The Last Day Of Tartary. Part 2 - Alternative View

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The Last Day Of Tartary. Part 2 - Alternative View
The Last Day Of Tartary. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: The Last Day Of Tartary. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: The Last Day Of Tartary. Part 2 - Alternative View
Video: Base Raid Player7461~I've been dreaming of such a raid for a long time/Last Day on Earth Survival#60 2024, September

In the first part of the publication, I talked about scientific theories recognized by scientists around the world and helping us to reconstruct the events that led to the death of the Eurasian Empire - Great Tartary: The Last Day of Tartary - Part 1.

The presentation of events can be divided into two components: unconditional and discussed. The unconditional ones include: Wegener's three theories (movements of lithospheric plates), Hepgood's theory (an instantaneous shift of the earth's crust as a result of the movement of the poles), displacement of methane hydrate deposits and their decay (with heat extraction). In Discussion: What was the impetus and side effect of the pole shift.

If the facts contradict the theory, the theory should be thrown out, not the facts

The phrase from the title, which belongs to the physicist A. Yu. Sklyarov, is the best fit for the state of affairs in Russian and world history. In our particular case, there are many facts confirming the occurred natural disaster. Let's remember at least some facts:

  • in the 14th century, a small ice age suddenly began on Earth (from the 14th to the beginning of the 19th century);
  • there was the last sharp rise in sea level in the 14th century;
  • in 1492, the very first eruption of Teide volcano in Tenerife (Canary Islands), the third (!) largest volcano in the world, occurred;
  • in 1492 in Russia the calendar was moved for six months - it was spring, it was autumn, after that the new year began to come on September 1;
  • In 1600, the eruption of Huaynaputina volcano (southern Peru) began, the strongest in the history of South America, it is believed that this eruption was the cause of great climatic changes at the beginning of the 17th century, which caused, in particular, the great famine of 1601-1603 and the Troubles in the Russian kingdom.
A year without summer - Venice
A year without summer - Venice

A year without summer - Venice.

  • In 1621-1669 the Bosphorus Strait froze, and in the winter of 1620-1621 in Padua (Italy) snow of "unheard of depth" fell. The year 1665 was especially cold. In the winter of 1664-1665 in France and Germany, according to contemporaries, birds froze in the air. Greenland, which got its name when it was still the "Green Land", is covered with glaciers. In 1665 Brighton sank, in 1667 - Port Royal, the first St. Augustine - until 1671;
  • In 1669, the eruption of Mount Etna began in Sicily, which was accompanied by numerous earthquakes and lasted until November;
  • at the end of the 17th century, a change in the coastal outlines of the northeastern part of Eurasia was recorded (part of the mainland was flooded - this is confirmed by TENS of medieval maps);


Promotional video:

In 1492, there was a very rapid movement of the Earth's lithospheric plates. Such a rapid change in the position of the crust led to significant disturbances in the hydrosphere and atmosphere, hurricanes, floods, and a giant tsunami throughout the planet. In addition, the very movement of some layers of the planet relative to others causes the intensification of volcanic activity and widespread earthquakes.

The displacement of the geographic poles of the Earth - just the earth's crust "crawled" under the new pole. It should be borne in mind that the Earth is not a ball, but an ellipsoid: the difference between the polar and equatorial radii is 21 km. Therefore, the relief changes: zones of new poles - the crust contracts, zones of old ones - expand. At the junction of the plates, mountain building is taking place.

The flood
The flood

The flood.

When the pole moved from the center of America to its present location, the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean moved “to the ocean”. The movement of lithospheric plates caused cracking at the interface between the methane hydrate layer and the base. When conditions change for some reason - pressure, temperature - it is released in a very large volume, which exceeds the initial one by 150-180 times. On average, 1 cubic meter of methane hydrate contains 163 cubic meters of gas.

From the bottom of the ocean, a mass rose upward, consisting of bubbles of methane, crumbs of methane hydrate ice, silt and sea water. When this mass breaks away from the bottom, denser sea water rushes there, and a shock wave arises from the depths upward and from the center of the Arctic Ocean to the shores of Eurasia.

