Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 8 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 8 - Alternative View
Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 8 - Alternative View

Video: Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 8 - Alternative View

Video: Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 8 - Alternative View
Video: THE IDOL - Episode 8 (sub) | КУМИР - Серия 8 / Детектив 2024, September

- Part 1 and 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 -

Epigraph: a brilliant idea-metaphor about the "red Pinocchio-2" - Buratino-Lenin of the Soviet writer A. N. Tolstoy, on which Christian holiday should the ritual of the Resurrection of the first pharaoh of the communist kingdom be held, on which cross in ancient Rome the execution of the crucifixion was carried out and the last, politically epochal appeal to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G. A. Zyuganov.

"The paradox is when 90% of the population thinks that they live in a country of fools … and about the same, do not consider themselves fools."

In the 8th part of the article, we approached the second key question regarding the question of the reburial of Lenin's mummy: at what time and with the help of what symbolic event in the life of the Russian people, the communists can and should send the ark with Lenin's mummy to heaven and thereby show the fate of everything communism and the fate of the first experience of socialist construction? Simply put, when would the communists carry out the cremation of Lenin's mummy so that the ritual of the ascension of the founder of socialism to heaven would be symbolically linked to the prospect of socialism in Russia?

Here, even the most ordinary raw material pimp with a single convolution of a dollar sign in his head will guess about this festive date of Christian mono-pagans, because the current oligarchs wake up in cold sweat even at night because they anticipate the inevitability of Rock - the RESURRECTION of socialism in Russia on a qualitatively new round development, and Russia has no other way and never will. The notorious Khodorkovsky is already asleep on his bunk and sees a left turn in Russia, and that the last of Putin, Medvedev, will become the last liberal president in Russia, is subconsciously guessed by all the oligarchs and raw-material pimps raised under Putin. This means that the mummy of the Leader of the world proletariat can and should go to heaven on the holiday of resurrection … the Leader of world Christianity! Yes, on this day and not on any other:on the holiday of Easter and the mythical resurrection of the Leader of the Christian proletariat from the First Rome, the real leader of the communist proletariat from the Third Rome must go to heaven and symbolically rise again! If Judeo-Christianity has imposed on the Russian people the historical meanings and holidays of its false religion, then why can't modern Russians impose their real historical meanings on these Judeo-Christian holidays? In the 6th part of the article, I examined how the Bolsheviks carried out the convergence of Christian mono-paganism and materialist mono-capitalism (communism), and if the Bolsheviks themselves have already carried out this convergence in the past, then the LOGIC of this convergence (merger) should complete these two eras, forever close them together and put a fat point on them at the end of biblical times (read:before the end of Jewish rule on earth).

After all (biblical), why should Russians celebrate the resurrection of the mythical, alien and foreign Leader of the Christian proletariat from the First Rome, when the Russian proletarians in the Third Rome had their own real leader of the communist proletariat? Moreover, the very ritual of the resurrection of Jesus was only copied by Christian mono-pagans from more ancient pagan traditions, therefore the resurrection of Jesus is just a primitive tracing of the ritual of the resurrection of the deceased pharaoh in Ancient Egypt. This means that on Easter, not the ritual of the resurrection of the dead Lenin in heaven will copy the resurrection of Jesus, but on the contrary, the mythical Jesus Christ will copy the ritual of the resurrection of the neo-pagan communist pharaoh Lenin, and thus the post-Soviet communists will show the whole world the true source of the resurrection holiday in Judeo-Christianity,derived from the ritual of the resurrection of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

Modern communists cannot fail to understand that the October Revolution, in fact, was only the first historical stage of the Reformation, which was easily defeated by the COUNTER-REFORMATION of capitalism together with the restoration of Judeo-Christianity in 1991, which means that Russia is still on the verge of its Spiritual transformation and stands at the beginning the second stage of the true Russian Reformation. Consequently, the ascension of the Bolshevik-antichrist Lenin "to heaven" will become only a SYMBOL of the beginning and the starting point of the Russian Reformation, just as a shot with a blank cartridge from the cruiser Aurora was only a symbol of the beginning of the October Revolution, which, in fact, lasted almost 15 years - until the beginning of 30 -s, until the end of complete collectivization was carried out and the socialist mode of production was not embodied in reality (that is,that the theocratic way of collective economy was distorted under communism is a topic for a separate analysis). Therefore, the dispatch to heaven and the Spiritual Resurrection of the main ANTI-CHRIST of the 20th century is of great symbolic significance before the start of the long-term process of the Russian Reformation: let the leader of the world proletariat now finally "reach" in heaven and do with the Leader of world Christianity the same thing that he did with Christianity on land in the Russian Empire!

Therefore, on the upcoming Easter holiday, Russian communists should purposefully and orderly do their job - carry out the ritual of cremation and the symbolic resurrection of Ilyich in heaven, and not pay any attention to the alleged cries of the top of the Russian Orthodox Church, for historians and theologians have long figured out who was "slamming" with whom the ritual of the resurrection: pagans among Christians or Christians among pagan Egyptians - the forefathers of neo-pagan communists. In the end (biblical) both Christians and communists are citizens of a single country, just as the Christian and communist empires were stages of a single history of Russia, therefore, the combination on Easter holiday of two rituals of resurrection of the Leaders of the proletariat from the First and Third Rome, who fought under a single symbol of the five-pointed star - can be done CIVILIZED and without interfering with each other. Let the Christians celebrate the resurrection of their Leader in churches, and the communists on Red Square will celebrate the symbolic resurrection and ascension to heaven of their Leader by burning his mummy, especially since, in percentage terms, there are an order of magnitude more active adherents of communism than active Judeo-Christians.

Promotional video:

Let's digress a little to rough and approximate arithmetic: those who attend church at least once a week make up 1% of the total population of Russia, and the entire Orthodox flock (a flock of Christian sheep are OFFICIAL church and biblical terms) of active Christian believers in modern Russia make up a maximum of 7 million.heads, i.e. about 5% of the total population, while active supporters of the communist G. A. Zyuganov in the past presidential elections amounted to more than 13 million people, i.e. almost 2 times more. Judeo-Christian shepherds (priests) may argue that they say passive believers who do not go to church, but are potentially ready to become active - at least another 10 million heads will be added to those 7, as well as passive adherents of communism who do not go to the polls,but in their hearts they are nostalgic for the USSR and are potentially ready to become active fighters for the revival of socialism - at least another 20 million people will be added to those 13. This means that in a holistic, active-passive disposition of the population, there will always be two, or even three times more adherents of communism, adherents of the capitalist Judeo-Christian restoration.

Jewish heavenly Shepherd (shepherd) Jesus Christ and the earthly leader of the Liberal Democratic Party V. V. Zhirinovsky have in modern Russia approximately the same number of their active adherents - 7 million heads each.

It remains to note that at present the maximum number of active Christians throughout Russia (about 7 million) is practically equal to the number of those who voted for the main showman of Russia Zhirinovsky (also about 7 million), but from this one should not conclude that the degree The influence on the minds of Russians of the political image, program promises and TV shows of Zhirinovsky is actually equal to the same degree of influence of the religious image, rescue promises and biblical myths of Jesus Christ. Although even I. Kant argued that “there is as much truth in every knowledge and teaching as there is mathematics,” and apparently, the main showman of Russia in his truth did not go far from the heavenly PAStukh and the Savior of the Judeo-Christian flock of sheep. In other words, the "truth" of the political teachings of the "son of a lawyer" Zhirinovsky gathered the same number of adherents in the elections to the State Duma,what the "truth" of religious teachings has gathered in the person (in the face) of the "son of the carpenter" Jesus Christ.

