Frightening Nature: Giant Spider Webs - Alternative View

Frightening Nature: Giant Spider Webs - Alternative View
Frightening Nature: Giant Spider Webs - Alternative View

Video: Frightening Nature: Giant Spider Webs - Alternative View

Video: Frightening Nature: Giant Spider Webs - Alternative View
Video: Top 20 SCARY Giant Spiders Caught On Camera! 🕷️ 2024, July

An unusual forest, shrouded in dense and gigantic cobwebs, was recently discovered on the banks of the Sorek River near Jerusalem. Scientists at the Hebrew University explained this hard-hitting sight as follows. The river is polluted with runoff from sewers, agricultural and industrial plants, and the sewage is rich in nutrients that contribute to the fertility of mosquitoes, which in turn serve as a food source for spiders. Thus, on the bank of the river, taking into account the humid and warm weather, favorable conditions were created for the mass reproduction of spiders. This phenomenon is extremely rare in the Middle East, according to Reuters. With the onset of cold weather, the bread place for spiders will cease to be such: a decrease in temperature will lead to a decrease in the number of mosquitoes that weaver spiders feed on.

If for Israel such an invasion of spiders is an exceptional case, for the inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand this phenomenon is not uncommon. So, last year, huge blankets of millions of spiders enveloped the trees in Tasmania.


The spiders thus escaped the flooding that caused prolonged and heavy rains on the east coast of Australia.

Most spiders can fly using aeronautics. To do this, they climb relatively high points, for example, on the stalks of grass, release multiple silk threads, which seem to form into "parachutes", easily picked up by a favorable wind. "Parachutes" are carried by the air stream until they catch on something high in high places or the wind, as it weakens, "lands" them on the surface. As soon as the flood ends, the spiders scatter, in all directions, and nothing will be left of the giant "web cover".

In addition, spiders sometimes not only escape from the elements, but also change their place of residence, traveling through the air. On Australian towns sometimes "rain" from spiders falls, wrapping the whole area in a swaying veil. However, this phenomenon is transient, since the spiders, having landed, disperse, and no longer bother people with a superior number of "heavenly conquerors".