A map from 1725 by the captured Swedish officer Philip Tabbert / Strallenberg: huge empty Siberia - there is only frost and methane hydrates …
A map from 1725 by the captured Swedish officer Philip Tabbert / Strallenberg: huge empty Siberia - there is only frost and methane hydrates …

A map from 1725 by the captured Swedish officer Philip Tabbert / Strallenberg: huge empty Siberia - there is only frost and methane hydrates …

The permafrost was formed not from methane dissolved in water, but from huge emissions of methane from depths with a temperature of minus 160 ° C. It was this supercooled mass, spurred by a shock wave (at least minus 80 ° C), that covered the northeast of Eurasia, and it was this event that was later called glaciation. As a result, we have the instant death of all living and plant world, people, and a sharp change in climate.

Quotes from the book of the English writer Graham Hancock "Traces of the Gods":

A frame from the cartoon Ice Age
A frame from the cartoon Ice Age

A frame from the cartoon Ice Age.

Permafrost is a visual photo
Permafrost is a visual photo

Permafrost is a visual photo.

The decay of methane hydrates is accompanied by a huge extraction of heat - a zone of glaciation and permafrost is formed - throughout the entire thickness, strictly for electrochemical reasons (today, more than 60% of our country's territory is occupied by permafrost). The surviving people of the empire of Tartarius go south - south of latitude 50. Heading south from the coast of the North Ocean, the nearest town appears only 700 km from the coast when the force of the glacial shock wave has decreased.

Estimate the extent of the impact on the permafrost map
Estimate the extent of the impact on the permafrost map

Estimate the extent of the impact on the permafrost map.

The breakdown of methane hydrates is causing shelf flooding all over the world, not just in the north. Today the thickness of the methane hydrate layer is estimated at 400-800 meters, and before the disaster it was 1,100-1,200 meters. According to some studies, the volume of rock containing methane hydrates has decreased by ~ 11%, which means subsidence of the earth by 44-88 meters (if today) or 110-120 meters (then), which fits perfectly with the maps and the depth of flooding of northern Eurasia. The results are inexplicable by officialdom, powerful and fleeting floods and sinking of the bottom.

Flooding map of the North of Eurasia
Flooding map of the North of Eurasia

Flooding map of the North of Eurasia.

A fragment of a medieval map by Giacomo Cantelli (Italian geographer and cartographer) from 1683 La Gran Tartaria. The land borders are very different from the current ones. And where the waters of the ocean are now, it is clearly written “ Septentrionale Vera Tartaria - Frozen True Tartaria (!)
A fragment of a medieval map by Giacomo Cantelli (Italian geographer and cartographer) from 1683 La Gran Tartaria. The land borders are very different from the current ones. And where the waters of the ocean are now, it is clearly written “ Septentrionale Vera Tartaria - Frozen True Tartaria (!)

A fragment of a medieval map by Giacomo Cantelli (Italian geographer and cartographer) from 1683 La Gran Tartaria. The land borders are very different from the current ones. And where the waters of the ocean are now, it is clearly written “ Septentrionale Vera Tartaria - Frozen True Tartaria (!).

Like any natural process, this catastrophe began with the harbingers of a cataclysm, long before the main events. The pole shift itself probably occurred in 1492, and its effects have been developing for about two hundred years. Siberia was depopulated and frozen by rising methane hydrate. After the accumulation of a critical mass of geological changes, at the end of the 17th century, the shelf subsided and the coastal territories of Eurasia were flooded …..

After the death of the metropolis, the redistribution of the spheres of influence of the lost Empire began, the redistribution of the world - everyone who had some opportunity, the armed forces, money, began to seize the empty territory, which now there is no one to protect. And the new masters of the world, first of all, began to rewrite history in order not to give the descendants of the founders of the Empire, to remember their roots - great ancestors and to claim their heritage ….