How To Learn To Put People In Their Place: The Psychology Of Speech Attack - Alternative View

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How To Learn To Put People In Their Place: The Psychology Of Speech Attack - Alternative View
How To Learn To Put People In Their Place: The Psychology Of Speech Attack - Alternative View

Video: How To Learn To Put People In Their Place: The Psychology Of Speech Attack - Alternative View

Video: How To Learn To Put People In Their Place: The Psychology Of Speech Attack - Alternative View
Video: How to Stop A Bully 2024, June

Faced with rudeness and impudence, we are often lost, not knowing what to oppose to the one who offends us. To understand how to put people in their place, you do not need to sign up for a boxing section or study martial arts. There is a word for this - a very effective weapon.

How to learn to put people in their place

To learn how to effectively use the techniques of rhetoric (oratory) in a verbal duel, a certain psychological preparation is required.

  • Gaining confidence in yourself, in your job, abilities. The feeling of confidence will allow you to calmly, without unnecessary emotions and without losing dignity, react to criticism, even if it is expressed in a rude form.
  • Development of a state of mental balance. Unbalanced people quickly get irritated and therefore get lost when it is necessary to put the interlocutor in place.
  • Mastering a variety of ways and means of effective communication: correct reasoned speech, intonation, gestures, facial expressions.
  • Learning to understand your interlocutor, his emotional state, attitude towards you, your business, etc. This perception of a communication partner will allow you to choose the right tone, content of the speech attack and respond to the opponent's “blow”.

All these psychological skills are necessary not only in a situation of rudeness on the part of the interlocutor, but in any communication. Most people learn them from childhood, but not all of them are fully formed. In this case, you should engage in social and psychological training, it helps to develop communication skills and master the ways of repelling mental attacks from the interlocutor.

Speech attack techniques: how to put insolent people in place

Our speech is rich in expressive means and provides many opportunities to put the insolent person in his place. It is not for nothing that people who are able to slay an opponent with a word are said to have a sharp tongue. Here are some effective tricks.

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  1. Best defense is attack. In response to a rude remark or reproach, do not make excuses, but immediately express your complaint to your opponent regarding his behavior, actions, position. And do it so that the interlocutor experiences a sense of guilt, this will deprive him of a sense of superiority.
  2. Change black to white. Has your interlocutor expressed dissatisfaction with your behavior? Find the positives in your actions and voice them. This will confuse the insolent person and give you a psychological advantage.
  3. Weak! Effect. This is an effective psychological technique that works flawlessly. If a person is dissatisfied with your work, invite him to do it himself, do it better, show how it should be. As a rule, this proposal knocks down arrogance of the critic.
  4. Ignoring. This is not entirely rhetorical, but effective. Nothing pisses off impudent people like contemptuous silence in response to their remarks. Especially if the silence is accompanied by a condescending smile.

Using the techniques of rhetoric, try not to slip into the level of rudeness and insults. This is not only indecent and ineffective, but also proves that the statements of the interlocutor seriously hurt you. Do not please the impudent with your irritation and resentment.