On The Power Of Negative Impact - Alternative View

On The Power Of Negative Impact - Alternative View
On The Power Of Negative Impact - Alternative View

Video: On The Power Of Negative Impact - Alternative View

Video: On The Power Of Negative Impact - Alternative View
Video: Lorde - Solar Power 2024, September

I returned from a business trip by minibus, having booked a return ticket in the morning. I knew that I would not be in time for this, the last one, I would have to replenish the ranks of the residents of the regional center for a day.

It turned out that I was not the only one who dreamed of leaving that evening. The minibus had 30 people lined up. And the number of seats - 16. The situation became tense. The free riders were nervous and begged the driver to take him to a neighboring village. He, having mercy, took several grandmothers - other passengers made room.

But the driver is not a magician, the bus is not rubber … In general, he slammed the door, started the engine, and … I, who was sitting in front, already shuddered. The lady who remained on the sidelines, her face twisted with anger, shouted curses after the abuser: "So that you don't get there, so that you get shook off the road …"

We drove in silence. But this silence - actually, I don't like it when the driver in the minibus cuts in some thug chanson - this time it strained me. Felt: uncomfortable even for those who do not really believe in the power of the impact of negative words.

Fortunately, we got to Mogilev without incident. Several old women even crossed themselves - "thank God" … And for a long time I was tormented by the question: why do some of them, in passing, unleash negativity on innocent people? After all, a villager, who wished the driver ill, could not help but understand that in the event of an accident, we will all suffer …

After surfing the Internet, I found out that this topic worries many. Some insist - and there is no need for special rituals - “if you wish a person evil with all your heart, big troubles are guaranteed to him”. Others warn: the boomerang law has not yet been canceled and the evil you sent will return to you. But there are still others - those looking for ways to take revenge on the "enemy" on the Internet. So they write: "I really need to curse a person, tell me a real spell!"

I read, I am horrified. It's one thing to blurt out in the hearts, without thinking, something like "so you fail" … At least once in his life, everyone probably said something like that. And at the same time, he did not want to come true. But to curse purposefully?..

One of my acquaintances sat up in the girls. He does not believe in the "nonsense" about the celibacy crown. But somehow she confessed in her hearts: the inferiority complex, instilled from childhood, interferes. Not by anyone - his own mother. Ugly, mediocre, no one will marry you, it would be better if you weren't born at all … Alena heard such words almost every day … Sometimes I think: maybe they really influenced her fate? After all, they say: the most powerful curse is maternal.

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So the head of the department of social disciplines and law, doctor of philological sciences, professor of the Bobruisk branch of the Belarusian State Economic University Alexei Nenadovets confirms this. And he studied a lot of similar stories. At one time he even wrote a book about the damned with the word. I remembered: one of our compatriots, strongly angry at her son, who loved to ride a motorcycle, once shouted after him: they say that you should run over, break your head … The guy crashed to death that evening …

Such examples, alas, are not isolated. By the way, Aleksey Mikhailovich admitted: they were also once cursed by a villager. The bus in which he was traveling almost wound up in a ditch - one after the other the wheels "shot" … Does it smell like mysticism? Maybe. But other scientists have also investigated the destructive effects of curses.

Doctor of Biology, member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Gariaev conducted many experiments. What happened was shocking. Even the plants, on which the power of swear words was unleashed, died before our eyes. Those that survived turned into freaks. Scientists have recorded: the force of the negative impact was comparable to the radiation of 40 thousand roentgens! And they made a conclusion: the genetic apparatus of any living creature - man, animal, plant - works according to the same laws, therefore, our body also suffers from other people's curses.

Scary, of course. But you can somehow protect yourself from those who send curses at your back? The non-man advises never to come into conflict with such a person and even in thoughts not to respond with the same coin. Better yet, go to church, pray, light candles … A good word, they say, heals no worse than pills.

Garyaev managed to heal wheat, on which he first brought down a large dose of curses. All she needed was for life and growth - blessing, sincere, warm words coming from her heart. Our distant ancestors firmly believed that the word is not a sparrow, it can be both destructive and healing. Deep down, we understand this. It's a pity, in the cycle of deeds and passions we often forget this banal truth.

Olga Kislyak

Newspaper "Sovetskaya Belorussia" №225 (2013)