The dialectics of two historical epochs "Christianity - communism" and the single essence of adherents-idolaters of both Christian and communist idols and their "sacred writings" have long been comprehended not only by the minds of great philosophers (N. Berdyaev's example will be given below), sociologists, historians, etc., but even metaphorically described in the most popular children's fairy tale "The Adventures of Buratino", created in 1935 by the Russian writer Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy on the basis of a fairy-tale character - a wooden doll Pinocchio from the tale of Carlo Collodi. Italy will always remain the First Rome and the “navel” of Christian civilization, and, in my personal opinion, the tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” was created by the Italian writer as a deeply camouflaged metaphor about… the “carpenter's son” Jesus Christ!After all, since ancient times, pagan idols were made by carpenters from a TREE and were called "blockheads" (see Dahl's dictionary), from which the concept of "fooling" came from, that is, turning them into adherents with the help of some idol and "holy scripture" …


Of course, Carlo Collodi's children's fairy tale (read the original of its translation by E. Kazakevich at link - 1) is semantically multi-layered and in it one cannot find a clumsy direct and unambiguously interpreted metaphor about the history of the birth and centuries-old transformation of the religious idol of Jesus and the entire Christian scripture. Therefore, the key metaphors about the concepts and symbols of Christianity in the storyline of the fairy tale are "protected" by an additional layer of allusions, they look eclectic and are presented to the child's consciousness in the simplest images of animals, birds and fish, before which the most sophisticated logic of the literary censor and the cunning adult mind become simply powerless, to accuse the author of "sacrilege" and "blasphemy". Consider these layered metaphors about the Christian idol Jesus as Pinocchio in Collodi's tale:

1) The talking log finds the CARPENTER Antonio in his house and, in fact, he is the first "father" of the future wooden man Pinocchio, since the log is born and declares itself in his hands and in his house. But then the carpenter Antonio gives this living log-fruit (which, apparently, Anthony's wife brought from the immaculate conception in the hem!) To his poor friend Geppetto, who becomes, as it were, the second father of Pinocchio and finally cuts out his human form. Jesus, as you know from the Bible (see link - 2), was also the son of a carpenter, but after all, it is also known from history that the second "father" of the Christian religion was the apostle Saul-Paul, who "corrected" and gave this religious teaching its final appearance … This thesis is best formulated in the well-known article by A. M. Ivanov's "Christian Plague": "Christian religion,to the extent that it clings precisely to its mythological part and focuses on it, it can rightfully be called “peacockism” (see link - 3).

2) "Pinocchio" in the Tuscan dialect means "PINE NUT" and the root "pinot" of this name in Italian means "pine", which is quite logical, because the Cedar is a genus of coniferous evergreen trees of the Pine family, and the key symbol of Judeo-Christianity is the wooden cross on which Jesus was crucified, according to church tradition, consisted of three types of wood: cypress, pevga (pine) and cedar (see link - 4).

3) Before the PINE cross, on which Jesus was allegedly crucified, the symbol of early Christianity, and then of the French bourgeois revolution was a five-pointed star, and the puppeteer Manjafoko as a metaphor for the world behind-the-scenes Jew-banker (after all, it is the Judemasons who are the puppeteers of all revolutions) gives Pinocchio the symbolic 5 gold coins. By the way, Masonic symbols in Collodi's tale slip more than once, and in my opinion, the talking Cricket is just a metaphor for Freemasonry, and the conflict between Pinocchio (Christianity) and Cricket (Freemasonry) in Geppetto's house ends with Pinocchio dropping the Cricket with a Masonic symbol - a hammer !

4) The Fox and the Cat lead Pinocchio to the country of Bolvania, the name of which, as it were, emphasizes the concept of "blockhead" - a wooden idol, and Pinocchio's nose grows in size every time he lies. So after all, the false myths about Jesus were not only stolen by the Jews from the traditions of the pagans, but also the Bible texts were copied many times in the centuries by the "church fathers", so that Pinocchio's deceitful nose betrayed itself at all times - especially in front of good and clever fairies.

5) The Good Fairy (the archetype of a fairy or knowing mother is pure paganism) - A beautiful Girl with azure-blue hair from a snow-white house, who re-educates the whole fairy tale by Pinocchio, - in my personal opinion, personifies the white pagan peoples of pre-Christian Europe, who reformed and " re-educated "the black Semitic foreigner Jesus after they let this circumcised Jewish idol-wooden Pinocchio into their European home.

6) The image of Jesus on a donkey, riding to Jerusalem, is one of the significant symbols of the Christian religion, and as I already wrote in the 6th part, that is why the Judeo-Masons of America made a donkey out of Jesus as a symbol of the Democratic Party in order to fool all nations with another idol liberal democracy”like Christianity. Moreover, cartoonist Thomas Nast drew the symbol of the Democratic Party exactly a few years before Carlo Collodi created his fairy tale, and the literary world of enlightened Europe in the last quarter of the 19th century could not fail to know all the caricatured themes of his era. So Pinocchio in Collodi's fairy tale, along with his beloved friend Romeo, nicknamed Fetil (from the candle), goes to the Land of Entertainment (a metaphor for the promised Kingdom of Heaven?) Riding a donkey,after staying in which Pinocchio first grows donkey ears and then the whole of Pinocchio turns into a donkey, which is eventually sold for money by his Master. By the way, 12 donkey teams were dragging the van of this Lord to the Land of Entertainment, and these donkeys were wearing human boots, which cannot but evoke an allusion about the 12 disciples of Jesus …

7) Finally, the most important metaphor between the idol of Christian teachings Jesus and the wooden Pinocchio is contained in the idea that runs like a red thread through the entire plot of the fairy tale: a living block of Pinocchio from a beggar, illiterate, eccentric idiot, having gone through a series of life trials and re-education of the good Fairy (especially in the era of the ancient Renaissance, then the Reformation and Enlightenment), turns into a real and good boy - into a hardworking, intelligent, handsome, with brown hair and blue (!) eyes in a brand new suit, cap and boots. Personally, it reminds me of the transformation of the impoverished Jewish sect of early Christianity, wandering in the dirty catacombs and gathering in its ranks all the ignorant rabble of the urban mob, bandits, proletarian slaves, all the orphaned and poor social waste of the Roman Empire - into the officially laundered one,with pompous temples, shining gold and white outfits of priests, the state false religion of Byzantium, the Vatican and all other Christian states of the Old and New World.

How not to recall and quote A. M. Ivanova (see link - 3): “The meek, merciful, candied Jesus is the fruit of the efforts of the later bogomaz. Such an operation has been carried out more than once in our memory: from the leaders who did not suffer from sentimentality, they made good-natured people, affectionately stroking children on the heads. The real Jesus was not at all like that: traces of this have been preserved in the canonical gospels, where Jesus either bursts into the temple with a whip, then curses the innocent fig tree under a hot hand, but especially in the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas, where Jesus is portrayed with a harsh, stern character ". And a little further in the text he continues this thought: “Someone today would like to save Jesus with such a reform, to“aryize”him. In my opinion, you shouldn't try. You can't wash a black dog white. " However, contrary to the judgment of A. M. It was in the Christianized Jew that this black Semitic "dog" was washed to white over the course of many centuries and reformation - having created from him such a fine-looking European idol-god for all WHITE peoples of the modern West, and in many Christian sects he is still depicted with blue eyes and light brown hair. It remains to note that modern Western youth also had the brightest example of a bleached idol before their eyes - the show-pop idol Michael Jackson, who over the years became literally a physically bleached idol for his show-pop flock, but the tragic death of this black idol became only a symbol from Above about how the attempt to falsely "bleach" your genetic nature and black race ends …how does the attempt to deceitfully "bleach" its genetic nature and black race end …how does the attempt to deceitfully "bleach" its genetic nature and black race end …how does the attempt to deceitfully "bleach" its genetic nature and black race end …how does the attempt to deceitfully "bleach" its genetic nature and black race end …and in many Christian sects he is still depicted with blue eyes and light brown hair. It remains to note that modern Western youth also had the brightest example of a bleached idol - the show-pop idol Michael Jackson, who over the years became literally - a physically bleached idol for his show-pop flock, but the tragic death of this black idol became only a symbol from Above about how the attempt to falsely "bleach" your genetic nature and black race ends …and in many Christian sects he is still depicted with blue eyes and light brown hair. It remains to note that modern Western youth also had the brightest example of a bleached idol - the show-pop idol Michael Jackson, who over the years became literally - a physically bleached idol for his show-pop flock, but the tragic death of this black idol became only a symbol from Above about how the attempt to falsely "bleach" your genetic nature and black race ends …however, the tragic death of this black idol became only a symbol from Above about how the attempt to falsely "bleach" his genetic nature and black race ends …however, the tragic death of this black idol became only a symbol from Above about how the attempt to falsely "bleach" his genetic nature and black race ends …


