Methods For Recruiting Agents - Alternative View

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Methods For Recruiting Agents - Alternative View
Methods For Recruiting Agents - Alternative View

Video: Methods For Recruiting Agents - Alternative View

Video: Methods For Recruiting Agents - Alternative View
Video: Recruiting in 2021 - Tips on Sourcing and Candidates! 2024, September

The activities of the special services have always attracted increased attention, although the information that becomes available to the public is only a negligible fraction of all the activities carried out by these services. One of the main tasks necessary for the successful implementation of secret activities is an extensive and well-concealed network of agents, recruiting new agents.

Recruitment is a complex of various intelligence and operational measures aimed at luring the person of interest to the special service, to cooperate with them, to perform certain intelligence tasks.

The work of the intelligence services of different countries in this direction is basically structured everywhere in the same way. Of course, this is a very painstaking, secret and dangerous job. We can observe examples of recruitment in everyday life from the marketing side. The principle of modern sales is to create interest and satisfy it, makes you buy a product, even if you don't really need it. In recruiting people, the same principle applies only at a higher psychological level. Attracting a person to his agents is an extra-class job for a scout.

Agent recruitment stages

Basically, the process of recruiting an agent is divided into several stages. First, there is a preliminary preparation for the recruitment of an agent. At this stage, a circle of persons is determined who may be suitable for performing certain tasks of an intelligence nature, the so-called recruiting contingent. Experts conduct a thorough study of the professional potential of the selected environment. A candidate is selected from this group of persons who, for one reason or another, may agree to cooperate with the special services. Having decided on the candidacy, the developers of the operation carefully investigate the selected object, study all the positive and negative aspects of its character, the professional usefulness of the person, search for materials compromising him, scrupulously find out all aspects of his personal and political life,religious beliefs. Having thoroughly studied all the information, having created a psychological portrait of the future agent, evaluating his inner and outer world, the specialists of the special services find those sides with the help of which one can attract an individual to cooperation. The entire complete picture of the object of interest is provided for consideration by the managers and in case of a positive solution to the issue, a joint action plan is created aimed at recruiting a new agent. The entire complete picture of the object of interest is provided for consideration by the managers and in case of a positive solution to the issue, a joint action plan is created aimed at recruiting a new agent. The entire complete picture of the object of interest is provided for consideration by the managers and in case of a positive solution to the issue, a joint action plan is created aimed at recruiting a new agent.

Object development

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Having decided on the candidate, the intelligence officers begin recruiting the future agent. All the necessary information is collected from the environment of the object, technical capabilities are used to obtain information and outdoor surveillance is carried out. All these activities make it clear with what motive, you can influence the person of interest. After that, tactics and the basis of recruitment are developed, which depends on the surrounding situation, personal and everyday problems, the prevailing political situation, circumstances that can affect the vital needs of a person.

Agent recruitment basics

There are several basic ideas on the basis of which agents are recruited:

* ideological and political;

* compromising;

* material - household;

* moral and psychological.

Recruitment, which takes place on an ideological and political basis, develops the strongest ties between the agent and the secret service. This style of recruitment is especially effective in cases of disappointment in the political situation in the country, in infringement of religious beliefs, in the promotion of nationalism. Agents recruited on this platform are willing to sacrifice themselves for the idea, they are very valuable and loyal agents, unless disappointment occurs in their ideas.

Forced recruitment
Forced recruitment

Forced recruitment

Agents who are recruited using compromising evidence are also quite a large number. When studying the dossier on objects of interest, special services specialists can find compromising materials in the agent's sex life (homosexuality, love affairs on the side, sex with minors), in personal biography, in the biography of close relatives. The agents recruited in this way work for the special services fruitfully and for a long time while they are on the hook.

The simplest and most intuitive way is to recruit an agent on the basis of material reward. Money is the best incentive. The amount of material rewards can stimulate the active activity of the agent or, on the contrary, eliminate it as it is unnecessary.

The most unmanageable is the agent recruited on a moral and psychological basis. Character traits (vanity, greed, revenge, and others) are not a very good foundation for creating a strong agency. Of course, as such, the boundaries between these bases are not observed and the recruited agent based on one platform can perceive the views and ideas of another. Also, material payment has always been and remains an important aspect in all forms of object recruitment.

Some intelligence services of foreign countries use methods of real threat to the life of the recruited object and his closest relatives when recruiting.

