The New World Has Already Arrived! - Alternative View

The New World Has Already Arrived! - Alternative View
The New World Has Already Arrived! - Alternative View

Video: The New World Has Already Arrived! - Alternative View

Video: The New World Has Already Arrived! - Alternative View
Video: chris carter drsharnael understanding the stars 2024, September

The old world existed for a long time in an eternal and almost continuous war. There were no reliable alliances. Any unification of states did not at all imply eternal peace. This created the preconditions for the two bloodiest wars in human history.

The wars died down, but the lesson was learned for a while. Europe united to form the European Union. Contrary to the assertions of politicians, the European Union is an ordinary confederation. A union of states in the name of achieving common interests and effective defense. This public legal entity cannot exist for too long, it was known in advance. The rise of individual countries over the rest was planned in advance. It was inevitable.

Nowadays in the European Union the joint power of Germany, France and Great Britain has outstripped the rest of the member countries of the union in all spheres. A strong economy made it possible to make more backward countries an economic appendage. Political scientists and leaders of European countries are well aware of this. Conflict is inevitable. The collapse of the European Union is just around the corner. These and many other predicted factors led to the fact that the unofficial leader of the European Union - Great Britain, announced its withdrawal from the Eurozone. It was such an unexpected announcement that the world instantly burst at the seams. The old world is disappearing, and the new world has already arrived!

Britain has never taken alliances seriously. This formerly great Empire has always kept itself apart. Nothing has changed these days. In the last century, the role of world gendarme passed to the United States, which allowed many people to forget about Great Britain. Today, numerous experts and political scientists constantly point out that in reality nothing has changed. While all attention was focused on the United States, Great Britain temporarily receded into the shadows. Undoubtedly, this allowed the kingdom to quietly advance the politics of its interests and secretly rule all other countries. For many years influential financial elites of Great Britain enriched their savings at the expense of Europe. In other words, Europe was useful as long as it had potential.

At the end of 2014, everything changed dramatically. The policy of the European Union to accept all refugees from Syria and other Muslim countries not only endangered the security of the entire union, but began to especially threaten the security of the prosperous member countries. The time has come for chaos and lawlessness. Terrorist attacks have become more frequent, the cultural component has suffered sharply, the level of unemployment and homelessness has increased. The policy of the European Parliament to create loyalty to refugees was very much disliked by the UK and the financial elites. In Great Britain, there was massive propaganda against the European Union, and as a result, the fateful decision was made to secede from the Union. It was this risky step that led to the collapse of the European Union! Bloggers and political scientists are trying to turn back the clock, but the fate of the union is already known. Decay is inevitableas well as the establishment of a new world order.

The new world order is an obvious issue of the day. How will the balance of power change in the near future and what can we expect from this? This time there is no exact answer. There is only "unknown". Great Britain has always been a special player - a Trojan horse or even a gray queen, and therefore it has a choice, albeit not much. It is either to continue close cooperation with the United States, which sooner or later will harm the English Crown. The option of close cooperation with China is possible, but this option is even more dangerous, because the economic potential of China may even surpass the rest of the world. In such conditions, unification with Russia is most likely, and there are all the necessary prerequisites for this.

Firstly, in Russia they are still sensitive to the idea of the Empire. The Russian Empire was an incredibly strong state and even in our time, Russian citizens rely too much on one single person. This phenomenon is amazing. Total distrust of the Government and the State Duma, but at the same time faith in the strength of the President. It only says that the imperial principles are not forgotten. The restoration of the Russian monarchy will bring Russia and Great Britain incredibly close. This will be especially evident if the monarch has a blood relationship with the English Crown. In other words, in exchange for the monarchy, Russia will provide Britain with protection. This not only poses no threat to England, but also fully meets the interests of the Crown. Such a rapprochement can assimilate two peoples and actually make Russia a new British colony.

Secondly, it is the potential of Russia. For the British financial elites, Europe has long ago exhausted its full potential, but in Russia it is more than anywhere else. The invasion of British corporations into Russia will improve the economic situation and greatly strengthen the ruble, as well as make Russia completely dependent on Great Britain. In such conditions, the alliance will turn out to be not just strong, but phenomenally long-term with the extremely probable unification of the two countries into one huge Empire, which will then subdue the whole of Europe.

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Europe, torn apart by numerous internal problems, divided into many small countries, will seek protection anywhere, but will give preference to those it knows best, and this is not the United States. The United Russian-British Empire will be just the state that will be able to change the world, because military and economic power will be capable of much. Such an alliance would disarm the United States by its very existence. Having lost the NATO bloc, the United States will be forced to concentrate on its internal problems and try to save the dollar, because it will begin to fall rapidly. As a result of this, the United States will come under the external control of the new empire. Only two major players will remain in the world, namely the Russian-English Empire and China. It would seem that war in such conditions would be inevitable - but there is still a chance to avoid it.

Already today Great Britain has started space exploration. The Queen of Great Britain has invited Valentina Tereshkova, the world's first woman-cosmonaut, to a personal audience. This already suggests that the UK will cooperate with Russia in space exploration, which will quickly establish superiority over China. If everything happens this way, then many problems will be solved. Minor armed conflicts and wars will stop. No one will be able to compete with the United Empire and, as a result, the process of unification of all countries, predicted by US President Jimia Carter, will be completed.