputation for a long time. At first it was the outskirts of the city, but today the Obvodny Canal area is the most prestigious center. But … the inhabitants do not stay here for long, especially the sensitive people. In any way they try to get out of the "damned place", exchange or sell their homes on the banks of the "ditch", the waters of which, like a magnet, attract suicides.

Sometimes a person is not even able to explain why it was here that the idea of suicide occurred to him. Many people call the Obvodny Canal Bridge "the line between two environments" - the world of the living and the world of the dead.

In the black waters of the canal, you can often see the faces of suicides, both recently deceased and centuries ago.

Some of the unfortunate people who manage to be rescued even claim that they did not want to jump into the water at all and that an invisible hand simply threw them over the railing of the bridge!

Even during the time of Peter the Great, the founder of St. Petersburg, the location of the present canal was used by the local population - the Karelians - a bad name. Here was the dwelling of a sorcerer, famous for his ability to bewitch enemies. When the channel was laid, the sorcerer was executed, but his blood spilled at this place continues his dirty work to this day, attracting the souls of careless victims - the descendants of the conquerors of the Karelian lands - into the world of shadows.

• Obvodny Canal is the largest canal in St. Petersburg. It connects the rivers Neva and Yekateringofka. For many years, for the numerous factories growing like mushrooms on its navigable shores, the canal served both as a waste ditch and as a place for water intake. Today the canal has become shallow, and only dilapidated buildings remind of factories and factories. Many buildings are being renovated, but even office clerks are trying to find work outside the area, complaining of constant headaches and depression.

Some researchers of historical secrets claim that there was no sorcerer in these parts, but a sorcerer who worshiped pagan gods lived here. It was his temple that was ruined, and the sorcerer himself and six innocent Karelian women - clergymen were killed at the site of the future canal. What is true and what is fiction is not clear, but the fact remains: in the waters of the canal, suicides more often see the faces of girls in white, and local residents argue that, despite the external comfort, the psychological atmosphere in the Obvodny Canal area is depressing.

Death Valley. Dangerous beauty

In Kamchatka, near the foot of the Kikhpinych volcano, on the territory of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, there is an amazingly beautiful place called the Death Valley. This area received such a gloomy name for a reason: in these places, zoologists found many animal remains. Once here, absolutely healthy-looking mammals and birds die: a bear, a lynx, a hare, a deer, a mouse, a wolverine, a crow, a wagtail … The size of the animals does not matter, the valley is equally ruthless both to a small vole and to the owner of the forest - a huge bear …

• They tried repeatedly to study the mysterious Kamchatka Valley of Death. Expeditions of zoologists and volcanologists have visited these dangerous places many times. But scientists cannot unambiguously answer the question of what exactly causes mass deaths of different animals. However, the valley poses a danger not only to animals, but also to the researchers themselves: over 80 years, about a hundred people died here, although they all knew the features of the area and used protective equipment.

The dimensions of Death Valley are small - only two kilometers long and several hundred meters wide. As a rule, animals perish in small areas of the valley with an area of several hundred square meters. Scientists to this day are arguing about why healthy-looking animals die here. At the foot of the volcano, there are many outlets of different gases, and in Death Valley there is a fairly high concentration of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, as well as other dangerous volcanic mixtures that, when accumulating, can cause suffocation, disorientation and slow death. Also, in some places, deadly hydrogen cyanide (cyanic acid) seeps out of the ground, inhaling it animals doom themselves to certain death from paralysis of the respiratory center.

But even this explanation does not answer the question: for what reason do large animals, feeling bad, do not leave the dangerous place, but stay here and die? It also remains a mystery that even scavengers who have tasted the corpse of a dead animal die! Volcanic gas is not able to penetrate into tissues so quickly as to cause the death of a scavenger, whose organism by nature itself is protected from various poisons, including cadaverous.