And now let's move on to the Soviet, reworked fairy tale by A. N. Tolstoy's "The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino", which can rightfully be called "RED PINOCCHIO-2". There are a lot of interesting articles on the Web (see link - 5) by authors-interpreters of all the hidden metaphors of this tale by A. N. Tolstoy. But in my personal opinion, the brilliant mind of Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, who was in exile in the West in the 1920s, already at that time saw a deeply secretive metaphor about the carpenter's son Jesus in the children's fairy tale widely popular at that time in the West by Carlo Collodi. After all, before Tolstoy's gaze lay all the meanings of the turning point of the Bolshevik revolution, carrying within itself the religious reformation of new Russia and the furious destruction of all religious attributes and symbols of Christianity. Furthermore,in the era of still living Lenin, the entire Russian intelligentsia in exile closely watched everything that was happening in their homeland - how a new communist myth and personality cult of Lenin the Leader was created in the country of the Soviets, which after his death was immediately turned by the Bolsheviks into the main communist idol in the Mausoleum, to replace the outdated Christian idol of Jesus. Apparently, therefore, back in 1923-24, just associated with illness, death and the creation of the mummified idol of Lenin, Tolstoy made his first literary adaptation of Collodi's tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (translated from Italian by Nina Petrovskaya), which was published by the publishing house "On the eve" in Berlin in 1924 - exactly the year the dead idol of Lenin was created.which, after his death, was immediately turned by the Bolsheviks into the main communist idol in the Mausoleum to replace the outdated Christian idol of Jesus with it. Apparently, therefore, back in 1923-24, just associated with illness, death and the creation of the mummified idol of Lenin, Tolstoy made his first literary adaptation of Collodi's tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (translated from Italian by Nina Petrovskaya), which was published by the publishing house "On the eve" in Berlin in 1924 - exactly the year the dead idol of Lenin was created.which, after his death, was immediately turned by the Bolsheviks into the main communist idol in the Mausoleum to replace the outdated Christian idol of Jesus with it. Apparently, therefore, back in 1923-24, just associated with illness, death and the creation of the mummified idol of Lenin, Tolstoy made his first literary adaptation of Collodi's tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (translated from Italian by Nina Petrovskaya), which was published by the publishing house "On the eve" in Berlin in 1924 - exactly the year the dead idol of Lenin was created. Tolstoy made his first literary adaptation of Collodi's tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (translated from Italian by Nina Petrovskaya), which was published by the Nakanune Publishing House in Berlin in 1924 - exactly in the year of the creation of the dead idol of Lenin. Tolstoy made his first literary adaptation of Collodi's tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (translated from Italian by Nina Petrovskaya), which was published by the Nakanune Publishing House in Berlin in 1924 - exactly in the year of the creation of the dead idol of Lenin.

And only 10 years later, due to various life circumstances, Tolstoy was able to return to this tale in order to finally rework it in 1934-35 and in 1936 for the first time to publish the tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino." During these 10 years after the death of Lenin, colossal changes took place in the country of the Soviets, and the idol of Lenin in the Mausoleum became the main symbol of the entire communist myth. And here it is necessary to emphasize a very important detail: the name of Carlo Tolstoy gave the main dad a wooden doll back in 1924 when he first edited the translation of "The Adventures of Pinocchio" and retains this name already in the revised tale of Pinocchio in 1936. In my personal opinion, Tolstoy renamed Geppetto to Carlo in the year of Lenin's death not becausethat he wanted to once again emphasize the name of the Italian author of the tale of Pinocchio - Carlo Lorenzini (Collodi is a pseudonym), because in addition to glorify the name of the author of the work that you are processing or compiling, even the most humble writer with a complete lack of vanity and pride will not come to mind … Tolstoy calls the second and main father of Pinocchio by the name Carlo exactly in 1924 in order to metaphorically indicate the parent of the next (after Christ-Pinocchio) idol of Lenin and the creator of the communist myth - Karl metaphorically point to the parent of the next (after Christ-Pinocchio) idol of Lenin and the creator of the communist myth - Karl metaphorically point to the parent of the next (after Christ-Pinocchio) idol of Lenin and the creator of the communist myth - Karl Marx.


Naturally, 10 years after Lenin's death, Tolstoy simply could not help but change and rework the plot of Collodi's fairy tale, since the life of Pinocchio-Christ and the life of BURATINO-LENIN in the theater of world politics was very different. However, the key concepts of Karabas-Barabas as metaphors for the Jewish mafia of bankers who have run the entire puppet theater of world politics since the era of the Roman Empire, as well as the plot that Buratino-Lenin receives from Karabas Barabas symbolic 5 gold coins (for the revolution in Russia) - Tolstoy exactly retains. Tolstoy also retains the original and key moment of the entire Collodi tale - the appearance of a living log precisely in the hands of a carpenter, in order to emphasize the same essence of the creation of both a Christian and a communist idol. Because,how the "double paternity" of Pinocchio in the person of the carpenter Antonio and his friend Dzepetto is reflected in Christianity, just as the "double paternity" of Pinocchio has its mystically isomorphic continuation in communism. Compare: the carpenter Joseph in Christianity was only the first, “nominal” father of Jesus during his supposedly immaculate conception, but the second “spiritual father” of the Christian myth, the apostle Saul-Paul, gave the final form to Christianity and “cut out”. And also in communism, Lenin has two of his "spiritual fathers" - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, therefore Tolstoy in "The Adventures of Buratino" exactly retains the plot of "birth" and the double paternity of "red Pinocchio-2" and only gives his fathers other names. In the same way, Buratino Tolstoy first appears in the world in the form of a talking wooden block and declares himself in the hands and in the house of the CARPENTER Giuseppe, who becomes, as it were, his first, "nominal" father - like Joseph in Christ. And only then the carpenter Giuseppe, after the "fact of birth" of a living chock, takes it to his friend - organ-grinder Pope Carlo, who becomes his second and main father, since finally cuts out of him the image of a person.


In my personal opinion, the culmination of the meaning of the whole tale of Tolstoy and the key words about replacing the Christian idol with a communist idol are expressed in the chapter "A Terrible Battle at the Edge of the Forest": "Buratino climbed up a resinous trunk to the top of an Italian pine tree." And the chapter itself "terrible battle", apparently, is a metaphor not only of the civil war in Russia, when the Entente Karabas Barabas tried to strangle the "out of hand" doll-revolutionaries, but to a greater extent there is a metaphor of precisely the religious war around the main Christian axis of the First Rome - "ITALIAN PINE", which the new idol of communism - "red Pinocchio-2" dared to climb, because even the place of the battle scene is called "the edge of the forest", because Russia (Third-rate Rome) has always remained for the Jew (the First Rome) a cultural and religious edge and periphery. Karabas shouts to Buratino: “Get off, get off!"From a pine tree, because the world Jewish banker Karabas, giving Buratino 5 gold pieces to ignite the" worldwide fire of revolution through Russia "did not expect that this red Buratino would simply throw the outdated Christ idol off the" Italian pine "and put his own idol in its place, which meant "the nationalization of cosmopolitan communism in a single country." Tolstoy openly expresses this idea in the last line of the penultimate chapter and, as it were, summarizes the whole fairy tale with it: all the puppets ask Buratino, who do you want to be at the theater? - "Freaks, in a comedy I will play myself and become famous all over the world!"that this red Pinocchio would simply throw off the outdated idol of Christ from the "Italian pine" and put his own idol in its place, which meant "the nationalization of cosmopolitan communism in a single country." Tolstoy openly expresses this idea in the last line of the penultimate chapter and, as it were, summarizes the whole fairy tale with it: all the puppets ask Buratino, who do you want to be at the theater? - "Freaks, in a comedy I will play myself and become famous all over the world!"that this red Pinocchio would simply throw off the outdated idol of Christ from the "Italian pine" and put his own idol in its place, which meant "the nationalization of cosmopolitan communism in a single country." Tolstoy openly expresses this idea in the last line of the penultimate chapter and, as it were, summarizes the whole fairy tale with it: all the puppets ask Buratino, who do you want to be at the theater? - "Freaks, in a comedy I will play myself and become famous all over the world!"

Thus, during the communist revolution in Russia, the world Jewish bankers had to by any means destroy the Christian idol, which the Russians nationalized for many centuries, because the Christian Black Hundreds and Great Russian nationalism for the Jews meant an absolutely fused and madly hated concept. But when in the country of the victorious revolution Lenin was first made a lifetime cult of the Personality, and after his death - a new national idol, this meant that in the country of Soviets its own center of religious power was recreated to replace the old one, and that now Moscow (Third-rate Rome) is becoming a self-sufficient, axial The CENTER of the new communist myth, and the world puppeteer of the communist performance (project) is thrown overboard and remains sitting in a puddle in the rain …

Consider other aspects of Tolstoy's tale. Malvina as a metaphor for the Slavic princess-Russia after the victory of Pinocchio at the edge of the forest (with the help of Artemon and other inhabitants of the fauna) continues to educate him - this plot only sarcastically emphasizes that illiterate proletarians and uncultured Sharikovs came to power - not like Artemon! And, of course, Pierrot is a metaphor for the miserable, weak-willed Russian intelligentsia of the times of Nicholas II, the noble dog Artemon is a metaphor for those tsarist, Russian officers who remained loyal to their Motherland and defended their Slavic princess Russia, and then went over to the side Red winner Pinocchio and under his leadership organized their own theater of communism, which became beyond the control of the world puppeteer Karabas Barabas. I don't know about you, but I personally thinkthat the golden zigzag of lightning on the curtain of this magical theater means nothing more than “Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country”, because the curtain in the theater of communism opened and began with the GOELRO plan of red Pinocchio, and the lightning symbol on any electrical panel will soon recognize since childhood every Soviet schoolchild. In short, electric lightning is not only a symbol of the Light of the new Soviet civilization, which replaced the Christian darkness of primitive candles and icon lamps, but also a thunderstorm for the entire Western world order and bourgeois imperialism. In short, electric lightning is not only a symbol of the Light of the new Soviet civilization, which replaced the Christian darkness of primitive candles and icon lamps, but also a thunderstorm for the entire Western world order and bourgeois imperialism. In short, electric lightning is not only a symbol of the Light of the new Soviet civilization, which replaced the Christian darkness of primitive candles and icon lamps, but also a thunderstorm for the entire Western world order and bourgeois imperialism.


