UFOs Steal All Earthly Resources - Alternative View

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UFOs Steal All Earthly Resources - Alternative View
UFOs Steal All Earthly Resources - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Steal All Earthly Resources - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Steal All Earthly Resources - Alternative View
Video: LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K) 2024, September

Photo: UFO over Lake Ernedale in Cumbria, photo from www.unexplained-mysteries.com

As Aleksey Popov told the Karelian committee for the study of anomalous phenomena "Sphinx" thoroughly, the classic flying saucer was seen by a Petrozavodsk family vacationing on Lake Sonozero in the Medvezhyegorsk region

At about 100 meters, an object with lights on its sides appeared in the sky and silently descended to the water. Four structures moved out of the "plate", which, touching the surface of the lake, began to pump water into themselves. After some time, the object rose into the sky and disappeared. The residents of Petrozavodsk were on vacation with their children, so there can be no talk of alcohol abuse.

According to Aleksey Popov, Sonozero is a special reservoir. Due to the terrain, wind practically does not penetrate here, and therefore a special microclimate always reigns here. Aliens, according to the ufologist, are generally attracted by objects that are fraught with some kind of mystery. For example, very often unidentified objects are seen in the Valaam region, or in those places where, according to scientists, there were ancient religious buildings. All in all, over the past 20 years, Aleksey Popov has accumulated over 50 volumes of documentary evidence about encounters with unidentified objects in Karelia, and at the beginning of the year he intends to publish some of them in a book that will be called “UFOs in Karelia”.

Anyone who is interested in ufology has probably already noticed one strange circumstance: every now and then there are reports that aliens with surprising constancy are dragging from under our noses everything that “lies badly”. And we have everything “badly” - both natural and biological resources, especially since the truly fantastic capabilities of UFOs allow them to rob us with complete impunity. And it seems that the first thing they do is steal our energy resources.

It has long been known that UFOs often appear over hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants, power lines … The question is, why? Optimists believe that the aliens are simply watching our nuclear and military facilities - no matter how we inadvertently blow up the planet, which they also need. Skeptics are convinced that aliens are simply stealing our electricity. They do it shamelessly and even arrogantly. So, the thief of electricity in the form of a thirty-meter triangular UFO was recorded on April 10, 2000 in one of the towns of Texas. For a full hour, the object moved over the high-voltage line at a speed of about 20 kilometers per hour, almost touching the steel supports, and, apparently, was stealing electricity in the open. In any case, all this time, lightning of electrical discharges snaked between the cables and the aircraft. And on August 20 at 10 pm in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, a disc-shaped UFO was observed, which slowly walked at an altitude of about 200 meters above the nuclear power plant in Limerick. On February 5, 2002, a report from the state of Georgia was posted on the website of ufologist J. A. Filer that numerous oblong steel-colored UFOs were observed in the Chattahoochee River area earlier this year, and eyewitnesses emphasize that the only noteworthy object in those places is a very large energy company in the state.that numerous steel-colored elongated UFOs were observed in the Chattahoochee River area earlier this year, and eyewitnesses point out that the only noteworthy object in the area is a very large state energy company.that numerous steel-colored elongated UFOs were observed in the Chattahoochee River area earlier this year, and eyewitnesses point out that the only noteworthy object in the area is a very large state energy company.


Flying saucers have repeatedly appeared over Russian hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants. But it seems that they are even more attracted to water. Quite often, ufologists use the abbreviation NGO, which means “unidentified underwater object”. Such universal devices have been talked about since the 40s of the XX century - mainly in relation to the Scandinavian region, as well as, say, to the coast of Argentina. But this term was used especially actively in connection with the tragedy of our submarine "Kursk": in several different sources of information then a version appeared about the collision of the submarine with an NGO. They wrote that the NGO was damaged by our underwater explosions (that is why it collided with the Kursk), and after the emergency it allegedly left for its repair base in the Indian Ocean.

Previously, it was really believed that "saucers" dive into the water only because they have underwater bases there. Maybe this is so. But now it has become clear that UFOs and NGOs are simply stealing water from us. Especially many of these cases are associated with the Caribbean. In those places, eyewitnesses have repeatedly observed how NGOs emerge from the water of the lagoons and soar into the sky, and the fishermen even saw how a large "saucer", hovering at a height of about thirty meters, silently absorbed the ocean water.