A building with a rotunda on Gorokhovaya. Dream in exchange for life

Every resident of St. Petersburg who is interested in his city can show the way to the house with a rotunda on Gorokhovaya Street near Fontanka. Behind the old door leading to an inconspicuous mansion is hidden the most real miracle invisible from the street - columns and an elegant cast-iron spiral staircase, lined up in a circle and directed upward to the dome, on which at midnight, according to legend, none other than himself appears devil.

How the round structure could be inside a standard house, history is silent. The mansion was rebuilt many times, but the rotunda always remained inside - no one dared to break this mystical building.

• Rotunda has a unique acoustics: if you stand in the middle of the building above and whisper something quietly, the phrase will seem to fly around the vault in a circle and return to the speaker … from the back! It turns out that the rotunda can whisper anything in your ear - you just need to get here and find the necessary words!

In the history of St. Petersburg, you can find a mention that once the owner of the mansion with the rotunda was a prominent freemason, Count Andrei Zubov. It was here, under the dome, which was reliably hidden from prying eyes by the attic ceilings of the house, that the initiation rites of the new members of the St. Petersburg Masonic Lodge were performed.

Grigory Rasputin, who was often referred to as the Holy Devil, also often visited the house with the rotunda. His mansion was located right next door. They say that Satan himself appears on the stairs at midnight, who can fulfill any person's dream, but … the petitioners, usually in the morning, are dead. They can enjoy a dream come true only for a few hours - until dawn.

The Rotunda is undoubtedly a mysterious place. If you look at the columns from below, there is a feeling of dizziness and flight. The world around begins to revolve, like the wheel of samsara - destiny, the tread of which can not be changed by any forces except … the rotunda! Before the tenants of the house with a mysterious structure inside nevertheless put a lock on the doors of their entrance, protecting their property from uninvited visitors, all the walls around were covered with the cherished desires of people who seek to change their lives. Many of those who came here say that after visiting this place, their wildest dreams came true.

Moscow State University building. Stalin's mystical pyramid

Right in the middle of Moscow, practically in its very center, there are stepped high-rise buildings - the so-called “Stalin's high-rises”. They were erected in the middle of the 20th century by order of I. Stalin. It is no secret that the leader was very interested in mysticism, and he wanted to strengthen the influence of his own personality throughout Russia, and especially in Moscow.

Pyramids are not in vain attributed to paranormal properties. They were built by most of the great civilizations: the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Aztecs, the pyramids were found in Mesopotamia and the Crimea, and even Lenin was buried not just anywhere, but in a stylized pyramid!

All those who have studied the effects of pyramids on the human body noted that these constructions have extremely positive aspects. But besides the fact that the pyramids of skyscrapers, which are located along the circular line of Moscow, undoubtedly have an impact on the health of those who live in them, other factors should be noted: literally each of these buildings has its own mysteries and secrets.

• All 8 "Stalinist skyscrapers" were laid on the same day and hour: exactly at noon, September 7, 1947, on the significant day of the 800th anniversary of Moscow. And although their laying was only symbolic, and the real construction began only two years later, Stalin preferred to listen to the opinion of astrologers. It was they who chose an auspicious date. High-rise buildings still stand firmly on their feet and, undoubtedly, are an adornment of Moscow.

Some claim that the rather deep basements of Moscow State University are connected by a special metro line to the underground strategic town in Ramenki. But this is far from as curious as the fact that in the middle of the 243-meter tower of Moscow State University there is an archival floor, where documents, drawings and sketches of projects of the building are stored, which, according to the plan, was supposed to be crowned by a huge figure of Stalin instead of a spire. The university was supposed to be named in his honor, but … the tyrant died, and the temple of science was named after Lomonosov, although even the letters to fix on the facade were already ready! The statue of the leader, who became famous for his bloody repressions, was also not installed on the tower of Moscow State University. To this day, Stalin's dissatisfied spirit often wanders around the room, shifting old folders from place to place and raising archive dust.

