When Did You Change The Marble Columns Of The Roman Pantheon For Granite Ones? - Alternative View

When Did You Change The Marble Columns Of The Roman Pantheon For Granite Ones? - Alternative View
When Did You Change The Marble Columns Of The Roman Pantheon For Granite Ones? - Alternative View

Interesting video "Passion for Granite Columns. Cultural Layer?" released on her channel Elena Topsida (Gusakova), in which she got to the bottom of a completely logical explanation for the sudden transformation of the marble columns of the Roman Pantheon into granite. The meticulousness and attentiveness of this independent researcher, a member of some expeditions of the ASPIK channel and the expedition club "Tart-Aria", made it possible to determine that in the paintings of the famous ruinist artist Piranesi, the columns of this building are depicted in marble, and not at all granite, as now.

How and when a magical metamorphosis took place, which changed, as if by a wave of a wand, the marble columns for granite ones, Elena explored with her characteristic feminine scrupulousness and the ability to pay attention to the small and seemingly meaningless elements of the structures depicted in these paintings. To all fans of alternative history, I recommend this film, which I cannot but mention. at least partially in this material. For Elena's material shatters into smithereens all the implausible official version of the manufacture and delivery of these columns from Egypt. Just as implausible as the pictures of Montferrand on a similar theme of the granite columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Alexander Column, which cause frank laughter from all people with technical education and engineering degrees.

But let's give the floor to Elena herself. Here's what she says about it in her video:

And this is not surprising. To me, as a person with a technical education, this whole story without the presence of cranes, transport platforms and special barges seems to be invented from beginning to end. Just like the story of the manufacture and transportation of the granite columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Alexander Column, which was recently destroyed to smithereens by the Russian historian D. Belousov. It seems that the falsifiers borrowed such myths from each other, so as not to bother too much.

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Why am I so sure that the story of the manufacture and transportation of the granite columns of the Roman Pantheon is completely invented. Because after the interesting discovery made by Elena, there is no longer any doubt about it. To better understand the essence of this discovery, let us give the floor to her again:


Do you understand? Piranesi painted from nature not granite, but marble columns. And this confirms that there was never really any cutting of these columns in Egypt and their transportation to Rome. This is all - a myth invented by official historians, as well as similar myths in St. Petersburg. Well done, Elena, that she was able to "dig" it. And for those in doubt, she advises to read the description for this engraving, which says in pure Latin that these columns are made of Sienese marble. So there can be no doubt about that.

It remains only to find out how and when these marble columns of the Roman Pantheon turned into the current granite ones. And for this, we will again give the floor to Elena to explain this wonderful transformation to us. After all, the casket opened quite simply. Here's what she said about it all:

That is the whole answer to the amazing trick of transforming marble columns into granite ones, which official historians could not figure out, inventing incredible stories of the manufacture of these columns from a single piece of granite and their transportation. And all this is granite casting, which was used to cover their outer surface … But why is the presence of such technology in the past strenuously hidden from us? Isn't that why. that its recognition will lead to the recognition of other interesting technologies of the past, and they, in turn, will reveal to us the truth that the level of development of civilizations of the past was much higher than we are trying to present it in history textbooks?

I casually touched on just one of the topics of this interesting video of Elena, who also always amazed me with the amazing quality of video and sound in her films, which make them very comfortable to watch. Therefore, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. And if you have already read this post to the end, be sure to watch the film on the Elena Topsida channel. You will not regret.

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