Finally, it remains to understand a very important motive of Tolstoy: why did a very significant new attribute - the golden key - appear in the fabulous image of "Red Pinocchio-2"? In my personal opinion, Tolstoy understood that the mummified idol of Lenin just replaced the idol of Christ and, as an object of idolatry and corpse worship, he can remain for them indefinitely and ultimately repeat the fate of obscurant Christianity with the same corpse worship of the relics of saints. But Tolstoy believes that the idol of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine still contains the key to a new life and, as it were, transfers the attention of idolaters from the cult of Buratino-Lenin to the golden key itself, which opens the door to the bright future of Russia from the KAMORKA KAMORKA KARL. In other words,in the study (closet) and in the writings of Karl Marx, Tolstoy sees the key to the transformation of the new Russia and sincerely believes in it. Therefore, Pinocchio Tolstoy ceases to be the object-in-itself of the whole fairy tale, which is Pinocchio Collodi, and becomes the SERVANT of that magic dream castle, which must be opened with the help of the golden key of the Marxist teaching of Pope Carlo. Perhaps that is why even the very name of his revised fairy tale contains this idea: "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino", in which the key is placed in the first place, and the personality of Buratino is pushed into the background and plays, as it were, a subordinate role in revealing the secret of the golden key - the main meaning of the be opened with the golden key of Pope Carlo's Marxist teachings. Perhaps that is why even the very name of his revised fairy tale contains this idea: "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino", in which the key is placed in the first place, and the personality of Buratino is pushed into the background and plays, as it were, a subordinate role in revealing the secret of the golden key - the main meaning of the be opened with the golden key of Pope Carlo's Marxist teachings. Perhaps that is why even the very name of his revised fairy tale contains this idea: "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino", in which the key is placed in the first place, and the personality of Buratino is relegated to the background and plays, as it were, a subordinate role in revealing the secret of the golden key - the main meaning of the tale.

In 1935, the first fruits of industrialization had just appeared in the country of the Soviets, the terrible famine was transferred and power was firmly taken into the hands of the communist monarch Stalin (any form of monotheism is always at the heart of the monarchy and is its primary matrix). After the first shock five-year plan of "building socialism in a single country" Tolstoy sees how Soviet Russia begins to move forward at a rapid pace, the people are enlightened by knowledge, freed from Christian obscurantism, and flies into the future on the wings of their own creativity, conquering the sky with the first Russian planes. Perhaps that is why Tolstoy's fairy tale, which almost every Soviet schoolchild loved from childhood, turned out to be so cheerful and bright, soaked through with optimism and faith in the best,after all, according to all the canons of the Russian fairy tale, good eventually won out over evil and the golden key of Buratino opened his own magical theater-state to the dolls called "Lightning", in which the dolls cease to be puppets and from now on will play themselves in a new communist performance …

But Tolstoy in 1935 still cannot foresee that all the traps and failures of Marxist theory will show themselves only half a century after writing the tale of Pinocchio and that the Sionomason theory of Marxism is initially false in its fundamental foundations, because the theoretical wisdom of Marxism so dislocated the brains of everyone "Loyal Leninists-Buratinovites" that they could not fully recognize him even with the reform of Kosygin. Naturally, for all his gift of writing genius, Tolstoy could not even foresee for two decades ahead - what would become of the magic theater of communism after Stalin's death and what rats Shushary would make their way to the post of general secretary and appoint themselves as directors in the Molniya theater. However, in the last chapter of the tale, Tolstoy still makes one prophecy through the mouth of Pope Carlo, who declares to all the dolls:"If we travel around Italy from city to city, I will drive a horse and cook lamb stew with garlic." Tolstoy turned out to be right and dad Carlo - Karl Marx was the ideological and doctrinal coachman of the Soviet horse-people for seven decades, and even after the collapse of the USSR, he cooks and feeds a flock of communist sheep-comrades (from the Turks. "Tavar" - cattle) both in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and in the left parties around the world. Thus, only the appearance on the stage of history of Pope Carlo - Moses Mordechai Levi (who "mowed" the poor man all his life, just as the Jewish sect of "early Christianity" also allegedly consisted of the poor) and the creation of the "Red Talmud" predetermined the appearance of the "red Pinocchio-2 ",who has bewitched hundreds of millions of people with a communist utopian fairy tale and deceived them with his dead idol in the Mausoleum, like Pinocchio Christ on the cross. In short, there would be a skilled master of Lies, and there is always a lump to make an idol of Buratino out of it for the Country of Fools!


The most famous image of Lenin with a log on the communist subbotnik had a prophetic meaning for Lenin himself! For, ironically, Lenin's physical body literally became the same billet log from which the communists made a stuffed Buratino-Leader in the Mausoleum!

It is significant that in Tolstoy's fairy tale a certain boy also very prophetically says to Buratino: "With your cap you can only catch tadpoles," and in the Soviet film adaptation of 1975, the cap on Buratino's head is very symbolically made of red and white stripes, which just reflects the dialectic "Christianity - communism "And their synthesis, because in Christian Russia there was a white St. Andrew's flag of the Navy, and in Soviet Russia - a red flag. And the golden key in this Soviet film is very similar to the GOLDEN CROSS and the ancient Egyptian ankh, because the most paradoxical "trick" of Tolstoy's entire tale is that this key (ancient Judeo-Masonic knowledge about the skillful form of slavery - pseudo-theocracy-communism) is just belonged to the sinister Karabas Barabas, who once lost him in the pond! Therefore,who ultimately duped whom as a result of the collapse of the chimera of the communist spectacle in 1991 - Karabas Buratino or Buratino Karabas - remains on Tortilla's conscience! Apparently, the Christian old woman Europe Tortila, who has not yet lost her mind, decided to slip this key from the red chimera to the furious Buratino so that after its collapse in the Land of Fools, golden keys again shine on the tops of golden yurt-domes (Judeo-Christian temples), built on the roofs of pagan (antique) basil. It remains to add that even if the modern idol of Lenin in Soviet times was already made not only of wood, but also of stone or metal, in any case, paper for photo-portraits-icons of the Marxist Buratino-Lenin is still made from the same tree …Christian old woman Europe Tortila, who has not yet lost her mind, decided to slip this key from the red chimera to the furious Buratino so that after its collapse in the Land of Fools, golden keys shine again on the tops of golden yurt-domes (Judeo-Christian temples), built on the roofs of pagan (antique) basil. It remains to add that even if the modern idol of Lenin in Soviet times was already made not only of wood, but also of stone or metal, in any case, paper for photo-portraits-icons of the Marxist Buratino-Lenin is still made from the same tree …Christian old woman Europe Tortila, who has not yet lost her mind, decided to slip this key from the red chimera to the furious Buratino so that after its collapse in the Land of Fools, golden keys shine again on the tops of golden yurt-domes (Judeo-Christian temples), built on the roofs of pagan (antique) basil. It remains to add that even if the modern idol of Lenin in Soviet times was already made not only of wood, but also of stone or metal, in any case, paper for photo-portraits-icons of the Marxist Buratino-Lenin is still made from the same tree …pagan (antique) basilicas built on the roofs. It remains to add that even if the modern idol of Lenin in Soviet times was already made not only of wood, but also of stone or metal, in any case, paper for photo-portraits-icons of the Marxist Buratino-Lenin is still made from the same tree …pagan (antique) basilicas built on the roofs. It remains to add that even if the modern idol of Lenin in Soviet times was already made not only of wood, but also of stone or metal, in any case, paper for photo-portraits-icons of the Marxist Buratino-Lenin is still made from the same tree …


Marxist (Pope Karl Marx) Buratino - V. I. Lenin - to this day remains the main idol and symbol of the entire era of the USSR for all generations of Soviet people.

