There May Be A Spiritual Connection Between Pets And Their Owners - Alternative View

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There May Be A Spiritual Connection Between Pets And Their Owners - Alternative View
There May Be A Spiritual Connection Between Pets And Their Owners - Alternative View

Video: There May Be A Spiritual Connection Between Pets And Their Owners - Alternative View

Video: There May Be A Spiritual Connection Between Pets And Their Owners - Alternative View
Video: Animals Talk to Me From the Afterlife | This Morning 2024, September

Today many people probably know that our pets not only delight the eyes and ears. A cat, comfortably nestled on the owner's belly, will successfully replace a doctor's visit and a handful of medications, and a dog that is mellow at the doorstep when meeting you will relieve stress better than valerian.

And yet, the analgesic and psychotherapeutic abilities of our smaller brothers are not exhausted. Their mission in the human world is much more serious.


We are well oriented in the real, material world. We work, raise children, build houses, love, get angry, cry or swear when events that are unfair from our point of view happen.

But what if we think wrong, act wrong? After all, our delusions, mistakes, resentments, anger and guilt undermine health. This is where four-legged friends enter the stage of our life. This is the help of fate itself. But a person always decides for himself whether to accept it or refuse.


Lyubina's mother finally lost her temper. And all because of Murka. Ten times she put the cat out of the nursery, but she stubbornly came back. But Murka has always been a calm and docile creature. Therefore, her current behavior looked especially outrageous.

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When the cat again gracefully jumped onto the crib, her mother grabbed her by the scruff of her neck, angrily shook her finger at the cat's nose and, stiflingly hissing: "Get out of here!", Happily pushed the savage out the window. She forgot to close the window - fortunately, as it turned out later.

And then there was this. Mom sat Lyubochka on a warm rug by the bed, opened a box with toys - and was numb. On the teddy bear lay … a snake. The rest took a few seconds, but for mom, time stopped, and the world plunged into a wadded silence.

The snake turned, stretched out, then shrank, a long thin ribbon appeared from the parted mouth. It was not difficult to understand that the shot was about to follow. And suddenly, like a red shell fell, and right on the snake. The world regained sounds and fit into the usual rhythm. Cat! The snake wriggled, trying to free itself, then suddenly went limp and fell silent. Murka, raising her bushy tail, withdrew with dignity. She was no longer interested in Lyubochka's bed.

Subsequently, no matter how much the shocked mother told this chilling story, she invariably repeated: “But I wanted to give Murka to someone, there was no sense in her. But something was stopping."

Of course, this is not an ordinary case. But every pet lover has at least one amazing story about his pet in stock. And even a few. Even if they are not so bright, if you look at them more closely, you will have to admit the obvious: each animal at its hour does something important that no one else can do except it.


Sometimes animals come to the house on their own. It happens that you pass nine street dogs, and the tenth for some reason stops you. It seems that he was not going to, but suddenly you will lend a helping hand, looking into the confused dog's eyes. It seems - the case. But there are no chance meetings. Vera Alekseevna is now absolutely sure of this. And it was like this.

She, as always, spent the evening alone. The husband had not yet returned, and he had lived for a long time already according to his own schedule, it was a little dreary, a little offensive and boring, his head ached as usual, his heart tingled - in short, everything was as usual. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Vera Alekseevna listened: the knock was somehow strange. I went and looked through the peephole - no one. She opened the door. A large dog was sitting on the landing. Which one got to the third floor, why was he scraping into her apartment?


Vera Alekseevna was never interested in dogs, cats and other animals, and therefore she closed the door and sat down at the TV again. But the strange feeling that they were waiting for her did not pass, and she felt out of place.

She went into the corridor again and opened the door again. The dog sat patiently on the landing. He seemed motionless like a statue, and only his eyes were alive and wet, as if in tears.

And then Vera opened the door and said: "Come in, I'll feed you." He carefully entered, carefully ate and, circling in place, curled up in a ball and fell asleep. Until late at night, a woman sat next to a wonderful dog, getting ready, but never daring to send her out.

My husband came and expressed his dissatisfaction. And Vera Alekseevna vowed to house the dog tomorrow … However, he lives in this house even now. The mistress's heart began to hurt less often, the dreary feeling of loneliness disappeared somewhere, and with it depression, and most importantly, for some reason the spouses began to quarrel less often.

