How Do We Block Our Own Success And Prosperity - Alternative View

How Do We Block Our Own Success And Prosperity - Alternative View
How Do We Block Our Own Success And Prosperity - Alternative View

Video: How Do We Block Our Own Success And Prosperity - Alternative View

Video: How Do We Block Our Own Success And Prosperity - Alternative View
Video: Lisa Nichols on Rescuing Yourself, Overcoming Fear, and Finding Success By Serving Others 2024, September

We know how to give, but we have not learned to accept everything that comes to us. Even when they say "Thank you", in response we say - "Not at all."

There is one obstacle due to which success and prosperity do not come to many of us (and in almost all areas of their lives)! What is this obstacle?

My answer: closed heart!

What does it mean?

It's just that at the subconscious level, a person refuses to receive certain benefits. Let me give you a simple example. Let's say you bought someone a gift. You just want to do something nice, with no hidden intent.

Some people will accept the gift and sincerely thank for it. In most cases, things are different. You hear something like, “Thank you, but … Why? Wasn't worth the money! " So what happens? You do good to a person, and he gently answers you: "Thank you, but you shouldn't have done this."

That's the whole problem. We know how to give, but we have not learned to accept everything that comes to us. Even when they say to us: "Thank you", in response we say: "Not at all."

You receive exactly what you emit yourself. And if you do not know how to accept simple gifts, then how can you accept the gifts that Fate has prepared for you?

Promotional video:

Start accepting all the good and bad things that come into your life! Get started today! Open your heart! Accept gifts and favors.

Make way for someone on the bus. Just smile and invite the person to take your place. When they give something to you, say to yourself: "May it go for my good."

From now on, forget phrases like: “Not at all”, “Not worth it” and “Why did you spend so much”. And when accepting gifts, always say "Thank you." Only gratitude and only acceptance!

The more open your heart is, the more energy of gratitude you will bring into this world. She will work the most real miracles in your life! You will become a magnet that will attract new opportunities and good luck in all your endeavors.

Most importantly, thank God. Thank him for every day you live, for every new chance, for every moment of happiness and for every gift. Thank him for his life, for every breath and for the opportunity to feel, give and receive.

This simple trick will open many doors for you. Abundance will come into your life!
