The Question Of Death Is The Main Question Of Life - Alternative View

The Question Of Death Is The Main Question Of Life - Alternative View
The Question Of Death Is The Main Question Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Question Of Death Is The Main Question Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Question Of Death Is The Main Question Of Life - Alternative View
Video: A Lesson From Socrates That Will Change The Way You Think 2024, September

One of the most fundamental and fundamental questions for a person is the question of death. And all the concepts on this matter are reduced to just one question: is there still an immortal Spirit, or not.

If a person is completely determined for himself with this question, then the scenarios of his life are adjusted to this choice. All his goals, meanings, values are programmed by this.

There are three options for living life based on the received internal answer.

The first option is the position “before I was born and after death I will not be”. Then the main question in life will be “HOW to live that small period of time allotted to me.” It just so happened that I was born, and I want to live as long as possible and as best as possible, because when I die, then everything will end there. "Take everything from life!" - this is the basic motivation.

This is a hedonistic position where pleasure is the main thing.

The second option is the position “before my birth, I was not, but after death I will find myself in another world”. This is the position, for example, of Christianity. There is a chance here to earn a better life after death. Or get "reward" for your behavior in this one. And then the question "WHAT do I need to do so that after death I do not get a-ta-ta and go to heaven" comes to the fore.

This is, in many ways, the position of asceticism, self-restraint and earning the right elephants.

Well, the third option - "I already had past lives before this birth and will be the next after death." Here the key question becomes the question “WHY I live specifically IN THIS incarnation, what lessons should I learn from THIS life that I have not yet learned in the past”.

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The position of the student prevails here.

There are no more versions for humans.

If a person tries to ignore the main issue of his stay in the World, then his life is just chaos.

If a person claims to be spiritually striving, then the first thing he should do is to determine between these three questions - HOW? WHAT? WHAT FOR? The specific traditions that he will adhere to and the specific practices that he will do will depend on this.

You need to take some kind of position, at least at the level of trust, at the level of logical self-belief. And having accepted one of them, it is necessary for a sufficiently long time to live in exact, consistent accordance with this position.

Then the question of death is transferred from the plane of the death of the body to the plane of death or the absence of death of the Spirit. We have no knowledge of whether the Spirit existed before our birth. Everyone knew about him when they found out. We cannot even say whether the Spirit existed before we knew it, discovered it. We cannot say if he will exist after death.

But we can BELIEVE. And start the game with Death.

Yuri Herb