Curses For The Defilers Of The Graves Of The Departed - Alternative View

Curses For The Defilers Of The Graves Of The Departed - Alternative View
Curses For The Defilers Of The Graves Of The Departed - Alternative View

Video: Curses For The Defilers Of The Graves Of The Departed - Alternative View

Video: Curses For The Defilers Of The Graves Of The Departed - Alternative View
Video: Mausoleum - The Curse of The Tomb [2017] 2024, September

Many have read about the "curse of Tutankhamun", that most of those researchers who were involved in the opening of his tomb in 1926 died in a mysterious way. But not only Tutankhamun is associated with such terrible stories.

The cause of the three most terrible sea disasters, resulting in thousands of deaths, apparently was the curse of the mummy of the Egyptian princess Amen-Ra, who lived 3000 years ago. This is the opinion of the famous American archaeologist Dr. Scott Hesel.

The terrible curse began to operate in 1890. Then the English Lord Canterville acquired a golden sarcophagus stolen from the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. Before getting to the British aristocrat, the mummy changed several owners. They all died under very strange circumstances.

An entry in the diary of one of them has survived: “When I tried to look into the eyes of the mummy, or rather, to the place where they once were, at some point it began to seem to me that the embalmed body was showing signs of life - her look expressed so much hatred that my blood was cold in my veins …”The owner of the mystical mummy decided to get rid of it quickly and sold it.

Lord Canterville was a very superstitious man. He did not even allow the thought of opening the sarcophagus. Thus, the aristocrat hoped to protect himself from the curse. However, the legend and the huge interest in the unique exhibit of antiquity of the public did not give him rest.

The essence of the legend boiled down to the fact that it was on this mummy that an indestructible curse was imposed, which should overtake everyone who tries to disturb her peace. And yet, the Lord decided to present the sarcophagus at an exhibition in New York.

Canterville booked a cabin for himself on the world's best liner of the time, the Titanic. A place was set aside for the mummy in the cargo hold.

As you know, on the night of April 15, 1912, this sea giant sank, taking the lives of 1,513 people. And what happened to the mummy? Many scholars claim that she escaped the tragic fate of passengers. There were witnesses who saw the sarcophagus floating in the open ocean. According to other reports, the prudent lord allegedly managed to preserve his treasure by taking the sarcophagus into a lifeboat.

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Now it is difficult to say how everything happened during those terrible hours. But in 1914 the mystical mummy "surfaced" again. It was acquired by a wealthy Canadian from Montreal, who decided to ferry the sarcophagus back to England on a ship bearing the sonorous name "Queen of Ireland". Soon after leaving the port, the steamer collided with a Norwegian vessel. As a result of the sea disaster, 1,029 people died.

To get rid of the curse of the sinister mummy, the Canadian decided to return her to her homeland, to Egypt. To do this, he hired a new ship, which left New York on May 1, 1915. And six days later he was attacked by a German submarine. The torpedo hit was accurate and cost 1200 people their lives. The Canadian himself remained alive, but until the end of his days he suffered from mental breakdown - he could not come to terms with the idea that so many people died due to his fault.

And the mummy disappeared. Most likely, her last refuge was the seabed near the Irish coast. Scientists tried to find translations of the curse that was inscribed on the golden sarcophagus, but they disappeared in the most inexplicable way.

Maybe it's for the better? Researchers of esotericism are inclined to the version that a special spell was imposed on the mummy. Before that, the mummies had already been transported across the ocean and everything ended well. And only this one became the culprit of sea disasters, in which a total of more than 3700 people died.

A mysterious story took place in 1999 in Giza, near Cairo. Italian archaeologists have discovered in this area the burial place of the Egyptian pharaoh and his wife. There was an inscription on the headstone. Scientists deciphered it and learned that the great goddess Isis (Isis) will punish three times anyone who dares to desecrate this grave. Of course, no one took this warning seriously. And in vain!

