The Vatican Called The Papyrus About Jesus' Wife A Fake - Alternative View

The Vatican Called The Papyrus About Jesus' Wife A Fake - Alternative View
The Vatican Called The Papyrus About Jesus' Wife A Fake - Alternative View

Video: The Vatican Called The Papyrus About Jesus' Wife A Fake - Alternative View

Video: The Vatican Called The Papyrus About Jesus' Wife A Fake - Alternative View
Video: "Jesus said to them, my wife." 2024, September

This find has become a topic of discussion for many researchers. The Vatican doubted the authenticity of the papyrus, according to which Jesus Christ had a wife.

So, according to representatives of the Vatican, the find is nothing more than an awkward fake. As it became known from an article in the official newspaper of the Holy See, L'Observatore Romano, the papyrus was purchased from the antique market, and was not found during excavations.

According to the coptologist Alberto Campalini, this document needs to be carefully analyzed. The found papyrus mentioning the wife of Jesus Christ caused a lot of controversy.

This find has become a topic of discussion by many scientists. In particular, the researchers were interested in only one phrase: "Jesus told them:" My wife … ". Harvard Divinity School professor Karen King claims that the document is from an unknown gospel dating from the fourth century AD.

However, King does not insist that Jesus was married. In her opinion, the papyrus only shows that among Christians of that time there was a different opinion about his marital status. Dr. King offered to analyze the ink, which will establish the exact date of the fragment, according to The New York Times.