10 Words That Attract Problems And Misfortunes - Alternative View

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10 Words That Attract Problems And Misfortunes - Alternative View
10 Words That Attract Problems And Misfortunes - Alternative View

Video: 10 Words That Attract Problems And Misfortunes - Alternative View

Video: 10 Words That Attract Problems And Misfortunes - Alternative View
Video: 14 OVERUSED ENGLISH WORDS - Stop Using Them! Use these alternatives 2024, September

Words can not only influence a person's life, but also attract a lot of problems to him. You can avoid negativity if you stop pronouncing words with negative energy.

It is known that some expressions spoken at the peak of emotions have overwhelming power. To make words work for your well-being, use only positive expressions, otherwise a streak of bad luck may come in your life.

Negative words inhibit development and literally attract all kinds of problems into life. They are able to change a person's character for the worse, become the cause of addictions. Negative words negatively affect immunity and can cause various diseases. Astrologers recommend writing down those expressions that you often use in speech. Try to replace every negative word or expression with a positive one. So you can get rid of a lot of troubles in life.


A destructive word can hurt very much. He must be avoided by all means so as not to offend his own and someone else's guardian angel. If you said “bad,” then spit over your left shoulder three times so as not to attract adversity and cancel the effect of what you said. This word is especially negative for children, so be careful. The expression "bad" deprives you of protection, and you become even more vulnerable to people who can do evil.

I can not

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This expression deprives the strength and desire to move towards the goal. If a person begins to say this word often, he loses the ability to make bold decisions. Esotericists call "I can not" a barrier for positive energy. By saying this word often, you subconsciously begin to do everything so that you do not succeed.


Another word that has a negative connotation. It literally deprives you of vitality, forcing you to quit business and postpone important decisions. In the subconscious, this word sounds like "stop", evoking thoughts of hopelessness, the impossibility of even taking a step towards one's own well-being. Eliminate this word from your speech so as not to start attracting problems one after another into your life. Often the word "tired" leads to insomnia, because the body mobilizes internal reserves to replenish energy reserves. This means that you will experience excitement, which, finding no outlet, will lead to irritation and negative emotions.


The call of evil spirits, even an unconscious one, leads to disastrous consequences. Our ancestors avoided any variations of this word: "devil", "demon", "evil spirits", so as not to accidentally be at the mercy of negativity. The energy field of a person who often utters this word becomes thinner over time and is unable to reflect the troubles and influence of evil people. In response to this curse, the universe can send trials that not everyone will endure, so the negative expression should disappear from your speech forever.


Hearing or saying this word, remember the saying: "Never say never." It did not appear by chance, because a person who says this blocks the path to his happiness. Often, after uttering the word, fate immediately gives a person what he renounces. Do not test yourself for strength, because the tests can be extremely negative.

Fool, fool

These swear words can directly affect a person, weakening intelligence and ingenuity. If you know that such words are present in your vocabulary, then do not be surprised at the consequences. Calling close people so, you run the risk of getting narrow-minded children, a harmful and often scolding wife, negative relatives. When applied to yourself, the word "fool" has destructive qualities: you can lose a good job, lose your earnings, business and authority.


This word is the hallmark of your happy life. If you talk about your business, uttering a negative expression, then you risk attracting a black bar. Do not say "unlucky" so as not to increase the number of obstacles on the way to your well-being.


You can deny hope from living in your heart if you often say the word "hopeless." This negative statement can turn you away from deeds and achievements, bring negativity and troubles into life. Scientists have proven that seriously ill people can greatly harm their health. Saying "hopeless", they can aggravate their condition, and the treatment can become very long and painful.


This word makes you feel tired and discouraged. The longing that you mention will definitely remain in your life if you do not stop in time. With this word comes not only a bad mood, but also illness, failure, separation and deprivation. Forbid yourself to think about longing so that there are as few reasons for worry in your life as possible.

A curse

Curses themselves pose a threat to human life and health. Spoken in the heat of anger, this word carries a powerful negative impulse, ready to destroy everything in its path. The most terrible effect is obtained if a person curses himself. So he launches a self-destruction program that can lead to the most sad consequences. When sending a curse, be prepared for the fact that several generations will pay for your anger: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on up to the seventh generation.

Esotericists advise to immediately replace negative words with positive expressions. Change for the better so that your life becomes a series of new achievements. Otherwise, your path will become similar to an obstacle course, where instead of the finish line you will face another disappointment.