Summing up the fabulous metaphors of K. Collodi and A. Tolstoy about the wooden idols of Pinocchio-Christ and Buratino-Lenin, “carved” in different epochs by Jewish Pope Karls to fool the Country of Fools, we can add humor on the same mythical and religious theme. I don't know about you, but it seems to me that the Leader of the world proletariat, ascended to heaven by the ritual of cremation (on earth he is written with a small letter, and in heaven - this is a different level!) Will very quickly figure out which of them is real with the Leader of world Christianity, and not the mythical General Secretary of Heaven. After all, there, in heaven, the image of Lenin on an armored car will have a very serious advantage against the myth of Jesus on a donkey, and it seems to me that Ilyich Party clerk will force Jesus Pantokrator to find in heaven not only the “fifth corner”, but also to find those Talmudists,who dared to make the symbol of the five-pointed star so dear to Ilyich as a symbol of early Christianity. And you imagine in your personal heaven (in the imagination) that Ilyich in an armored car at least once fired at the Messiah on a donkey going to Jerusalem, who do you think will get to the gates of Jerusalem first, Jesus or the donkey?

Well, if Ilyich, resurrected in heaven, is finally angry, then what will remain of these personified images of Judeo-Christianity (the image of Jesus) and American democracy (the image of a donkey under Jesus), which saddled each other again (as in the beginning of the 20th century) and merged in the ecstasy of oligarchic capitalism in post-Soviet Russia? In my opinion, the donkey of American democracy, on which Jesus is sitting, is already doomed, because Ilyich's armored car will in any case overtake him and roll him into the heavenly road, but whether God the Father will help his son Jesus to avoid the fate of a donkey, and Judeo-Christianity to avoid the fate of liberal oslocracy is a question of the near future, to which the Russian Reformation will answer. Speaking seriously, one thing can be sure for sure:the ritual and symbolic ascension to heaven of the mummy of the first communist pharaoh and the great Antichrist of the 20th century will mark the beginning of the end of the capitalist Judeo-Christian restoration in Russia and the beginning of the end of all the false myths of the donkey American democracy that fool the post-Soviet peoples. After all, only the resurrection of socialism at the Spiritual-heavenly level, i.e. at the level of the religious consciousness of Russians, will lead to the revival of Russia at the level of theocratic socialism.

But the post-Soviet communists for the whole 17 years after the collapse of the USSR did not make the most important, fundamental transformation: they did not abandon the cult of materialism and did not carry out the fundamental "Copernicus coup" in the theoretically false doctrine of communism, i.e. they did not deny that the sun (spirit) allegedly revolves around the earth (matter) and did not recognize that on the contrary, the earth (matter) revolves around the sun (spirit) and that only spirit (or false spirit) generates the structure of the material world (or false world)) and any model of the existence of human society. In other words, the communists have not implemented in 17 years and have not embodied in their political activity the third law of Hegel's dialectics (the same Hegelian dialectic,which Marx deliberately perverted and on the basis of which he created the gibberish of "dialectical materialism") - the law of negation of negation, which means that they did not develop and spiritual reformation (transformation) of their political consciousness and the entire theory of socialism.

After all, what is the meaning of this third law of Hegelian dialectics as applied to the pseudo-theory of communism? The point is that the Talmudists, starting with their predecessors, the priests of Ancient Egypt, drove humanity into slavery with the help of their main technique - through a total denial of Truth and turning it upside down in order to make black white, and replace the light of truth with the darkness of false truths, for to be masters and slave-owning shepherds can only be over deceived peoples who do not know the truth of the universe. Therefore, Mordechai's theory of historical materialism was a prolongation of the previous historical stages of artificial implantation of the ancient cult of materialism, and at the new stage of slave-owning "modernity", it totally DENIED the existence of the Creator and the primacy of Spirit. So, according to the Hegelian law of denial of negation, it was the Russian communists (the Jewish communists would never do this either in Russia or in the West) should have long rejected the Judeo-Mason Marx's denial of the primacy of Spirit, decisively and irrevocably abandon the cornerstone of the whole theory of communism - the cult materialism and make the negation of the denial of the primacy of the Spirit.

But the Russian communists, even for the whole 17 years of the corpse decomposition of the theory of Marxism-Leninism, did not turn materialism upside down and did not put the Spirit on its true, dominant and supreme place and did not free the theory of socialism from the mortifying cult of materialism, which means that they did not make a dialectical leap (transformation) of socialism to a qualitatively new - the spiritual level of development. And here we finally come to the most important thing: CREAMATION AS A VISION OF A DEAD, MATERIAL BODY OF LENIN INTO AIR ASH (ASH) THERE IS A SYMBOL OF TRANSFORMATION OF MATERIALIST FALSE-SOCIALISM INTO SPIRITUAL SOCIALISM. Moreover, the ritual of the cremation of Lenin's mummy itself will become that Sacred Fire that will symbolically cleanse Russia of the mortifying cult of materialism, destroy the occult-mystical spell and the action of the highest satanic principle,considered in detail in the 5th part of the article - "the power of matter over spirit." And finally, the cremation of Lenin's mummy WILL TRANSFORM the semantics of the concept of "mummy" (the meaning of anti-dust and anti-decomposition of carrion) into the concept of "dust", i.e. will carry out an isomorphic denial of denial at the level of concepts and bring “that which lies in the Mausoleum” to its true meaning and full compliance with the legal concept of “dust” (ashes after the burning of the body, remains), in no way violating the Law “On Burial and Funeral business ". In other words, the denotatum (mummy) will become an exact correspondence to its concept of "dust" both in the popular mind and in its legal definition.will carry out an isomorphic denial of denial at the level of concepts and bring “that which lies in the Mausoleum” to its true meaning and full compliance with the legal concept of “dust” (ashes after the burning of the body, remains), in no way violating the Law “On Burial and Funeral business ". In other words, the denotatum (mummy) will become an exact correspondence to its concept of "dust" both in the popular mind and in its legal definition.will carry out an isomorphic denial of denial at the level of concepts and bring “that which lies in the Mausoleum” to its true meaning and full compliance with the legal concept of “dust” (ashes after the burning of the body, remains), in no way violating the Law “On Burial and Funeral business ". In other words, the denotatum (mummy) will become an exact correspondence to its concept of "dust" both in the popular mind and in its legal definition.


In the photo: this is a natural human effigy of Lenin and, literally, a mummified doll of the Marxist Buratino, the communists call the “ashes” of their Leader.

In the same context, we must once again recall the great Russian philosopher N. Berdyaev, who back in 1946 gave a very capacious description of the Soviet system, foreseeing its intermediate character: “Communism has its own truth and its own lies. Truth is social, revealing the possibility of brotherhood of people and peoples, overcoming classes; the lie is in spiritual foundations … Communism must be overcome, not destroyed. The truth of communism, but freed from lies, should also enter the highest stage that will come after communism”(Berdyaev N. A. Russian idea // About Russia and Russian philosophical culture. M., 1990. S. 264-265). The prophecy of N. Berdyaev confirmed the full depth of its meaning:Materialist socialism must be overcome to its highest stage - into theocratic socialism and freed from lies - from the cornerstone of all Marxism-Leninism - from the cult of materialism.

The Russian leader of the post-Soviet communists must raise the finite and already dead body of Lenin in FOR THE FINAL world of the eternal Spirit of theocratic socialism. After all, why in Ancient Egypt the mummy of the pharaoh was walled up in the burial room and no one had visual access to it? Of course, protection from the plunder of the treasures of the tomb had its own meaning, but the main thing was the primary, religious meaning of this prohibition: the burial rest is the world of eternity, which is beyond the finite in time matter, therefore it is impossible to get into this world in your physical, material body, in the other world can only enter the Spirit (Ka) and the soul (ba) of a person. And it means that the deceased physical body of the pharaoh could not become an object for corpse worship in his sarcophagus and burial rest, but the meaning of the famous mystical curse of the pharaoh, which will overtake the onewho will disturb the peace of the pharaoh is precisely connected with the impossibility of living, physical bodies of people to penetrate into the other world of eternity - the tomb of the pharaoh. In the first part of the article, I wrote that Slavic studies explain the concept of "law" as a derivative of the expression "FOR THE FINITE", i.e. beyond the time-finite matter, since any law exists in the form of abstract logical concepts and generalized categories, which are the immaterial substance of the logos and are immortal, in contrast to dying biological matter. So the ritual of the resurrection of the Pharaoh just makes the transition from the physical finite world to the world of the eternal Spirit - just like the physical feeling of a person passes into a thought that is immaterial and can also exist forever. Living people cannot live foreverbut they can THINK ETERNITY in the form of the religious FINAL Logos, therefore the Egyptians could not see with their eyes (sense of sight) the mummy of the pharaoh, which is in the tomb in the other world, they could only think about the pharaoh and comprehend with their minds his logos and the spirit of Ka. Thus, the symbolic ascension of Lenin's mummy to heaven means the transition of the cult of matter to the cult of the idea, i.e. ESTABLISHMENT into a religious LAW and into the tradition of the logos of the theory of socialism!

