The Influence Of Roles On The Fate Of Actors - Alternative View

The Influence Of Roles On The Fate Of Actors - Alternative View
The Influence Of Roles On The Fate Of Actors - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of Roles On The Fate Of Actors - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of Roles On The Fate Of Actors - Alternative View
Video: Actors Who Were Never The Same After A Role 2024, September

Cinema is virtual life. Therefore, the death of a hero on the screen is often reflected in a tragic way on the fate of his performer. One gets the impression that death, once a step away from the actor, decides to complete his work and inflicts its final blow …

In April 1970, after a long illness, the popular actor Pavel Luspekaev dies. But just this year the film "White Sun of the Desert" was released, in which the actor played his last role - the customs officer Vereshchagin, who also dies.

The fate of another actor in this film - Nikolai Godovikov - seems to have been copied from his hero Petrukha, whose role Godovikov played. In the picture, Abdullah inflicted a fatal blow on Petrukha with a bayonet in the chest. And after some time, a drunken neighbor in a communal apartment also stabbed Godovikov in the chest, but not with a bayonet, but with the sharp ends of a split bottle. True, the actor survived …

In February 1985, Talgat Nigmatulin, a popular film actor in Soviet times, passed away. In most films - and he has starred in more than 30 films - the actor played the roles of strong and dashing guys. And this is not surprising: after all, Nigmatulin bore the title of the champion of Uzbekistan in karate. But he died quite absurdly: he was killed by members of the sect, which included the actor. Moreover, Nigmatulin did not defend himself at all, since he was beaten on the orders of the leader of the sect, Abai. But a year and a half before his death, the actor starred in the film "Wolf Pit", in which his hero also died at the hands of his mentor …

The role of the leader of the gang in the film "Beyond the Last Line" for the singer Igor Talkov was also fatal. At the end of the film, the bandit is killed with pistol shots in the chest. The shooting of this scene took place in Leningrad on October 6, 1990. And exactly a year later, day after day, in the same city, a real bullet pierced the singer's chest, which became fatal for him …

In 1994, an incurable disease cut short the life of the famous actor Oleg Borisov. But even in this case, it was not without mystical coincidences. The fact is that this tragedy was preceded by the following story. Oleg Ivanovich starred in his son's thesis as a director. But there was one episode in the script when Oleg Borisov had to lie in a coffin. Filming was successfully completed. But two months later, Oleg Ivanovich died.

But, apparently, most of the mysticism and tragedies happened during the screen version of Nikolai Leskov's novel "At the Knives", which was made by director Alexander Orlov in the late 90s of the last century.

In accordance with the script of the film, it was necessary to make seven grave crosses. Soon they were made and stored in the basement of the director's country house.

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And after a short time, the first tragedies happened. First, the director's mother-in-law died. Then - one of the workers who made these crosses. And a little later, troubles hit the film crew: the operator died, then his assistant, then the artist and make-up artist. However, the most terrible death fell to the lot of the performer of one of the main roles - Elena Mayorova. She committed suicide: she set herself on fire.

Above we talked about Soviet and Russian cinema. And what about abroad. For example, in Hollywood. There, it turns out, is also full of mysticism. Take, for example, the movie about Batman - "The Dark Knight".

Just a few months after filming the film, actor Heath Ledger passed away. In the film, he played the role of the Joker - a tragic jester, and in fact, a devil. Death came from the fact that the actor took pills for stress and insomnia at the same time, which, as it turned out, did not go well with each other. And soon another actor from the same film - Morgan Freeman - nearly died in a serious car accident.

But, perhaps, the most tragic of foreign films was Steven Spielberg's series "Poltergeist", filmed in the early 80s of the last century. During the filming of the first part and two sequels of this film, four actors died. One died of cancer, the second actor had kidney failure, a 12-year-old girl was overtaken by a rare and incurable disease of the digestive system, and the performer of the episodic role was strangled by a jealous husband …

Parapsychologists and mystics explain these tragedies by the fact that during the filming of the first part of the film, real, not artificial skeletons were used as props. It was the bones of the deceased who had their negative impact on the fate of actors with weak defense mechanisms from the effects of negative energies.

A lot of mysticism is associated with the film directed by Roman Polanski "Rosemary's Baby". It tells about a woman who, against her own will, became the mother of Satan's son - the future Antichrist. The film was released in 1968 and became a real sensation.

And just a few months later, a real nightmare happened: a group of Satanists broke into the director's house, led by Charles Manson, head of the Family commune. The bandits killed Polanski's wife, Sharon Tate, who was eight months pregnant, and four other people. And the criminals hadn't even seen Rosemary's Baby.

Polanski himself remained alive only because at that time he was in London, where he left on the eve of this terrible tragedy. In the same 1969, the life of the film composer Krzysztof Komed was cut short …

Also, due to many strange circumstances, the seemingly harmless comedy "Atuk" was not even filmed. But it tells only about the funny adventures of an Eskimo who suddenly found himself in a big city.

No sooner had they started filming than the famous American comedian John Belushi, who agreed to play the main role in the film, died of a drug overdose. Then comedian John Candy was invited instead, but he soon also suffered the fate of his predecessor, however, the cause of his death was a heart attack. Another contender for the main role - Chris Farley, like Belushi, died of drug abuse, and literally just before the signing of the contract. Since then, none of the Hollywood producers have even stuttered about making this film.

Here is a movie!

Bernatsky Anatoly