The Path Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View

The Path Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View
The Path Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View

Video: The Path Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View

Video: The Path Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View
Video: Volodymyr Bystriakov - Alice Through the Looking Glass (library / soundtrack, Ukraine, USSR, 1982) 2024, September

Since ancient times, mirrors have been considered mystical objects, so they handled them very carefully. Until now, only echoes of rumors about the mysterious properties of mirrors have reached. For example, mirrors can store energy that is generated by human emotions and feelings. And this, to some extent, confirms the theory that the souls of dead people live in mirrors, who looked in them during their lifetime. Energy in a concentrated form is capable of influencing a person, therefore in daily life it is necessary to look in the mirror only in a good mood in order to increase the positive in this way.

It is generally accepted that mirrors need to be treated very carefully, especially if the mirror is old, as it can be a source of negativity and bring unhappiness into the house. To avoid this, old mirrors must be cleaned with holy water or church candles.

All sorts of wizards and magicians are sure that the mirror is the entrance to other worlds, and if you look at the surface of the mirror for a long time, you can see the future.

Scientists also attribute many mystical properties to mirrors. It is believed that one can see the future and the past in them, mirrors can absorb the energy of living and inanimate objects, and in addition, they are not the gateway to the otherworldly reality. This is what explains the fact that the mirrors are closed when there is a deceased in the house, hence the omen that if you break the mirror, there will be trouble. Of course, skeptics can argue that all this is not true, but there is no smoke without fire. And, as it turned out, the so-called "mirror magic" has long been the subject of scientific research.

The author of Life After Life, renowned psychiatrist Raymond Moody, has been researching the phenomenon of mirror clairvoyance for over 10 years. The scientist became interested in numerous stories about the appearance of dead people in the reflections of mirrors. He established that the so-called psychomanteums appeared in ancient Greece, in which people consulted with their deceased relatives, whose ghosts appeared in mirrors. The scientist decided to create something similar in modern conditions. He set up a mirrored room on the top floor of an abandoned mill in Alabama, its windows tightly closed. A large mirror was fixed on the wall, facing a chair. It was placed at such an angle that the visitor could not see his reflection in the mirror. The only thing the client could see was the velvet black curtain,against the background of which, in fact, visions should have arisen.

The experiment involved people from a wide variety of professions - psychologists, lawyers, students and doctors. Before starting the experiment, Moody asked all clients to first tune in to contact with a deceased relative. To "adjust" people looked at photos of loved ones, touched their things, just remembered the dead. Then they were led one by one into a mirrored room, which was illuminated by only one dim light bulb. The man sat in a chair and relaxed, and then began to gaze intently into the mirror.

At the same time, there was an assistant in the next room who was always ready to help if necessary. As the experiment drew to a close, the subject was interviewed in detail and recounted everything he saw and heard in the room.

Half of the participants in the experiment said that they saw their deceased relatives, and even communicated with them. Some, however, said that in the mirror they saw not their loved ones, but complete strangers, with whom they were connected by some significant unfinished relationship.

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Many scientists are convinced that there is a looking glass - another dimension that lives in parallel with human civilization. And it is from there that all sorts of ghosts and brownies come to our world, but it is impossible for a person to get into the looking glass of his own accord.

Scientists are trying to prove that mirrors are capable of reflecting not only visible objects, but also what the human eye does not notice: feelings, thoughts, soul. In addition, the mirror can pull all these non-material objects into itself, transferring them to the world of the looking glass.

The ability to travel in time is also associated with mirrors. So, in particular, at the Pulkovo Observatory the famous astrophysicist N. Kozyrev conducted numerous studies to create mechanisms that could transfer objects to the past. In the course of research, he was able to fix the changes in a split second when some substances were dissolved in water, if the space was limited by mirrors.

Many experiments were carried out with the famous Kozyrev mirrors. The essence of the experiments was that the volunteer was placed inside a chamber for several hours, which had a slightly curved inner reflective metal surface. Participants in the research later told that in front of them on this surface were reflected, as if in a movie, scenes from the future or the past, which had nothing to do with them personally. At the same time, they described in detail the pictures they saw, which excluded the possibility that everything they saw was only a figment of the imagination.

In 2010, the results of research by a scientific adviser to the American Congress, Professor Bam, were published, who argued that everyone can pick up signals that come from the future. The essence of his research was that a monitor was placed in front of the participant of the experiment, which was divided into two halves. Each was covered with an opaque cloth. And the subject had to guess which half the image was on.

At first glance, it may seem that this is a common guessing test, but in reality this is not at all the case. The picture was displayed on the monitor using a random number generator, but only after the subject gave an answer.

During the experiment, an interesting pattern was established: if the picture was emotionally neutral, then the number of correct answers fluctuated at the level of 50 percent, but if it was, for example, of erotic content, the number of correct answers increased. At the same time, people without extrasensory abilities participated in the experiment. And one more important circumstance: there were more correct answers when there were mirrors in the room.

Another point associated with the use of mirrors refers to antiquity. We are talking about divination in mirrors, which was widespread among girls. On Christmastide, young girls put two mirrors opposite each other, between which they placed a lighted candle. Then they sat down near one of the mirrors and gazed intently into the dark corridor. Many of them later reported seeing various images.

However, skeptical scientists, in particular the biologist Mezentsev, say that all visions in mirrors are nothing more than hallucinations. According to Mezentsev, it happens like this: a girl is left alone in a dark room late at night, lights a candle, tries not to move so as not to miss anything, and stares intently at the surface of the mirror. As a rule, fortune-telling lasts a long time, so the girl gradually falls into a half-asleep state, and then various images begin to appear in her mind. Moreover, there is no way to check what exactly the girl saw.

A different opinion is shared by the German theoretical physicist Casimir, who claims that the gravitational index changes between two mirror surfaces, which can cause the curvature of time and space, that is, being between two mirrors, a person can receive information from other dimensions.

Of course, it is impossible to say with certainty about whose theory is correct. And it is quite possible that in the future, mirrors will present many more surprises to people.