Shuvani Way - Alternative View

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Shuvani Way - Alternative View
Shuvani Way - Alternative View

Video: Shuvani Way - Alternative View

Video: Shuvani Way - Alternative View
Video: О чём нам говорят наши болезни? | Елена Шувани 2024, September

Gypsies are one of the most colorful and mysterious peoples in the world. Their origin is still controversial today. It is also unclear how they, not having their own state, were able to preserve their identity. And how many rumors circulate around them related to their magical abilities!


In the XV-XVI centuries, a hunt was announced for Roma in Europe. What were they accused of? A French lawyer wrote about this eloquently: “It is absolutely necessary to protect the common people from these terrible creatures, which they fool with the help of thousands of tricks and finely calculated fraud, claiming that they know good and evil fate, that they can predict life and death; they supply young people with love amulets and potions, and will never leave any place without taking something off in a malicious way. " If the Roma did not leave the country within the prescribed period, they faced severe punishment. The repressions varied according to gender: men were executed, women were beaten with rods and branded. In each district, the brand looked different: there were crosses, and gallows, and keys, and city coats of arms, and the names of the principality. However, the stubborn gypsies in the new place continued to engage in the forbidden craft, and many had a solid collection of "seals" on their bodies by the time they reached adulthood. If you add to this cut ears and scars on the body, you can get an idea of the other side of nomadic romance. But even with a hot iron it was not possible to burn out the desire of the gypsies to lead a familiar way of life. Instead, the already secretive and withdrawn community has become even more zealous to protect its secrets from outsiders. Since then, little has changed. Instead, the already secretive and withdrawn community has become even more zealous to protect its secrets from outsiders. Since then, little has changed. Instead, the already secretive and withdrawn community has become even more zealous to protect its secrets from outsiders. Since then, little has changed.


Not everyone knows that gypsy fortune tellers are divided into two groups - dukkerers and shuvanis. The first category includes ordinary street fortune tellers who ask for their services to "gild a pen." Fortune-tellers of a higher class also adjoin here, who trade fortune-telling at home. Their success directly depends on the ability to understand human psychology, observation and ability to analyze. The gypsy woman usually gazes intently into the eyes of those to whom she bewitches, chatters without stopping, imperceptibly trying to find a sore spot. And when he realizes that he is on the right path, he does not leave him. The victim thinks that in front of her is a real seer, who needs only one glance to see all your past, present and future. Unfortunately, many people fall for this bait.

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A special caste is shuvani. The Romals themselves call them "shuvihani", which translates as "in charge of secret knowledge." Shuvani's arsenal of magical abilities is huge. She blesses fellow tribesmen for important matters, sanctifies marriage, curses, heals, sends diseases, heals and, of course, divines. For the gypsies, Shuvani is akin to a deity: she has wisdom, rich knowledge, understands magic rituals, protects gypsy traditions. Shuvani is also an arbiter in Roma disputes. If conflicts arise among the Roma, they do not go to the court or the police, but to her. Her word is law for them. To disobey shuvani means to incur heavenly punishment on your head. The belief in her supernatural talents among the gypsies is so high that none of them will go against her word.

Not every gypsy can become a shuvani. Shuvani is chosen. As a rule, the old Shuvani finds a successor. The process is long and complex and is somewhat reminiscent of the search for the Dalai Lama. Shuvani is looking for a gypsy girl who meets the necessary criteria. The fact that a child can become a witch should be indicated by special signs at birth on his body. The gypsies themselves call such signs “stigmata”, explaining their origin by injuries sustained by the father or mother just before the birth of the child. For example, if a parent was kicked by a horse, and the child was born with a horseshoe mark. Other "marks" are also suitable, for example, moles. Moles or birthmarks located in the right places have long been called "witch spots". Their peculiarity is that they are insensitive to pain. In addition, moles are biologically active points that, like antennas,carry out and regulate the information and energy exchange of man with the Cosmos. A "map" of moles or birthmarks can tell a lot about a person, and Shuvani reads them like an open book.

The child must also show a high level of intelligence. For this, Shuvani has some kind of tests. She gives the girl tasks, and if she easily copes with them, she has a high chance of becoming a shuvani.

When the choice is made, the experienced shuvani leaves the child with the parents for the time being, and at the age of six or seven, training begins. Shuvani's task is to convey the experience to the ward. This is not to say that the girl is waiting for her own "ten-year", after which she receives a certificate. No, the learning process takes many years.

For the first two or three years, the student remembers the names of plants and their medicinal properties. Then he masters the technique of making ointments, drugs, powders, poultices, mixtures. The next stage is the study of healing with the help of hands, mastering conspiracies, spells. Shuvani also teaches his protégé to solve dreams, guess on cards, send curses, control people with hypnosis, see the aura of other people, create talismans and much more.


The formation of a new shuvani takes place gradually. At a certain moment, the future sorceress undergoes a kind of initiation ceremony - dedication. The girl prepares for it carefully, refuses some food, communication. On the appointed day, the elder gypsy sprinkles her with holy water (the gypsies have much taken from Christianity), whispers prayers, overshadows with an icon, and then orders to strip naked and lie on the ground. Then he covers it with dry leaves or white linen. These actions are designed to show that the girl renounces her past so that a new stage in her life begins. She kind of dies and is born again in a different capacity. Then the mentor gives her a new name, spoon-feeds her like a newborn, and dresses her in new clothes. The transition from one state to another took place, a new shuvani was born.

The most famous shuvani was Urania Boswell. Her husband was Levi Boswell, a gypsy baron. He was so influential in European romance that thousands of people gathered for his 1924 funeral in Farnborough, Kent. The burial was so magnificent that legends still circulate about it in the gypsy environment. After the death of the Baron, the reins of government passed into the hands of his wife, Urania. Her fame as an unsurpassed palmist and fortuneteller was deafening. Her clients included people from all walks of life. Lords, dukes and peers did not hesitate to turn to her for predictions. Urania Boswell herself was not a poor woman - she had real estate in several English counties, including mansions in the prestigious resorts of Margate and Ramsgate. Urania was an excellent fortune-teller - she used to charm on Tarot cards, read her birthmarks, using a pendulum. But her special talent lay in the fact that she had some kind of supernatural sense of danger and death. When she first saw a person, she could tell what danger he would face, when and why he would die. She absolutely accurately predicted the date of death of her three sons, daughter, husband, as well as the date of her own death nine years before her. Urania hit the top ten when she announced the date of Queen Victoria's death. Among her achievements is the exact date of the appearance of the airplane, radio and submarine. Urania hit the top ten when she announced the date of Queen Victoria's death. Among her achievements is the exact date of the appearance of the airplane, radio and submarine. Urania hit the top ten when she announced the date of Queen Victoria's death. Among her achievements is the exact date of the appearance of the airplane, radio and submarine.

Urania passed away in 1933, as she foreshadowed. The cause of death was a tree that fell on her. A milkman found her in the yard. The gypsy was unconscious for two weeks and died surrounded by family and friends at the age of 81.

Shuvanis like Urania Boswell are born once every thousand years. The gypsies themselves admit with bitterness: you will not find such talents today with fire. The old shuvanis are leaving, and there is no one to take their place: the process of preparing a successor is very long and painstaking, and not everyone is ready to go through it to the end. Much easier - trade and begging.