Retribution For The Evil Old Woman - Alternative View

Retribution For The Evil Old Woman - Alternative View
Retribution For The Evil Old Woman - Alternative View

Video: Retribution For The Evil Old Woman - Alternative View

Video: Retribution For The Evil Old Woman - Alternative View
Video: Book of Enoch (complete audio) 2024, September

One citizen lives in our yard. Claudia Ivanovna Lyutaeva, nicknamed Lyutai. This nickname, of course, did not just stick to her - the old woman's character is not heavy, but creepy. You could even say disgusting.

I always remembered the old woman Lyutaeva. I was born, she was already a gray-haired witch, now I am thirty, but Klavdia Ivanovna has not changed at all. The same gray hair, crocheted nose and hateful eyes. How old the old woman Lyutaeva is, no one knows. And it doesn't hurt that they are interested in her age …

Previously, Klavdia Ivanovna constantly dangled in the yard and did not give anyone a pass. You will not believe - even the district police officer, Captain Bokov, preferred not to mess with her, only waved his hand in response to the abuse, although he could well have restrained the scandalous person in accordance with the law. It seems to me that only my late grandmother was not afraid of Lyutaeva.

She always told her: "Look, Claudia, your own anger will come out sideways for you." And what is interesting, Lyutaeva never snapped at her grandmother's words - she pursed her lips and walked away. But grandmother has been gone for ten years now, there is no one to reason with Lyutaev, so she unbelted.

Usually, her performances begin at seven in the morning, and the season and weather do not play any role. Even in the pouring rain or in the bitter frost, Klavdia Ivanovna gets out into the yard, instantly finds something or to whom to cling to and non-stop curses. And she knows how to cling. Then someone's car prevents her from passing - with a stick on the hood, and curse the owner to the seventh knee! Someone took the dog out for a walk - even better!

Dogs and cats are the main enemies of the old woman Lyutaeva. "The whole yard has been dirtied, you bastards," she usually shouted when she saw some shaking lapdog, "to the sausage of all creatures, and the mindless owners - to prison!" It should be noted that Lyutaeva never swears, but her speeches are scary even without swearing. She doesn't care who to curse - alcoholics hiding behind garages with their bottles, a mother with a stroller, a baby in that stroller, or a secretary of the city committee.

I did not mention this position from the glorious Soviet past for the sake of it. My grandmother said that once (somewhere in the late seventies of the last century) Lyutaeva got to the leader of the local communists. He came to our courtyard for a clean-up day - by personal example, so to speak, to inspire workers to accomplishments. But here's the bad luck - the secretary began to plant his sticky right under the window of Klavdia Ivanovna. She, of course, immediately began to scream that she was being deprived of sunlight.

The secretary, the classics of Marxism-Leninism and the entire communist movement got it. This was, perhaps, the only case when Lyutaeva was sent first to the police, and from there to a psychiatric hospital. However, the next day the spiteful old woman was at home - with a certificate of complete mental normalcy and a fair amount of anger that had not been used up during the period of "forced downtime". And everything went on as before.

Promotional video:

Now Lyutaeva, of course, is no longer the same. No, age has nothing to do with it, just the prediction of my late grandmother came true - fierce anger went sideways to our local witch. It happened in May last year. New asphalt was laid in the yard. Of course, in the evening the girls painted it with all sorts of princesses and Pokemon. Or what they are painting there now …

The chalk painting, who went out on her black craft, made Claudia Ivanovna terribly angry. For about an hour the courtyard pronounced her curses against the unfortunate children and their parents. I remember my dad closed the door to the balcony and sighed: "When will this fool shut up ?!"

And then the unimaginable happened - the ground under the old woman Lyutaeva opened. Cracks ran along the asphalt, and the creepy grandmother went down. True, it did not reach the underworld - Klavdia Ivanovna fell into the sewer. It was retrieved by EMERCOM employees. Then there was an investigation - how, they say, did it happen that the new asphalt under the man failed? So there is not only asphalt, there is a new concrete slab with thick metal reinforcement, which cannot be broken by a tank, collapsed.

They sorted it out, sorted it out, but they never punished anyone - there is nothing to punish for. An incomprehensible phenomenon, one might say, mystical. Since then, Klavdia Ivanovna has quieted down a little. How long - I don't know. I am interested in another question - why did the heavenly forces endure for so many years, why did they not endure a warning to this terrible witch before?

Larisa OGUREEVA, Irkutsk region Editorial: the names of the characters have been changed