Mysticism And The Cult Of The Bear - Alternative View

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Mysticism And The Cult Of The Bear - Alternative View
Mysticism And The Cult Of The Bear - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism And The Cult Of The Bear - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism And The Cult Of The Bear - Alternative View
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Probably, not one animal has been composed as many fairy tales, songs, legends and stories as about a bear. The Russian people treat this animal with respect, calling it "forest warlord" and "master of the pine forest." In most fairy tales, the bear appears before us as a kind simpleton, a little awkward sweet tooth, always ready to protect the weak and offended.

However, according to old legends, the bear is not such a good-natured animal. This is one of the most mysterious “creatures on the planet, shrouded in an aura of incredible mystical secrets.


Den - the entrance to the underworld

Almost all peoples of the world have a special relationship with the bear. In some countries he is called the ancestor of people, and in others - a man who became a beast by the will of the gods. One way or another, the toptygin is an unusual creature endowed with unknown magic, an assistant and friend of the gods.

An ancient legend of the Kwakiutl Indians colorfully tells how a man descended from a bear. It tells about the love of a bear for the first man on Earth. The descendants of this couple subsequently settled the entire Earth. One of the ancient Slavic legends tells that the progenitor of people was a werewolf bear.

The warriors of the ancient Celts also called the bear their distant ancestor. It was believed that it was he who endowed his "children" with courage, strength and ruthlessness. In ancient times, the bear was also endowed with divine power. The Slavs believed that the god Veles takes the form of this beast, and the bear den is the entrance to the underworld.

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The ancient Greeks endowed with bearish features Artemis - the goddess of the hunt. In her temples, a tamed bear was often settled, and during the feast in honor of the goddess, priestesses-hunters performed a special dance, throwing bear skins over their shoulders.

But most of all interesting to historians and mystics is the almost forgotten cult of the cave bear - the mysterious god of hoary antiquity. Our ancestors believed that the skull and forepaws of this forest deity possessed special magical powers. Several decades ago, a strange structure was found in the Drachenloch cave (Austria) - something like a huge stone box.

The find was about 40 thousand years old. On the top of the box lay the massive skull of a cave bear, under which the crossbones of the forepaws of this animal rested. In short, the lid of the ancient chest resembled the famous emblem of the pirate "Jolly Roger". But most of all, the archaeologists were surprised by the contents of this cache. The box was filled to the brim with cave bear skulls.

Scientists are still trying to answer the question of why primitive people kept these skulls and why they needed to decorate their "styling" with an eloquent sign.

I must say that the bear cult left its mark on Russian soil. The most famous temple dedicated to the "master of the forest" was located on the territory of modern Yaroslavl, where people lived who worshiped a huge, mysterious bear and brought generous bloody sacrifices to their deity.

According to legend, Prince Yaroslav the Wise destroyed the bloodthirsty tribe at the root and was not afraid to engage in battle with the fierce "god". The prince emerged victorious from the hot duel, having hacked the defeated toptygin with his ax. In memory of these events, Yaroslav founded a new city (Yaroslavl) on the conquered land, the coat of arms of which was a bear with an ax, standing on its hind legs.

Later, in the era of Christianity, people called the bear "the brother of the devil." It was believed that he kept order in the forest, since all kinds of evil spirits were afraid of the shaggy governor. Devils and witches run away from him, because they know that he can defeat the water one in a duel.

It was believed that the bear can save the cattle from any daring. Therefore, Siberian peasants often hung a bear's head in the barn, so that the "forest owner" would protect the living creatures from pestilence and misfortunes.

Bear children

Ancient myths and fairy tales tell us about the bear as a great female lover. They say that he often steals the tramps of women in the villages, or leads the gossips who have lost their way in the forest to his den. There, the unlucky captive becomes the wife of the "forest owner" who takes care of her and after the birth of their common child, lets go home.


By the way, the bears did not deny themselves the pleasure from time to time to shelter a hunter in their lair … The offspring born from such unions are mysterious werewolf bears living in deep forests. They were considered skillful magicians, endowed with colossal physical strength.

According to legend, bear children did not always stay in the forests. They often returned to the people and became known as fearless and invincible warriors. Thus, Russian fairy tales glorified the legendary hero Ivan Medvezhye Ushko, the son of a bear and the beauty he stole.