Medveditskaya ridge. Hills attracting lightning

In the north-east of the Volgograd region. In Russia, along the Medveditsa River, there are hills of the Medveditskaya ridge, which rise above the left bank of the river by 358 m. The length of the ridge is small, but on this land area there are such inexplicable and frightening phenomena all the time that the Medveditskaya ridge can rightfully be considered anomalous zones of the planet.

The hills of the ridge, which millions of years ago were the bottom of the Mesozoic sea, nowadays in an incomprehensible way attract … ball lightning! Witnesses say that almost every day over the ridge it is possible to see flying balls of fire that easily burn through obstacles in the form of trees.

In fact, there are many burnt tree trunks on the ridge. Researchers are also unable to explain the appearance of mysterious scorched drawings and completely round charred areas of soil up to 40 m in diameter in the thick grass. Despite the abundance of flowers, insects are quite rare guests here, and birds prefer to settle in other places.

• Also a mystery of the Medveditskaya ridge are tunnels of unknown purpose, which were dug at a shallow depth. In the vicinity of the ridge, in the village of Dobrynka, builders accidentally unearthed an ancient burial. The human skeletons found in the burial ground turned out to be about 2.5 m high! On the other side of the Medveditsa River, in the village of Kopatka, another burial was discovered. And now the debate about whether these were human remains or the burial of aliens in Kopatka does not subside, because the growth of the dead barely reaches 50-60 cm.

The local population calls the Medveditskaya ridge the Slope of Mad Lightning and assures that they have repeatedly seen something similar to a UFO over the hills. The springs of water that make their way in the ravines at the bottom of the ridge are also surprising: in some springs almost distilled water flows, and in others - radioactive.

Mikhailovsky Castle. The emperor's last refuge

Mikhailovsky Castle belongs to the mysterious places of Russia. The last residence of the unfortunate Emperor Paul 1 was his own brainchild - Mikhailovsky, in other words the Engineering Castle, which was built by his decree in St. Petersburg on the site of the summer palace of his grandmother, the late Empress Elizabeth I.

The Mikhailovsky Castle is named after St. Michael, who appeared to a guard soldier at the place where the castle was later erected. Perhaps the emperor spread the legend of the vision deliberately in order to substantiate the rather dubious need for the urgent construction of a new residence. This is the only known case in the history of Russian architecture when a secular architectural structure was named not after the owner, by the name of the territory or purpose, but in honor of the saint.

The majestic building was erected in just 4 years according to the project of the great Russian architect V. Bazhenov. The construction was supervised by another outstanding architect, V. Brenn, who also designed the interiors of the palace.

Paul 1 has been obsessed with the idea of creating his own residence for many years. The Mikhailovsky Castle was built so hastily that missing materials were taken from the construction sites of St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Tauride Palace for its construction, and the work did not stop even at night, was carried out by the light of lanterns and torches!

In November 1800, on the day of the Archangel Michael, the castle was solemnly consecrated, but the palace was finally finished only a year later. 1801, February 1 - The emperor moved his family to the new palace, which looked more like a medieval fortress. But Paul was in such a hurry that he paid no attention to the cold reigning in the unheated palace, or to the dampness, from which a dense fog hung in the halls to such an extent that even the lights of thousands of candles could not disperse him.

The Emperor lived in the Mikhailovsky Castle for only 40 days. On the night of March 11-12, Paul 1 was killed by conspirators in his own bedroom. The royal family left the Mikhailovsky Castle in order to never return there. The palace-fortress, the only example of palace romantic classicism in Russia, began to gradually fall into desolation.

• The death of Paul 1 was predicted by the blessed Xenia of Petersburg herself. She said that Pavel would live for as many years as there are letters in the inscription on the frieze of the Resurrection Gate of the new palace. "The shrine of the Lord befits to your house in the length of days," the inscription read. It had exactly 47 letters - the emperor died in the forty-seventh year of his life.

Perhaps the hasty flight of the royal family from the castle was caused by the fact that the spirit of the late emperor never left the place of violent death. The ghost of Paul 1 appeared almost every night! He was seen by the soldiers and officers of the palace service, as well as bystanders who repeatedly noticed the glowing figure of the late emperor in the dark windows of the palace.

