Evil Ghosts Of An Abandoned Hospital - Alternative View

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Evil Ghosts Of An Abandoned Hospital - Alternative View
Evil Ghosts Of An Abandoned Hospital - Alternative View

Video: Evil Ghosts Of An Abandoned Hospital - Alternative View

Video: Evil Ghosts Of An Abandoned Hospital - Alternative View
Video: Disturbing Discovery in Abandoned Hospital (Very Scary) Paranormal Investigation Goes Wrong 2024, October

British ghost hunter Lee Smart and his research team Twisted Paranormal recently traveled to the abandoned Mountain Ash Hospital in Caerfilly, Welsh. The medical facility was closed in 2007, and, according to urban legends, since then in the old building it has become possible to meet the angry ghosts of patients who once died here. During their expedition, Smart and his colleagues were personally convinced of this.

Approaching the hospital, one of the specialists took out a camera and began to film the structure. Then the first alleged phantom disappeared into the lens of the recording device, which glimpsed at the entrance to the former hospital. After a while, the operator directed the camera at one of the windows on the second floor of the hospital and filmed another ghost there, looking out for a second. The researcher showed the recording to his comrades, and the British, after consulting, decided to continue their sortie, although they felt uneasy. The forty-five-year-old leader of the group read a prayer and the ghostbusters entered the building.

Inside an abandoned hospital

Walking around the hospital, the British did not notice anything unusual there. However, it later turned out that the experts inadvertently received further evidence of the presence of evil spirits in Mountain Ash. It was discovered by Lee Smart the next day, when he listened to the dictaphone recording received the day before and heard something shocking on it. "Be on the lookout, ha ha ha, because I … I will kill you," says a creepy voice coming from nowhere, breaking through the crackling and interference on the audio. According to Smart, this discovery really scared him. Lee is convinced that the mysterious creature from the afterlife could really hurt the ghost hunters.


The paranormal researcher says: “When I heard this, I immediately sent an audio file to Tinke and Anthony, my best friends, who also participated in the last expedition. They were as astonished as mine. The point is that threats from spirits must be taken extremely seriously. Ghosts are unlikely to try to kill you, but they are quite capable of crippling or somehow harming you. In my practice, there was a case when some invisible force pushed a ten-year-old girl down the stairs. Fortunately, the child escaped with a broken arm, but it was then that I realized that angry spirits do not like to play toys with people."

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Outside an abandoned hospital

On the official website of the Twisted Paranormal group, information also appeared that not far from the building, researchers found a retired woman who previously worked at Mountain Ashe, and now lives alone in a private house, not far from an abandoned hospital. An elderly woman told specialists that at night she often sees human silhouettes near the hospital, which slowly pace around the old building and then seem to evaporate into the air.

According to the former nurse, one misty morning, such a silhouette headed straight for her home, so the frightened British woman was forced to call the police. The law enforcement officers who came to the call took a quick look around the area, including bypassing Mountain Ash, but met no one there. The policemen considered that someone was making fun of the pensioner and, advising the woman to lock her door more securely, left.