And now, as a Slavic theorist-political scientist and statesman, I would like to contact the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in absentia and through an Internet blog. The time has come when any professional political scientist and serious politician in the post-Soviet space understands that either you, Gennady Andreevich, will cremate Lenin's mummy and go down in history as the Last Communist, because, according to the laws of memory, the first and last are the essence of the whole, and be the last, ending as the historical process is very honorable and prestigious, or Lenin's mummy in any case and a little later will be buried without you, Gennady Andreyevich, whether you like it or not. After all, the Kremlin always has at hand the communist party-clones, which after you leave big politics (but most likely you will “leave” when the sponsoring oligarchs deem it necessary to appoint a new leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation),with squealing zeal, race and elbows each other to rush at the command from the Kremlin to bury Lenin in order to leave his gray and useless name in history. Moreover, they will bury him deliberately in the Christian tradition - they will bury him in the ground and even specially and cynically erect a cross on the grave of the great ANTICHRIST of the 20th century! In general, after you "leave" big politics and against your will some leader of the clone Communist Party will still bury Lenin's mummy in the ground. And moreover, in order to mock the hated socialism, the Kremlin can arrange even such a scenario of a world show, in which the leader of the world proletariat will be buried in the ground … showman Zhirinovsky! And you, Gennady Andreevich, will remain in history who you will remain - the main legitimator of the Yeltsin-Putin oligarchic regime and Gorbachev's "second half",or rather, its historical shadow, which betrayed and sold out all those principles and values of Soviet socialism that Gorbachev did not manage to completely betray and sell.

If the Russian communists, headed by G. A. Zyuganov will make a historic and, indeed, epoch-making decision on the cremation of Lenin's mummy on the holiday of Christian Easter, then the leaders of all the revived pagan associations of Russia can and must support the Zyuganovites in every way in organizing and implementing this primordially Slavic ritual of burning. Firstly, the communists are originally the neo-incarnators of ancient Egyptian paganism, which has the same roots and sacred knowledge as Slavic paganism, and in fact, Slavic paganism in general owes its revival only to the era of communism and Lenin, including, who destroyed Christianity. And secondly, pagan organizations and movements in Russia can only TACTICALLY unite with neo-pagan communists into a single force against the opium of Judeo-Christianity and the false religious corporation of the Russian Orthodox Church. And the purposeful resurrection of Lenin on the holiday of Christian Easter is the first symbolic act of FORWARDING and replacing the national meaning of the Judeo-Christian holidays (ie, the Russian nationalization of their meaning), which were only shamelessly "privatized" by Judeo-Christianity, because the holidays of the resurrection of the gods existed in all the ancient pagans.

All these years, the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, being secret lackeys of the Kremlin, “fraternizing” with Christian shepherds (priests) and visiting the restored Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which was destroyed by their communist fathers, tried to rely on a false, non-Russian spiritual force, tried to rely on rapprochement with a foreign, foreign Judeo-Christianity. While the true national roots, spiritual juices and beliefs of the Russian people are contained in Slavic paganism, after all, it was in the era of communism that all pagan Russian fairy tales, all pagan Russian culture were revived, and in fact, Russians never fully became expected Christians, and only remained Slavic pagans under the burden of the Judeo-Christian false religion imposed from above in the Russian Empire. And largely thanks to Lenin, Russians in the USSR rememberedthey read books and watched their pagan tales on television, and did not poison their minds with Talmudic poison and Jewish tales from the Bible. This means that the post-Soviet communists should have carried out the last, final "nationalization of October" long ago, i.e. to complete the LOGIC of the Stalinist nationalization of alien, cosmopolitan communism and to implement its logical, final stage - to combine secular "communist neo-paganism" with the original Slavic paganism, and not to combine it with an alien, foreign Christian mono-paganism, which the Zyuganovites have been treacherously and fruitlessly engaged in for 15 years … The combination of the pseudo-ideology of communism with the resurgent Slavic pseudo-paganism, distorted in antiquity, is "the beginning of that end, which ends the beginning" of the religious transformation of Russia, i.e.this is the BEGINNING of the correction of the distorted Slavic pseudo-paganism and the beginning of the revival of the true, cosmological Russian religion (RIGHT of the Slavs, which the Jews thoughtfully replaced with "pravno-glory") and the recreation of a perfect, Azic Solar theocracy. Therefore, the burning of Lenin's mummy according to the primordial Slavic custom, and not inhumation according to the Judeo-Christian custom, should become for the Zyuganovites the final act and the final chord of the Stalinist nationalization of cosmopolitan communism.should become for the Zyuganovites the final act and the final chord of the Stalinist nationalization of cosmopolitan communism.should become for the Zyuganovites the final act and the final chord of the Stalinist nationalization of cosmopolitan communism.

After the pagan ritual of burning Lenin's mummy, the urn for his ashes should be made exclusively of the "holy" pseudo-pagan metal - pure gold. Indeed, since ancient times, all the stages of pagan pseudo-religions (including Judeo-Christian mono-paganism) only generate the “holy” value of gold and create from it a religious substance-measure intended to control and rule over all economic relations of people. And in the 21st century, the Judeo-Christian shepherds diligently dress (not to be confused with the decoration of anything) the yurt-domes of their modern Christian churches with gold, which is stored in tons in state and commercial usurer banks and is the basis of all material values of the earth " the kingdom of the beast. " Moreover, it should be emphasized thatthat the differences in the technology of gold production for the domes of churches and gold for bank vaults do not matter, since the very concept of "gold" in the minds of society is one and the same metal. In this sense, the church is only an instrument (institution) of spiritual and religious legitimation of the measure-equivalents of material values in the consciousness of society, therefore, the CHURCH AND THE BANK (TEMPLE OF FINANCE) dialectically depend on each other and are connected by invisible transcendental meanings in the entire architectonics of being. After all, only spiritual and religious values, their suggestive and informational influences and moral and mythological criteria (which can be controlled) in the CONSCIOUSNESS of people create and give material value to any man-made or natural product on Earth, starting from “precious” stones and metals,and ending with daubs on the canvases of "brilliant" artists.

So is the urn for Lenin's ashes not worthy of being made of "sacred-valuable" pagan metal? Isn't there some two or three kilograms of gold for the leader of the world proletariat from all that “party gold” that the top of the CPSU mysteriously snatched away during the collapse of the USSR? A couple of kilograms of gold, even for some gypsy baron or a good dentist-prosthetist, does not represent a lot of wealth. Well, as a last resort, let the communist materialist and the last general secretary of the USSR Gorbachev "scratch the bottom" and "tear off from the heart" a hundredth part of his foreign exchange funds for Lenin's urn made of pure gold, in the end (biblical) who he would be in life Gorbachev and who would have known him in the world if Lenin had not carried out the revolution in his time and created the Communist Party?

The final act and an integral part of the symbolic ritual of the resurrection and ascension to heaven of the sarcophagus with Lenin should be the solemn installation of the gilded symbol of the resurrection - the ancient Egyptian rod-ankh (Buratino's golden key!) On the top of the Mausoleum and its gilded two-dimensional images on the granite walls of the Mausoleum. Firstly, the ankh in Ancient Egypt was not only one of the main instruments of the ritual of the resurrection of the pharaoh, its main meaning is a symbol of eternal life and a key to immortality. And secondly, the ancient Egyptian ankh is another "secret" of the false religion of Judeo-Christianity: it is the prototype of the main Christian symbol - the cross. The Christian cross is a "distorted" and "castrated" ancient Egyptian ankh, from which the figure of the noose over the horizontal bar of the cross was removed and one bare cross was left.