So what happened? Vera Alekseevna sincerely considered herself lonely and no longer needed by anyone. The firm conviction that "I am to blame for everything" did not bring relief. Illness came, relations with her husband went wrong. But then the dog appeared, and she realized that someone needed. Subconsciously, a new belief began to form in her: "They love me, I am good." The troubles receded, health began to improve, as did the relationship with her husband.


The normal state of a person is joy and happiness. A person lives in harmony with the world - and his soul is healthy. Illness, depression, melancholy, just discomfort - these are all signals of a dysfunctional state of mind. The person is informed: "You are wrong, you chose the wrong path." And if these signals are ignored, the situation will gradually worsen.

Each person has his own margin of safety, but when he is exhausted, everything collapses at once: health, relationships, fate … There is only one way out: to urgently realize what is wrong in your life and fix it. And the greatest help in this is sometimes provided not by sorcerers and grandmothers, but by our pets. They voluntarily take upon themselves the problems and illnesses of their masters and thus give us the opportunity to gain time, to feel and correct our delusion.

Scientists no longer deny that every person is surrounded by a bioenergetic field (aura). It carries all the information about us, our thoughts, feelings, attitude to the world. Our fields interact always and everywhere, but especially intensively between close people, in the bosom of the family. So bad thoughts, negative emotions, negative attitude, alas, are not our own business. All this becomes the property of those who communicate with us.

The most susceptible, and therefore defenseless, are children and animals, that is, those who absolutely trust us. They sometimes become scapegoats, and sometimes it is they who receive the punishment we deserve.

Natalia's old dog died. It's a pity, but what to do: he was ill for a long time. Natalya took another puppy. He soon died from acute poisoning. Two consecutive dogs escaped in succession. The dog saga lasted four years. All this time, day after day, minor troubles with the daughter were repeated. Gradually they developed into enmity. The girl closed herself, moved away, and then completely went to live with her friend.

Depressingly obvious sequence: first - dogs, then - people. It is easy to understand that the animals tried, but could not help their owners, since the mother and daughter stubbornly attributed all dog troubles to the category of accidents.


But there are no accidents, there are patterns. Any trauma received by a pet, any misfortune and illness that happened to him is a signal that the inner world of his owner is not well. And if a shaggy friend died, then only to ward off trouble from you. At least for a while. So that you wake up and look inside yourself.

Moreover, often the very nature of your four-legged friend's illness or the place of his injury clearly indicate the type of delusion that interferes with his master's life.

If the situation persists or the disease becomes chronic, this indicates that the owner has not changed his worldview and the mistakes he made did not teach him anything.

For example, injuries to the hind legs of a dog are evidence that the owner stubbornly clings to his old ideas and does not want to move forward. The front legs suffer if the beloved owner underestimates himself, is shy, gives up and misses opportunities. Eyes and ears often hurt in animals, forced to be in an atmosphere of eternal discontent and resentment, envy or lies.


Of course, it is very unpleasant to realize that our thoughts and our feelings influence the fate of those who are with us, that our innocent loved ones are responsible for our delusions. And what if your pet is hurt? Resigned or tormented by remorse? Not. We must try to understand and correct the mistake.

And also - to say thank you for the lesson. Of course, verbal gratitude is not enough here. Perhaps much more important is what you will do with your savior in the future. Will you endure and heal your aging animal or will one day break down and wish to get rid of it? The choice is always yours.

The young spouses, Katya and Victor, did not have children. They went through more than one course of treatment - and all to no avail. “Get a dog, but one that no one needs, and take care of it,” a familiar old woman-medicine woman advised them. Well, we picked up the first puppy we came across. And when he grew up and got stronger, the child was born.

At this time, the neighbors were diligently getting rid of the aging shepherd dog, which they were tired of. The couple took pity on her - and took her in. The neighbor's apartment was soon robbed, then the neighbor was twisted radiculitis. By chance or coincidence, Victor and Katya are convinced: this is the price for betrayal.

Look into the eyes of your carefree cat or careless dog. They completely depend on you, they are completely in your power. But who knows, maybe we need them more than they need us?


Newspaper "Secrets and Riddles" №2 January 2015