- From the bottom, from the very center of the "plate", a wide greenish sheaf of light emanated, focused on the surface of the ocean, - says Angel Encarnacion. resident of Vieques (Puerto Rico). “What struck us the most was that the object was drawing water from the ocean. We saw how the water rises and enters the bottom just where the green light comes from. It was a powerful column of rising water. We didn't see any fish or anything else, only clean water. And all this - without a single sound!

Eyewitnesses saw that multiple lights - yellow, green and red - were moving and flashing rhythmically around the disk. But when the fishermen in their boat tried to approach the NGO, the "saucer" instantly took off and flew towards the El Yunque forest. She disappeared from sight literally in a split second! On another occasion, the fishermen also noticed a similar green light, only it seemed to come from the bottom of the ocean - from under the water. At first they thought that it was most likely a pop-up American submarine, and then an object soared from under the water and in complete silence disappeared into the night sky.

Jason M. saw the same green light around him when he went out in a small boat to fish off one of the Japanese islands - eight kilometers from the coast. The boat's engine suddenly stalled, although the tank was full of fuel. And when Jason fiddled with the battery in the dark, his boat suddenly lit up with some kind of supernatural, ghostly green light. Raising his head, the fisherman was stunned: three circles of light flickered right above him. As soon as he straightened, all three UFOs soared into the air and disappeared over the horizon. The engine started immediately. The motives behind this UFO behavior can only be guessed at.

It can be assumed that the "plates" are not at all indifferent to what kind of water to take and where. They seem to be carefully studying our bodies of water. For example, on January 11, 2002, near the Californian naval base Point Muagu at 4.30 am, when it was still dark, we saw such a picture. Two fires moved in the water, and one - above the water, at a height of about 30 - 35 meters. The one that was above the water moved back and forth along some strange broken path, and the underwater lights followed his movements. Then the upper object went south towards Malibu, and then both underwater fires emerged from the water and moved in the same direction, and the impression was that it was some kind of joint event and NGOs were carefully scanning the water under them. After about half an hour, one soared up and disappeared, and the other dived again, Mysterious, but thieving "scouts" are also interested in the military,and civilian objects related to water. In Brazil, in June 1996, several different UFOs stubbornly "circled" near a water treatment complex located 200 kilometers from Sao Paulo. At the same time, the 43-year-old truck driver happened to see a UFO that landed! Costa Luz was just approaching the gate when he noticed a perfectly round object right on the ground near the plant, around the perimeter of which multicolored lights were moving - silver, yellow and blue. According to Luz, the "saucer" immediately took off from the ground and hovered over the plant, where it was soon joined by another UFO - "the size of a car." And, apparently, these and other flying objects really needed something there, because there were a lot of reports from eyewitnesses during that period. Luciano Sergio Domingos, 28, also watched a "yellowish light" hover over the plant for eight minutes. And even earlier, on the same morning, 20-year-old boy Ademir Pereira saw nearby "a large blue fireball at a height of about one hundred meters." A couple of days later, two women saw a spherical red UFO, and in front of Emilia and Grasilda, this red sphere suddenly split in two, and both halves flew in opposite directions.

There is a suspicion that UFOs are stealing or exploring some other earthly resources. For example, ufologists associate regular visits of "plates" to the Caucasus, the Urals, the Far East and other mountainous regions of Russia with the presence of minerals there - oil, gas, various minerals and metals, including very rare ones.

