See The Reaction: The Media Are Again Talking About Raising The Retirement Age - Alternative View

See The Reaction: The Media Are Again Talking About Raising The Retirement Age - Alternative View
See The Reaction: The Media Are Again Talking About Raising The Retirement Age - Alternative View

Friday and the weekend again returned to the information field the topic of another increase in the retirement age, an honest weaning of 6% of salaries, allegedly in addition to pensions, and an increase in the standard of living of the elderly. If we consider that all three news regarding the retirement age have not yet been formalized in the form of bills, we can conclude that the current "probing the ground" by the systemic liberals to the reaction of the population will raise a cry, will threaten with mass demonstrations - the question will be "temporarily forgotten." Eat silently, continuing to discuss Sobchak's cowards - you can try to "introduce".

Immediately three famous people almost simultaneously started talking about the pension savings of citizens again. So, first there was talk about a new increase in the retirement age, then the head of the Accounts Chamber Alexei Kudrin said that our pensioners got rich and were never poor, and the Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, on the contrary, that people do not have money to save for the future.

A new conversation about the latest "latest" pension reform began with a story by Vladislav Zhukovsky, a member of the Delovaya Rossiya expert council, who told reporters that the Russian government supposedly thinks how the retirement age can be raised by another three years. According to him, such "steady" talk that for men the retirement age can be raised to 68 years, and for women - up to 63 years, "go in the corridors of power." In addition, the independent economist added, they plan to increase the age of basic pension payment by three years.

To immediately remove the question of how he knows this, we explain - "Business Russia" actively promotes the interests of the business community and interacts with the authorities. The members of the organization are members of 270 advisory and expert structures at the federal and international levels. According to their official website, more than 50 representatives of Delovaya Rossiya are members of public councils under federal ministries and departments. More than 100 orders of the President of the Russian Federation and more than 150 orders of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation were given on the proposals of "Business Russia" That is, one should not be surprised that Zhukovsky was present at the government meeting - he is one of those who advise our ministers. Not the most important and important, but one of …

However, it is not even the plans for the increase that are interesting here, but the arguments - Zhukovsky connected this with the fact that the previous increase passed calmly, "without blocking federal highways." That is, now our "beloved" government, which with its plans for a 4-day working week, destroyed all the arguments for raising the retirement age last year, is now arguing even more steeply - the population is silent, so it is possible. Moreover, Zhukovsky was not the first to say about plans to throw on the retirement age, he was not the first to say. Back in early September, Novaya Gazeta reported on the government's plans to raise the retirement age to 70 years with reference to the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin. However, a TASS source in the Russian government apparatus called the report "complete nonsense."

Nonsense, it is quite possible and nonsense, but something too often repeated. Moreover, according to one of the leaders of the systemic liberals Kudrin, pensioners already live well in our country. Kudrin said this at a plenary meeting of the State Duma, answering questions from the deputies. “Our pensioners have been removed from the poor once and for all, and thank God,” he said. At the same time, even Kudrin admitted that the "good life" is still being devoured by social inflation (prices for essential goods), which for some reason is growing faster than the average inflation from the most truthful, according to him, the Central Bank.

Against the background of such an excellent situation in the country, when pensioners are no longer poor, and the age itself can be raised, at the same time, a pension tax in the form of "guaranteed pension contributions" of 6% was introduced, the billionaire's mother and speaker of the Federation Council Valentina spoke out in defense of the people. Matvienko. She agreed that the practice of increasing pensions at the expense of personal savings is quite common in the world, but in Russia its introduction is still out of time. “Now a significant part of the population has income, of which they simply have nothing to allocate to increase pension provision in the future,” Matvienko said. Moreover, the speaker of the Federation Council added, many citizens cannot understand the mechanisms for forming a pension due to constant changes in this area. The Russians have been "completely confused," Matvienko said.

By the way, even the most ardent supporters of the previous pension reform, which became not only the implementation of the IMF guidelines, but also a consequence of the demographic crisis organized by the democrats, after the proposal to transfer to a 4-day working week and statements about mass cuts, have already agreed - yes, the only goal this last year's event there was a desire to pay people less. As the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov will further explain, for the sake of maintaining stability. So there is no confusion, the government continues to systematically pump out "living oil". As for the issues of the pension reform, it goes without saying that now no one will dare to carry it out, the risk is too great that the protest from the controlled and harmless LGBT hamsters of Navalny-Sobol will turn into an embittered and not very controlled riot from the population. However,according to a former employee of the presidential administration, economist Mikhail Khazin, this is exactly what they are trying to achieve. In his opinion, an attempt at a new pension reform, coupled with a discussion of a four-day working week, can be regarded as an attempt to organize mass riots in the country. The economist also regards this as an attack on Russian President Vladimir Putin from the liberal team, which does not like the fact that the head of state is leaning towards a conservative scenario. “They know for sure that if Putin remains, they will be demolished. And if he is forced to leave, then they have some chances. This is called "going all-in," - said Mikhail Khazin in an interview with Tsargrad.coupled with the discussion of a four-day working week can be regarded as an attempt to organize mass riots in the country. The economist also regards this as an attack on Russian President Vladimir Putin from the liberal team, which does not like the fact that the head of state is leaning towards a conservative scenario. “They know for sure that if Putin remains, they will be demolished. And if he is forced to leave, then they have some chances. This is called "going all-in," - said Mikhail Khazin in an interview with Tsargrad.coupled with the discussion of a four-day working week can be regarded as an attempt to organize mass riots in the country. The economist also regards this as an attack on Russian President Vladimir Putin from the liberal team, which does not like the fact that the head of state is leaning towards a conservative scenario. “They know for sure that if Putin remains, they will be demolished. And if he is forced to leave, then they have some chances. This is called "going all-in," - said Mikhail Khazin in an interview with Tsargrad. And if he is forced to leave, then they have some chances. This is called "going all-in," - said Mikhail Khazin in an interview with Tsargrad. And if he is forced to leave, then they have some chances. This is called "going all-in," - said Mikhail Khazin in an interview with Tsargrad.

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The economist stressed that the liberal group in the Russian elite has nothing to do with Russia and does not associate its future with "this country". It's hard to disagree. The only question is whether we have another elite.
