Find From Casteidollo - Alternative View

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Find From Casteidollo - Alternative View
Find From Casteidollo - Alternative View

Video: Find From Casteidollo - Alternative View

Video: Find From Casteidollo - Alternative View
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In the late sixties of the last century, a geologist professor at the Italian Institute of Technology in Brescia, Giuseppe Ragazoni, conducted archaeological excavations in coral deposits near the village of Casteidollo and came across human remains.

It was the skull, limbs, and part of the chest. Later, several more graves were found here. But since the bones in appearance belonged to modern people, scientists did not even begin to do any analyzes and calmly forgot about this find. However, Ragazoni himself returned here with his assistant Carlo Germani in 1980. And again geologists came across similar burials in the same clay of coral deposits.

And although the examination established that the remains belong to a modern man, woman and children, the very clay that preserved these bones dates back at least 4 million years. In 1983, the excavation near the village of Casteidollo was visited by Professor Giuseppe Sergi of the University of Rome, who confirmed that the age of the blue clays in which the remains of the found people rested is 3-4 million years. It turned out that even in that distant past, a person was not much different from the modern - the whole theory of Darwin was flying to hell.


The Casteidollo find was not the only awkward artifact

Moreover, even before the discovery of Ragazoni, in the fifties of the last century, on the territory of the city of Savona (300 kilometers from Casteidollo), a skeleton of a modern man was found … again, in geological sediments at least 4 million years old. In 1967, Professor Arthur Iossel (Geneva) reported on this with delight at the International Congress on Prehistoric Anthropology and Archeology. However, orthodox science did not share the enthusiasm of the Geneva scientist, just as it later will not pay any attention to the discovery from Casteidollo by the professor of geology Ragazoni.

You ask, what about now? And everything is still the same, Darwin's theory of the evolution and origin of man from the monkey has so firmly blended into the academic canons, textbooks and scientific works that it is simply impossible to knock it out of there - no arguments, facts or material evidence of the past. To do this, you must first destroy the entire scientific world with their dissertations and privileges, which no one will ever voluntarily simply refuse (with the exception of the true lights of science, which are practically not there at the top). Therefore, objectionable facts at all times were hushed up, and will be hushed up further, and the inconvenient artifacts themselves are simply destroyed …

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