However, omnivorous newcomers are interested not only in mineral, water, but also organic resources. Ufologists have long been writing about cases of abduction of people and animals by aliens, but even more often - about the systematic collection of "biological raw materials". Here and there corpses of animals are found, from which areas of the skin, endocrine glands, eyes, ears, tongue, reproductive organs have been removed with surgical precision. Mainly cattle, moose, deer, but also sheep, goats, poultry, rabbits, cats and even … dolphins are subject to vivisection. There are several reliable cases (in particular, in the USA, Brazil), when the corpses of people with seized internal organs were found. And recent research by scientists has shown that aliens also require some components of the blood. They pump out all the blood from every large animal,which is processed in some way and, obviously, is used to maintain its vital functions and, according to some sources, for carrying out genetic experiments, hybridization and cloning. The cases of “pumping” blood from abducted people (including directly through the skin) are described, in particular, by G. Kolchin in his book “The UFO Phenomenon. View from Russia”, A. Varakin and L. Zdanovich in the book“Secrets of UFOs”published in 2001, as well as a number of foreign authors. That is why, probably, UFOs often appear near surgical, gynecological and other clinics - where there are chances to get blood.and directly through the skin) are told, in particular, by G. Kolchin in his book “The UFO Phenomenon. View from Russia”, A. Varakin and L. Zdanovich in the book“Secrets of UFOs”published in 2001, as well as a number of foreign authors. That is why, probably, UFOs often appear near surgical, gynecological and other clinics - where there are chances to get blood.and directly through the skin) are told, in particular, by G. Kolchin in his book “The UFO Phenomenon. View from Russia”, A. Varakin and L. Zdanovich in the book“Secrets of UFOs”published in 2001, as well as a number of foreign authors. That is why, probably, UFOs often appear near surgical, gynecological and other clinics - where there are chances to get blood.

There is an assumption that aliens steal plant samples or some of their components. It is by the fulfillment of this task that some ufologists explain the systematic appearance of circles and intricate pictograms in fields and arable lands.

And then one important question arises: how do UFOs bring water, animals and people on board, and everything else that they manage to steal?

One of the more interesting versions - they use the so-called "solid light". The beam that some UFOs emit is capable of not only penetrating walls and other obstacles. American researcher Linda Howe mentions cases when people saw with their own eyes how a calf or other animal rises to the "plate" by a light beam. With the help of this ray, the abducted person, animals, water, and any other substances or objects are drawn into the "plate". Moscow engineer-researcher, Ph. D. Yu. A. Kainash believes that flying saucers use high technologies that are not yet available to us. The spacecraft engine is powerful, reliable and environmentally friendly; it can operate in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and space.

Yuri Alekseevich believes that from deep space "plates" come to us at one "gas station", but on Earth they are "fed" in a variety of ways, for example, they steal our energy from the power grid or, perhaps, convert water into the types of energy they need. This version has existed since 1980, when a plate of one Australian farmer "drank" all the water from a water tank at night - 32 tons in a matter of minutes! But this does not mean that the UFO was filled with water. According to the ufologists, he decomposed it into oxygen and hydrogen, left oxygen, and took hydrogen. It seems that it is hydrogen that is used by "plates" as fuel for a nuclear reactor, the design of which is not known to earthlings. But it becomes clear why UFOs appear with particular consistency usually near large and clean bodies of water, for example, near Lake Baikal.

If we look at the chronicle of the appearance of UFOs in various regions of the globe, then we will surely notice this "unhealthy" thrust of aircrafts to the aquatic environment. Therefore, probably, residents of coastal areas are especially often reporting about the appearance of "plates". But this happens not only near the seas-oceans. Many cases were recorded over large lakes - both fresh and salty: over the Caspian Sea, for example, over Lake Michigan in the USA, over Lake Erie in Canada …

It is curious that many eyewitnesses who have seen "diving" UFOs interpret this as an accident, a technical problem. So, in 1997, a message appeared that on the night of June 12, a UFO crashed into the sea north of Guyana. What is this conclusion based on? But on what. A witness to this incident, Corey I. saw with her own eyes that the UFO, which had just been at an altitude of about 800 meters, “suddenly dived at such a tremendous speed that literally in a matter of seconds it dived into the ocean”. At the same time, Corey did not hear a single sound or splash of water, did not see any splashes! However, the fishermen from Vieques, watching the "plate" taking water from the ocean, did not hear the noise either.

Why is the fact of the theft of earthly resources by aliens hushed up?

According to some researchers, this is done for our own good. All the same, we will not be able to resist the aliens - either technically or militarily, but panic could paralyze normal life on Earth. Secondly, the aliens also do not need hype: it is easier to conquer (and rob) other people's territories on the sly, gradually accustoming the “aborigines” (that is, you and me) to peaceful coexistence. For these purposes, the aliens already have a whole army of "plenipotentiaries" - earthlings, remotely controlled through implants implanted into their bodies.