How Much Money Will The Pension Reform Save - - Alternative View

How Much Money Will The Pension Reform Save - - Alternative View
How Much Money Will The Pension Reform Save - - Alternative View

Video: How Much Money Will The Pension Reform Save - - Alternative View

Video: How Much Money Will The Pension Reform Save - - Alternative View
Video: The pension conundrum 2024, September

Although I am not an economist, I perfectly understand the populist component in such methods of increasing pensions for current pensioners as “let's not steal, let's defeat corruption, let's dispossess the oligarchs and sell the buildings of the PFR”. Some take advantage of this and raise it "on their banner." Others are being led - but of course, everyone has a thirst for justice. Of course, you want to work less, get more and it is desirable that no "Abramovichs" get more than you. Well, at least I want to disperse half of the idlers from the RPF - and rightly so. I have the same thoughts, honestly.

But if you still descend from heaven on our mortal, not ideal land with imperfect us, neighbors, officials and "Abramovichs", it turns out that it is not enough to solve the problem of today's pensions and not bankrupt the PFR tomorrow, such slogans are not enough. I would call these slogans very necessary, but rhetorical. Well, it's like "building a fair state, where everyone is private, happy, there are no oligarchs and everyone gets their job." Maybe it is possible, but on this Planet not in the near future for sure. And many will receive pensions already "tomorrow"!

You can do something tough, which Putin actually went for, because he already has nothing to lose and the loss of electorate votes does not bother him (by the way, it's good that the presidency was extended, otherwise no one would ever dare to take many unpopular measures) …

What will this give the Russian Pension Fund?


Already in 2019, the number of new pensioners in Russia will decrease by 300 thousand compared to previous forecasts thanks to the pension reform. Due to this, the PFR will save 90 billion rubles in a year, and in six years this is about 3 trillion rubles. All these funds will be used to index pensions starting next year and additional benefits.

By 2030, the pension system will be balanced by “reducing liabilities”.

“In the future, given that we are reducing obligations to pensioners, by 2029–2030 transfers from the budget, covering the difference between income and expenses, will tend to zero. Thus, we plan that by 2030 the system will be balanced,”says the head of the Russian Pension Fund Anton Drozdov.

Promotional video:


Let me remind you that in 2018 the pension fund's expenses are about 8 trillion rubles. The income that the Pension Fund collects from deductions from the wages of all employees is about 5 trillion rubles. That is, 3 trillion is paid from the federal budget.

Can you imagine the figure that in 10 years the state will transfer (and this is from taxes and revenues, which should go to many social spheres) to transfer to the Pension Fund of Russia without reform even to maintain a beggarly pension? 10 trillion will be easy.

And now they are trying to convince all of us that this hole in the SYSTEM can be plugged by the "PFR buildings", layoffs of workers and the confiscation of "Abramovich's yacht."

Strictly speaking, one does not exclude the other. Of course, it is necessary to deal with the buildings and reduce the staff and "take away yachts" and jail the thieves, but this is not a solution to the problem as a whole. Wrong volumes for decades. This is very reminiscent of dispossession under Soviet rule. Let's take from someone that has more - enough for the next couple of months. And then we'll take it away from someone else. And when there are no more those who can be taken away from?

Do you think otherwise?