In the 6th part of the article, it was already said that the Talmudists-myth-makers later prescribed the legend of the finding of the cross by the mother of Constantine the Great, on which Jesus was allegedly crucified. However, modern German scientists who carried out archaeological excavations in Israel and Palestine, found that the ancient Romans never used any T-shaped perpendicular cross as a crucifixion tool. During the excavations, only X-shaped, obliquely crossed crosses were found, on which various criminals and rebels were actually executed by crucifixion, but not a single perpendicular cross was found. The fact is that the X-shaped cross is much more practical to use when crucifying, because arms and legs crucified in different directions are easily tied or nailed on the bars of such a cross, and from the point of view of the martyrdom, the victim is more painful,when not only her hands are crucified, but also her legs, while on the T-shaped cross, only her hands remain crucified. The ancient Romans did not think of nailing two legs on one vertical stick, but the myth-makers did it when they diligently converted early Christianity and replaced the ancient Roman X-shaped cross with a "cropped" model of the ancient Egyptian ankh. Since then, for one and a half thousand years (still according to the official chronology), Judeo-Christian shepherds have been fooling their Christian flocks of sheep that Jesus was crucified on a T-shaped cross.when they diligently converted early Christianity and replaced the ancient Roman X-shaped cross with the "circumcised" model of the ancient Egyptian ankh. Since then, for one and a half thousand years (still according to the official chronology), Judeo-Christian shepherds have been fooling their Christian flocks of sheep that Jesus was crucified on a T-shaped cross.when they diligently converted early Christianity and replaced the ancient Roman X-shaped cross with the "circumcised" model of the ancient Egyptian ankh. Since then, for one and a half thousand years (still according to the official chronology), Judeo-Christian shepherds have been fooling their Christian flocks of sheep that Jesus was crucified on a T-shaped cross.

Now let us ask ourselves the etymological question, where did the very concept of "crucify" on the cross come from? It came from the concept of crucifying (stretching) in different directions FIVE limbs of a person, and not just two limbs (arms), which is why only the concept of “bifurcation” can occur, which was used by Zionists in our time and in another direction - with the aim of schizophrenia (bifurcation) the consciousness of those who believe in donkey monetary liberalism. Execution by crucifixion was invented by the emperors of Rome on the basis of real historical events, when the Romans fought against the first Christian proletarian rebels, who had the five-pointed star as the main symbol of their sectarian, early Christian teachings. This Jewish star of Solomon became the reason for the creation of a new method of execution in the Roman Empire,with the help of which the crucified rebels on the X-shaped cross looked like a symbol of their sectarian Christian religion - in the form of a crucified five-pointed star and slowly, martyrically died for the edification of all other Roman proletarians, who, if they joined the rebels, could become the same Christian “stars” on crosses.

By the way, the medieval execution of the wheel also originated from the ancient Roman prototype of the crucifixion of a person in the form of a star, and in Europe the image of a man with arms and legs apart inside a five-pointed star appeared in the Renaissance, but the Judas Masons, as always, perverted his true meaning of origin in the Roman Empire from black into white and from a painful method of execution turned into a humanistic symbol of man! Thus, the five-pointed star was the reason for the creation of a new method of execution - the crucifixion, for which an X-shaped cross was created (a fifth bar is not needed for the head, because you cannot nail your head with nails for a slow death) and no Christian T-shaped cross for crucifixion in the Roman the empire never existed. In the 6th part of the article, it was considered in detail that the number 5 is key,meaning-forming number of the entire Judeo-Christian religion, therefore, the Crucifixion and 5 wounds of Jesus in early Christianity were expressed by the symbol of a five-pointed star, and the Crucifixion of Jesus remains the main and central plot of the entire Christian religious myth to this day.

Thus, for the sake of enlightenment from the intoxication of biblical myth-making and in order to restore the true ancient Egyptian prototype, from which the Talmudists produced the Christian cross, the Zyuganovites are simply obliged to install an ancient Egyptian ankh on the Mausoleum, which is based on the same ancient Azian Solar Swastika. Let in all the coming decades after the ascension of the first communist pharaoh to heaven, millions of people and tourists on Red Square compare and comprehend the ancient Egyptian symbol of resurrection and the key to eternal life, installed on the top of the Mausoleum, with the "warped" and "castrated" likeness of the ankh, which the Talmudists turned into a Christian cross and hung on the golden domes of modern Christian churches. After all, the church is just a modern pagan basilica, likeas a modern cottage is only a modern log cabin. It remains to add that the ancient Egyptian ankh itself is also an incomplete and incomplete symbol of eternal life, from which the Satanic priests even in the Ancient Kingdom of Egypt removed certain contours that organically constitute a holistic symbol, but the ancient Slavs even before the Egyptians knew the highest cosmological knowledge and symbolism. the matrix of eternal life, which will appear in modern Russia at the right time …which will appear in modern Russia at the right time …which will appear in modern Russia at the right time …

Here, as an author, I would like to make a small digression: in the 8th part I revealed my main idea of the article, which arose in me last winter (2007) - to reburial Lenin's mummy on the feast of Christian Easter, in order to show it for all future centuries a symbol of the resurrection of socialism at the Spiritual level of development and show the pagan original source of the ritual of the resurrection of the pharaoh, which the Judeo-Christians stole from pagan traditions without pardon. For this purpose, the 1st part of the article was published by me on April 8, 2007 - on the day of Christian Easter, because the 1st part of this whole theoretician should be like a launching rocket, containing its highest stage and goal (idea), which it must reach by my flight. I had to start from afar in this complex and multidimensional historical era of communism and break my plan into different levels of understanding in order to penetrate layer by layer into the depths of the main phenomenon of the 20th century - communism. I wanted to make a start from the consciousness of different strata of post-Soviet society and without rejecting their political and religious convictions outright, try to lead them from one level of comprehension of reality to another level of comprehension. For example, for the sake of this, I literally squeezed out of myself and through force wrote Orthodoxy with a capital letter in the first two parts of the article, so as not to immediately “scare away” those who formally consider themselves Orthodox (especially now it’s just a kind of herd “fashion” to put on golden crosses or put a candle every six months, and not sincere faith in a Judeo-Christian god),and to push off from the level of religious consciousness, in which, unfortunately, many Russian politicians and my colleagues in the Russian movement are "stuck". They still cannot get rid of the intoxication of this false Talmudic brew and opium-delusional myths concocted for the spiritual enslavement of the goyim in the materialistic kingdom of the beast, the number of which is not a contrived number 666, but the number 5, which forms all the semantic constructs of Judeo-Christianity. And finally, the remaining parts of this article will be devoted to the general outlines and foundations of the future project of the Russian theocracy, because someone who only criticizes the authorities, but at the same time is not able to offer anything in return and is not able to create anything, has nothing to do with the concept of "Slavic theorist -state ". Many Russian politicians and my colleagues in the Russian movement got stuck. They still cannot get rid of the intoxication of this false Talmudic brew and opium-delusional myths concocted for the spiritual enslavement of the goyim in the materialistic kingdom of the beast, the number of which is not a contrived number 666, but the number 5, which forms all the semantic constructs of Judeo-Christianity. And finally, the remaining parts of this article will be devoted to the general outlines and foundations of the future project of the Russian theocracy, because someone who only criticizes the authorities, but at the same time is not able to offer anything in return and is not able to create anything, has nothing to do with the concept of "Slavic theorist -state ". Many Russian politicians and my colleagues in the Russian movement got stuck. They still cannot get rid of the intoxication of this false Talmudic brew and opium-delusional myths concocted for the spiritual enslavement of the goyim in the materialistic kingdom of the beast, the number of which is not a contrived number 666, but the number 5, which forms all the semantic constructs of Judeo-Christianity. And finally, the remaining parts of this article will be devoted to the general outlines and foundations of the future project of the Russian theocracy, because someone who only criticizes the authorities, but at the same time is not able to offer anything in return and is not able to create anything, has nothing to do with the concept of "Slavic theorist -state ".concocted for the spiritual enslavement of the goyim in the materialistic kingdom of the beast, the number of which is not the contrived number 666, but the number 5, which forms all the semantic constructs of Judeo-Christianity. And finally, the remaining parts of this article will be devoted to the general outlines and foundations of the future project of the Russian theocracy, because someone who only criticizes the authorities, but at the same time is not able to offer anything in return and is not able to create anything, has nothing to do with the concept of "Slavic theorist -state ".concocted for the spiritual enslavement of the goyim in the materialistic kingdom of the beast, the number of which is not the contrived number 666, but the number 5, which forms all the semantic constructs of Judeo-Christianity. And finally, the remaining parts of this article will be devoted to the general outlines and foundations of the future project of the Russian theocracy, because someone who only criticizes the authorities, but at the same time is not able to offer anything in return and is not able to create anything, has nothing to do with the concept of "Slavic theorist -state ".but at the same time he himself is not able to offer anything in return and is not able to create anything - has nothing to do with the concept of "Slavic theorist-statist".but at the same time he himself is not able to offer anything in return and is not able to create anything - has nothing to do with the concept of "Slavic theorist-statist".

