The Strange Case Of The Pharaoh Dog - Alternative View

The Strange Case Of The Pharaoh Dog - Alternative View
The Strange Case Of The Pharaoh Dog - Alternative View

Video: The Strange Case Of The Pharaoh Dog - Alternative View

Video: The Strange Case Of The Pharaoh Dog - Alternative View
Video: Graham Hancock’s Theory about Ancient Civilizations | Joe Rogan 2024, September

An inexplicable, mysterious incident occurred on August 2, 2002. On this day, Maria Evteeva, as always, went to work. Only her own Pharaoh dog named Pongo remained in the apartment.

After leaving the hostess Pongo, who knows how to grasp any door handles and latches not just with a paw, but with a paw with wide apart fingers, she easily opened the door latch and climbed onto the balcony. Jumping onto a narrow cornice, Pongo overflowed with her four-legged brethren from other balconies for an hour, gathering a lot of the audience downstairs at the entrance.

The neighbors had already decided that the dog was "probably raising the alarm," and were about to call the firefighters, when suddenly Pongo bent her legs, pushed hard against the cornice and rushed from the balcony of the seventh floor, somewhere up and straight. She rushed, in the words of her neighbors, "fish" or "swallow." “Guys, look, the dog flew away,” one of the workers at a nearby construction site commented on the event.

“She flew very strangely. She flew through the air, as if she had dived into the water - slowly, unrealistically slowly,”one of the neighbors said later. The most curious thing about these testimonies is that none of the eyewitnesses said - fell, but only - "flew", "flew".

After a short flight, Pongo landed, slamming on the asphalt, and then … got up and walked! The neighbors grabbed the dog and rushed with it to the veterinary clinic, leaving the owner a note: “Masha, your dog flew off the balcony. We are with her, do not worry, wait, we will be soon. Neighbors.

A few minutes later, Pongo was examined by a veterinarian. External examination did not reveal any injuries, except for the slightly ripped paw pads and a reddened bottom, on which Pongo landed. Didn't reveal any injuries and examination using ultrasound and radiography.

When, four days later, the owner brought Pongo for a second examination, many of the veterinary clinic staff went out to look at the dog as if it were a miracle. Still, usually dogs that have fallen from the seventh floor are scraped off the asphalt, but here - not a single damage. The mistress of Pongo has not heard of this either, although Maria Evteeva is vice-president of the National Pharaoh Dog Breed Club.

Maria has been studying the breed for many years, collecting everything interesting and noteworthy about the pharaoh dogs, and this breed has many secrets.

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Take, for example, the DNA of pharaoh dogs: scientists have found that it does not coincide with the DNA of other breeds living on our planet, and, therefore, pharaoh dogs do not breed with other dog breeds. Maria Evteeva expressed all the mystery of the Pharaoh breed most fully, saying:

“Sometimes it seems that the Pharaoh's dogs are feeding on the sun's rays. They may not drink water and go without food for several days, but they cannot deny themselves the pleasure of sunbathing. Pongo loves the sun. Having taken the pose of the sphinx - this is her usual position at rest - she indulges in contemplation. Then it seems that by its mere appearance, it is able to stop time or, perhaps, slow it down in flight."

Sergey Korshunov