Recruitment traps

Trap Description
"Honey trap" A situation is created in which the planned recruited object enters into sexual contact with a partner of the same or opposite sex. All this action is carefully recorded on a video camera. After this, the planned recruitment of the candidate is given a choice either to work for the special services, or to disclose all incriminating materials to the family, the leadership of society.
"Love Trap" Find a suitable candidate that the recruited object can fall in love with. Love is a great power. It is possible to find many examples when love pushed for crazy actions.
"Financial trap" A very common type of recruitment when obtaining information or creating a situation that led to financial distress of the recruited. Working for the secret services is an option to pay off financial problems.
"Career trap" The intelligence organizations of the special services that operate in this country will do everything possible so that their agent ascends the career ladder as high as possible. This is beneficial to both the special services and the agent himself.
"Trap with the use of compromising evidence" Possessing some compromising data on a person, intelligence officers often resort to ordinary blackmail.
Adventurer Trap Among the people interested in the special service, there are those who want to take part in this adventure for the sake of adrenaline. In real life, everything is much more complicated and once on the hook of the special services, it is unlikely that you will be able to jump off it.
"Ideological trap" Having received information that the candidate for recruitment is dissatisfied with the existing political system, the agent network easily finds a way out to the object with the economic policy of the state, which, after appropriate processing, lends itself to recruitment.
"A trap for lovers of different secret societies" Having drawn a candidate for recruitment into one secret society, it will not be difficult for the special services to recruit him for other secret work.
"Trap for nationalists" People of other nationalities living in the country, with the correct presentation of the national idea, become good candidates for recruitment. The special services of Israel and Muslim countries have been especially successful in this.

This is just a small list of common situations that arise when recruiting agents.

Roles when recruiting an agent

Of course, no one will involve the entire agent network to recruit a new agent. Each agent in this process will fulfill its assigned role according to a pre-developed recruitment plan. Usually three main roles are defined, which produce the recruitment of an agent.

The "gunner" determines the necessary candidate capable of being useful to the special services, he also collects and transfers all information on the object of recruitment. All personal, financial, career problems are in the interest of the "gunner". Usually, this agent is not exposed during the recruitment process in front of the developed object. After all, the results of the recruitment are not known and the agent may be on the verge of exposure.

"Recruiter" is an agent who is directly involved in the recruitment process. He meets with the candidate for recruitment, makes him sign the necessary documents, makes the first payments. This intelligence officer may not even be from this country and come to the meeting only for a certain time. This specialist must be of high class, have the gift of persuasion, and have certain powers.

The “curator” is an agent from the central office who develops and monitors the success of the operation. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and the recruiter can take responsibility for recruiting a new agent when a certain situation arises.

A large percentage of the failure of the agent network happens during the transfer of information, so communication with a new agent must be very covert.

Recruitment methods

In the design of the recruitment process, two recruitment methods are defined: gradual retraction and direct offer. Also, taking into account the data on the recruited object, you need to decide under what guise the special services to offer cooperation.

Choosing a method of gradual retraction, the recruiter agent conducts repeated meetings with a potential agent, conducts conversations with him, enters his personal life. Gradually, the recruiting candidate gets used to his interlocutor, begins to listen to his thoughts, shares his problems. After some time, a relationship of trust will be established, which an experienced agent can use to his advantage. Borrowing money, sharing alcohol, participating in various indecent events and the object, without noticing it, takes the path of cooperation with the special services. The final stage of this method is the final conversation with the signing of a paper with a cooperation agreement. After that, a plan of tasks is developed, working conditions are determined, a method of transferring information is developed and instructed.

The direct offer recruitment method involves direct conversation with the target of the recruitment, with good reason that agreement to cooperate will be reached. All this confidence is given after the preliminary development of the candidate. Also, this method is used when there is a lack of time, the departure of an object to another territorial zone or under the prevailing circumstances. This method will increase the risk of exposure, so it is advisable to use a visiting "recruiter" for this purpose. This will secure the existing agent network.

With the development of scientific progress, intelligence agents use e-mail and mobile phones to recruit agents. Well, no matter how good the new methods are, nothing can replace a personal meeting in recruiting.

Recruitment is the height of professionalism

The recruitment of an agent in the work of special services is an important detail in the creation of the entire mechanism for the functioning of the agent network. To force a potential agent to work against his country for another special service, for this you need to have the skills of a psychologist, orator, demagogue, to quickly respond to the current situation, all these are professional features of a high-class intelligence officer. Yes, the recruitment of an agent, the creation of an agent network, this shows not only the success of the special services, but also speaks of the greatness of the country.