And finally, it is necessary to briefly consider the historical date of the cremation and symbolic resurrection of Lenin through the prism of two aspects: astrological and numerological. The planet Uranus is the ruler of the coming era of Aquarius and the planet of the country of Aquarius - Russia, which makes its circulation in 84 earth years, and if you take the time interval from the day of Lenin's funeral from January 1924 to March 2008, then it will be equal to a completely perfect circle of circulation Uranus - 84 years old! In the ancient mythology of the Greeks, Uranus was the god of Heaven and the father of Chronos - Saturn, Uranus symbolizes freedom, unpredictability, patronizes revolutionaries and people-innovators who are changing this world, therefore there is no doubt that the leader of the October Revolution was the purest "Uranian" and the first petrel the era of Aquarius.

So send, Gennady Andreevich, the body of Lenin-Uranian to the God of Heaven Uranus! His pagan mummy, buried in a Christian way (!) And imprisoned in a historical trap for the occult-satanic goals of the Bolsheviks ("the power of matter over the Spirit"), lay on Earth exactly a whole cycle of Uranus, so let his body, after all the mockery of mummification and the almost century-old object of corpseation, will finally go "home" - to the planet where the spirit of Lenin-Uranian came from, because even the number of the day on which Lenin was buried - January 27 - is the number of satellites of Uranus! Moreover, the very day of Lenin's funeral, January 27, 1924, was a prophetic symbol of his future Spiritual Resurrection, since was the day of the week of RESURRECTION! And now, in 2008, when the planet of Russia - Uranus returned to the same position of the cycle, in which it was 84 years ago,the upcoming Easter holiday, firstly, is also the day of the Sunday week, and secondly, it also coincided with the number 27 - with the day of Lenin's funeral!

All these aspects, Gennady Andreevich, are not just some random coincidences or signs from above, this is called "the time has come" and "the hour of fate has struck", this is an emanation of the prophetic meaning of History and the tread of the World Spirit, and not a single bug on Earth could to resist the designs of the Creator and the intended evolution, but if these insects began to think from themselves that with their personal will they could resist the will of the World Spirit and hinder its evolution, then unpredictable problems always happened in their lives and mystical, fatal coincidences of circumstances occurred. Many historians were convinced of this and came to the conclusion that in the life of the same Lenin there were a lot of mystical coincidences and fatal numerology, for example, the number 7 was fateful and fatal for him (hello to Putin from the afterlife of Ilyich!). However, there is no mysticism in life,but there is only ignorance and, accordingly, ignorance of certain Spiritual laws of a higher order, which to fanatics-materialists and spiritual "ignoramuses" seem mystical and inexplicable when unexpected incidents of fate happen to them …

Only those who stood on the shoulders of the giant of the World Spirit have always become great politicians and personalities in history, i.e. with his intellect and personal spiritual development, he could recognize in advance his transcendental step and embody in his political struggle the fatally inevitable plan and providence of this heavenly Demiurge. The purposeful will of a person, and even more so a well-known politician, always performs only the function of a trigger, a "trigger" for the actions of certain Spiritual laws, therefore, if you, Gennady Andreevich, by the effort of your political will transform the pillar and cult of materialism in the Mausoleum and cleanse Russia of satanic occult ritual from Babylon, then after the cremation of Lenin's mummy, mystical laws will turn on and many unpredictable and inexplicable events will occur (from the point of view of the schizoid-split consciousness of the Kremlin,which literally bifurcated into a dual power of the official and unofficial head of state), which will mark a new stage in the evolution of Russia on the path of its purification and revival.

Now, Gennady Andreevich, it is in your hands that the very point of bifurcation is in your hands that will determine the fate of Russia for the next 12 years, and not in the hands of those liberals and raw-material pimps in power who, with a clever and self-satisfied look, invent some kind of strategies before 2020, because the leaders of the oligarchic pack in the Kremlin suppose, and the World Spirit disposes. To put it metaphorically, on the Russian political "field of miracles and fools" only you, Gennady Andreevich, are that hidden magician who can spell Russia from a deadly lithargic-liberal dream, into which the prince of darkness was deceived and forcibly plunged into it and enveloped the whole atmosphere with opium the intoxication of its Christian false religion, so that Russia can never wake up.

In the 20th century, the communists led the Russian people into the trap of satanic materialism, the apotheosis of which was the 17-year bacchanalia of the Yeltsin-Putin regime and the oligophrenic ball of material values, which means that the communists themselves must lead the Russian people out of this historical pit. The fate of the Marxist cult of materialism, and hence the fate of the near future of Russia, is now in your hands, and where to put the comma "to execute you cannot have mercy" is up to you, and not to that two-headed "eagle", or the two-headed "donkey" of monetary liberalism, which You legitimized in the Kremlin for the fifth term. This is the only case in your life when you judge History, and not she judges you, therefore, in your speech on Red Square, dedicated to the symbolic resurrection of Lenin in heaven,such words as "resurrection of socialism", "Spiritual socialism", "Russian theocracy", etc. can forever remain in History.

Gather courage, Gennady Andreyevich, to face the chilling wind of 90-year history, and gather all your last spiritual and mental strength to admit the fatal mistake of materialistic communism, for only strong Personalities admit mistakes, and great Personalities can still correct them. We, the new generation of Slavic statesmen, will correct the fatal materialist mistake of communism and build spiritual-theocratic socialism on the lands of the three fraternal Slavic peoples, and we ask you only one thing - stay for us and for your descendants a strong Personality, and not a rag for the shoes of the Kremlin, A LEGITIMATOR of the anti-popular thieves' regime, a traitor to Lenin's struggle against the opium of Judeo-Christianity, and an OPPORTUNIST of capitalist parliamentarism. Leave us all at least some chance to be proud of you,complete this last stage of the corpse decay of communism - the neoliberal Putin of Time for the "fishermen-oligarchs" who fish their billions in this troubled waters.

You, Gennady Andreevich, are required to do only one thing - to carry out only the SYMBOL itself (like Aurora's shot) of the transformation of materialistic pseudo-socialism into Spiritual socialism by cremation and sending to heaven the ark of the communist idea - Lenin's mummy. And other spiritual and religious forces and the military-political Russian order will already embody this symbol of the transformation of socialism into reality in the next 5-8 years and build theocratic socialism, because the symbol always only precedes reality, just like the symbol of the collapse of America was carried out in September 2001, but in reality the complete collapse of America will occur in the year appointed by Heaven. The symbol of the transformation and resurrection in the sky of the first communist pharaoh, carried out on the feast of Christian Easter,will become your last political will in the face of the entire History of Communism, starting with the Paris Commune, and will become your prophetic political testament for all future generations of Slavic statesmen. This symbol will leave your mark on Eternity and save your name in the eyes of your descendants from a decade and a half of betrayal of all the principles and values of Soviet socialism. This symbol will make you the spiritual Winner of the fatal mistake (more precisely, the malicious forgery in the theory of Sionomason Marx) of materialist communism and will become the culmination of all your political activities. And finally, this symbol will become the last Act that you can and must do for the good of the Russian people and for the great future of Russia.and will become your prophetic political testament for all future generations of Slavic statesmen. This symbol will leave your mark on Eternity and save your name in the eyes of your descendants from a decade and a half of betrayal of all the principles and values of Soviet socialism. This symbol will make you the spiritual Winner of the fatal mistake (more precisely, the malicious forgery in the theory of Sionomason Marx) of materialist communism and will become the culmination of all your political activities. And finally, this symbol will become the last Act that you can and must do for the good of the Russian people and for the great future of Russia.and will become your prophetic political testament for all future generations of Slavic statesmen. This symbol will leave your mark on Eternity and save your name in the eyes of your descendants from a decade and a half of betrayal of all the principles and values of Soviet socialism. This symbol will make you the spiritual Winner of the fatal mistake (more precisely, the malicious forgery in the theory of Sionomason Marx) of materialist communism and will become the culmination of all your political activities. And finally, this symbol will become the last Act that you can and must do for the good of the Russian people and for the great future of Russia. This symbol will make you the spiritual Winner of the fatal mistake (more precisely, the malicious forgery in the theory of Sionomason Marx) of materialist communism and will become the culmination of all your political activities. And finally, this symbol will become the last Act that you can and must do for the good of the Russian people and for the great future of Russia. This symbol will make you the spiritual Winner of the fatal mistake (more precisely, the malicious forgery in the theory of Sionomason Marx) of materialist communism and will become the culmination of all your political activities. And finally, this symbol will become the last Act that you can and must do for the good of the Russian people and for the great future of Russia.

Continued: Part 9.

Mikhail Sytnik