In the Scandinavian sagas, the hero Berserker is widely known - a descendant of such an alliance. A warrior, dressed in a bearskin, terrified enemies with his mere appearance. In addition to strength and fearlessness, he differed from his fellow tribesmen in bestial fury and did not feel pain. There is a legend that it was this hero who became the progenitor of a semi-legendary tribe of berserkers, bloodthirsty warriors who for several centuries kept the peoples of Northern Europe in fear.

It is possible that such legends gave rise to some physical resemblance of the "forest ruler" to man. It is known that a bear's paw print on wet ground is remarkably similar to that of a bare human foot. In addition, according to experienced hunters, the skinned bear carcass strongly resembles a human body.


It is possible that this similarity gave life to amazing stories that were scattered across Siberia at a later time. In many villages people, freezing with horror, passed from mouth to mouth "horror stories" about how a man in onuchi or a woman in a sarafan was found under the skin of a killed bear.

Forgive us, master

Despite the beliefs about the divine origin and magical abilities of the bear, the huge animal with thick warm fur was considered an enviable prey. However, hunting for a clubfoot at all times was a kind of sacred activity. There was a belief that the "master of the forest" could not be killed just like any other animal.

Fearing the revenge of the brown giant, the hunters, discussing the plan for a future raid, called the prospective prey with allegorical names: "old man", "master", "grandfather" and others. That is why the bear has so many nicknames, among which are Po-tapych and toptygin known to us from fairy tales. At the same time, it was impossible to speak disrespectfully about the bear, and even more so to scold him, otherwise if the “old man” hears, he will certainly take revenge on the impudent one.

Northern peoples - Evenks, Kets or Nivkhs - tried to deceive the already killed "master". During this action, the hunters kindled a fire and began to ritually feed the bear and give it tea. While treating the "grandfather", they had leisurely conversations with him, convincing that it was not they who killed the "owner of the forest", shifting the blame onto the "strangers" - Russian, Yukaghir or Dolgan hunters. Also, during these conversations, they asked the bear not to be angry that people would use his meat and skin, and promised to continue to show all respect to the toptygin.


And at the end of this "meal", when the deceived spirit of the bear dashed off in search of the alien hunters who killed him, the hunters butchered his carcass, first of all, cutting off his front paw and head. They were supposed to be freed from meat, boiled and hung on a tree as a kind of amulet.

Often a stranger was present when skinning the carcass of a bear - a man from another tribe. It was believed that the presence of the alien also helped to throw off the trail of the angry spirit of the slain bear. It was the stranger who cut out the heart of the prey and took an active part in the preparation of the ritual treat.

When the hunters returned to their village with their prey, all the women of the village came out to meet them. They greeted the "furry old man" as a dear guest and held a real holiday in his honor.

Russian hunters also organized a celebration in honor of a successful hunt. Usually, miners gathered in the house of a person who discovered a bear den, or under the shelter of a brave man who was not afraid to go out with a spear against the "master of the forest."

Real healer

For a long time it was believed that the unknown magical powers with which people endowed the toptygin were also transferred to amulets, which were made from his skin, teeth and claws.

The bear's claw was considered the most powerful amulet. He was able to drive away the otherworldly evil spirits from the house, as well as grant peace to the noisy baby. The person who wears this amulet on his chest is not afraid of the evil eye and damage. In the hands of an experienced shaman, a bear's claw becomes a powerful weapon capable of curbing a roaming element.

According to legend, the teeth of a bear also had wonderful properties. In ancient times, they were hung over the cradle of a baby, so that the spirit of the "owner" protected the baby until he could stand up for himself. In addition, bear fangs were inserted into the walls of the barn and fixed between the fence boards. It was believed that they would not allow thieves to the master's good and would protect the property under any circumstances.

The Slavs believed that if a newborn baby is dragged between the jaws of a killed bear, this will save the baby from all diseases.

The heart of the beast was endowed with special magical properties. If a person ate it, then diseases were not terrible for him. The Indian peoples had a belief that a piece of raw bear heart endowed a person with fearlessness, wisdom and invulnerability. Some peoples believed that if a patient was fumigated with smoke from a burnt bear hair, then all ailments would recede.

In magical rituals, bear lard was often used. It was believed that if you smear it on a person's forehead, then the latter will improve memory.

