Microcosm. Living Universe - Alternative View

Microcosm. Living Universe - Alternative View
Microcosm. Living Universe - Alternative View

Video: Microcosm. Living Universe - Alternative View

Video: Microcosm. Living Universe - Alternative View
Video: Microcosm, Macroanthropos, and the Quest for the World Soul 2024, September

The microcosm inside any living organism is so complex and diverse that it is hard to believe that all creatures on planet Earth arose through evolution. The whole Universe is hidden inside each of us, and if we draw an analogy with respect to the stars, then we can see that the atoms and cells that make up living beings obey the same laws that are true for celestial bodies.

Like stars, atoms are formed by hot plasma and are capable of emitting electromagnetic waves, light and heat. And if clusters of stars form galaxies and systems, then clusters of atoms lead to the formation of various structures, cells, tissues, etc.


When we look at the sky, we see that the stars are separated by distance. But if we imagine that a cell can be enlarged enough to see its constituent atoms, then the picture will be similar to that which we see looking at the night sky. Investigating stars, astrophysicists found out that the distances between stars are not stationary, and can either increase or decrease. But exactly the same process takes place in a living organism - after all, when moving, the distance between atoms is constantly changing.

The metabolic process at the microscopic level in a simplified version looks like this: any substances penetrate through certain pores in the cell and are used there for their intended purpose. In fact, the atoms of certain substances "run" in a given direction, and then they are sucked in by "channels" and the atoms "disappear". But this process is an exact copy of cosmic events - when matter is inevitably pulled into a black hole and disappears from the field of view.


The cells of any living being divide, die, regenerate - these processes go on without stopping, and something similar happens in the Universe, only by our time standards it takes a very long period of time. Cells of different tissues have their own shape; erythrocytes are disc-shaped, muscle cells are spindle-shaped, nerve cells have several processes, etc.


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One cell contains hundreds of billions of atoms, and the same can be said about Galaxies - they consist of a huge number of stars, and also have an amazing variety of shapes.


Among them are elliptical, round, spiral, lenticular and many others. However, I would like to dwell in detail on the Galaxy, which has a spiral shape with a bar (by the way, our Galaxy also has such a shape). A scientific explanation of this deformation has not been formed, but this kind of Galaxy is very similar to the process of mitotic cell division in a living organism.


The famous astronomer Hubble believed that all galaxies are born the same initially. At the same time, during mitosis, two absolutely identical daughter cells, but smaller in size, are formed from one mother cell. The genetic material in the "newborn" cells is distributed in the same way, and the achromatin spindle threads help to disperse the chromosomes to their "own" cells, such are the original "jumpers", very similar to little-studied galactic deformations.


Each organ consists of one type of cells, but in outer space the formation and grouping of Galaxies does not occur randomly, and in one or another part of the Universe, Galaxies of only one type (shape) prevail, as in a living organism.


Each molecule of a substance consists of a specific set of atoms, which are located in strict correspondence. All chemical elements have a well-defined composition. But even in ancient times, people drew attention to the fact that some groups of stars do not change their location relative to each other, such groups of stars are called constellations. Based on the theory of the structure of molecules, it can be assumed that constellations in the Cosmos play the same role as chemical elements, that is, they serve to form matter of more complex composition.


Based on the assumptions made, we can come to the conclusion that the Universe is not some kind of infinite object with scattered stars, Galaxies and systems, but one living organism, living its own unknown life.