Meat pine forest. WWII Apocalypse

Myasnoy Bor is not the name of a terrain from a horror movie, but only the name of a small village in Russia, in the Novgorod region, near which a real massacre took place during the Second World War. Here, in a narrow, small space, fierce battles took place, tens of thousands of Russian, German and Spanish soldiers were killed.

• Meat Forest is not the only such place. The Monchalovsky forest, in which paranormal phenomena occur, is also notorious. So, in 1990, on the outskirts of the forest, local fishermen witnessed a real … attack by German bombers! Airplanes roared over the trees, and the fishermen, who fell from fear to the ground, heard shots and explosions. The same phenomenon, called chronomirages, was seen by tourists who stopped in the Monchalovsky forest in 2000: a company of soldiers in outfits of more than 50 years ago passed by the stunned tourists!

According to the most conservative estimates, the unburied remains of about 11,000 soldiers are still in the swamps near Myasny Bor. The lands in the battle area are literally stuffed with rusting weapons, ammunition and the bones of the fallen. The local population does not like to go here, but "black archaeologists" are happy to dig the blood-soaked earth in search of expensive artifacts and personal belongings of the victims, for which there is a constant, from year to year, increasing demand in the markets of collectors of military paraphernalia.

In the swamps of Myasny Bor, the ghosts of the military were repeatedly seen, while the spirits of the warriors who were not buried according to religious rites were seen and heard not only by individual people, but even by whole search parties!

Elyuyu Cherkechekh. Criminal Alien Land

Yakutia - in the upper reaches of the Vilyuy River, there is an anomalous zone - the Elyuy Cherkechekh valley, the name is translated from Yakut as "Valley of Death". These places have long been known to hunters and are not well known among them. In the valley there are several huge metal objects of incomprehensible purpose, resembling huge cauldrons, and Yakut legends brought to us events that took place, probably so long ago that it is impossible to say exactly when, with whom and why a man-made disaster occurred, which threw here, in the edge of permafrost, all these incomprehensible objects.

• In addition to its disgusting character, the Criminal Alien, according to legends, "sows infection" and "releases balls of fire." Translated into modern language, it is possible to say with confidence that for centuries the Yakuts have been transmitting from mouth to mouth legends about an alien ship that crashed in these parts.

Hunters assure that there is a metal corridor with a large number of metal rooms under the ground of Yelyuyu Cherkechekh. In the midst of winter, it is warm in them, like in summer, but those who stayed overnight in such a room were ill for a long time, and spending the night there twice means dooming themselves to a quick death.

Not far from Elyuyu Cherkechekh flows a river named Algy Timirnit, which means "The big cauldron drowned." On its shore, in reality, there is a huge, seemingly copper cauldron, which has sunk so deeply into the soil that only its edge is visible above the surface. The size of the boiler is such that trees grow inside it!

Gold miners who saw the boilers in the 1970s said that the diameter of the spheres of an unknown metal ranges from 6 to 9 m, and the substance from which they are made does not take a hammer or a well-sharpened chisel. The top of the "cauldron" is covered with a layer similar to emery, but no tools even managed to scratch this layer. Abnormally lush grass and trees grow around the spheres. A group of gold prospectors who spent the night in the "cauldron" did not feel any impact, but one of the prospectors after a month lost all the hair on his body. The other, on the side of the head that touched the metal in the dream, had three tiny, non-healing sores, which did not completely heal until the end of his life.

All this - and abnormal vegetation, and hair loss, and ulcers - suggests that the "boilers" have a greatly increased background radiation. It is not for nothing that the Yakuts bypass them and, without good reason, do not dare to spend the night in them, although it is warm inside in the most severe frosts. In addition, the legends of the northern people tell about the evil giant Wat Usumu Tong Duurai, whose name in translation from Yakut means “Criminal Alien, piercing the earth with a fiery tornado, destroying everything around”!

N. Kostina-Cassanelli