Archaeologists examined the pyramid, removed the treasures of the pharaoh and the mummy of the royal couple from it and took it with them. And then it began … The leader of the expedition, who was naturally distinguished by good health, suddenly died of a heart attack on the eve of leaving for Italy.

Two days later, his closest assistant died from the bite of a poisonous snake. The remaining members of the expedition, along with the antiquities found, returned home by train. The train crashed and the carriages derailed. Nobody managed to survive in this disaster. And the mummies of the royal couple and the treasures disappeared without a trace.

Similar consequences took place after ancient burials were opened in other places on our planet. Three years ago, a team of Australian archaeologists was working in northeastern China. They discovered mounds of the 10th century. Local residents have repeatedly warned scientists: "The spirits will not forgive your abuse!"

But they began excavations. A week later, one of the scientists died of a heart attack. A few days later, the same fate befell two more archaeologists. After that, the researchers decided not to tempt fate and curtailed the expedition.

In 1997, French archaeologists were working in southern Mongolia. Their attention was attracted by the unusual mounds-hills. One of the expedition members secretly stole several 11th century jewels from the burial ground. But the very next day he had an inexplicable feeling of fear, at night he was haunted by nightmares.

And yet the thief chose to keep the stolen things for himself. Everything opened up unexpectedly when he was found dead in the closet of an airplane that landed at Paris Roissy airport. The death of the unlucky archaeologist turned out to be as mysterious as it is inglorious.

A mystical story also took place in modern Poland. Here it was decided to open the tomb of King Casimir IV (XV century). If the authorities knew how it would all end! Fourteen scientists who took part in this event died one after another. True, the cause of death was established immediately. It turned out to be a deadly poisonous mold that covered the monarch's sarcophagus and very quickly affected the respiratory tract of a person. But where did this mold come from in the tomb of King Casimir?

After all these stories, the conclusion suggests itself: until now, the tombs of the great people of the past are guarded by something that does not allow them to disturb their eternal peace.

In 1991, the scientific world was stirred up by a sensation. In the alpine valley of Ötztal (Austria), at an altitude of 3 thousand meters, a perfectly preserved human mummy was discovered, the age of which was estimated by scientists at 5300 years. In honor of the place of the discovery, it was named Etsi (Otzi).


A German rock climber Helmut Simon stumbled upon the mummy. Descending from a glacier in the Tyrolean Alps, he was able to make out the head and shoulders of a man peeping out from under the ice (because of this, the mummy is often called the "ice man").

Scientists tried to understand who the mysterious corpse was. At first, it was suggested that a Neolithic man was captured by a blizzard and froze to death. Later, surprising facts came to light. After studying Ötzi's DNA, the researchers concluded that it was a man of about 46 years old, in excellent physical shape.

He was an ancient warrior who wore warm shoes and a cape made from pieces of chamois, mountain goat and deer skins. He wore a bearskin hat on his head, and an antique tattoo adorned his skin. Under Ötzi, a small bronze ax, a flint dagger with a wooden handle, a bow and 14 wooden arrows were found.

Subsequently, scientists came to the conclusion that the "ice man" died in a bloody battle that lasted at least two days. In 2001, an Italian radiologist determined that a silicon arrowhead had been stuck in his shoulder (apparently from behind). Ötzi managed to pull only the shaft out of the body.

According to the testimony of one of the climbers who discovered the mummy, she was clutching a dagger in her right hand, which fell out at the moment of its extraction from the glacier. The entire body of the ancient warrior was covered with wounds and bruises, and traces of the blood of two more people were preserved on the jacket, dagger and quiver with arrows. One can only guess what kind of bloody drama played out high in the mountains in the Neolithic era. Only one thing is certain: the death of Ötzi is the oldest known human murder.

Now the mummy of the "ice man" is kept in a transparent refrigerator of the Italian museum in Bolzano. She has a lot of enthusiastic admirers in Austria. The mummy has become a real star. Only a few years after her accession to the museum, the premature death has already overtaken seven people from among those who discovered and investigated her.

This mystical list was opened by Dr. Rainer Henn, who led the group of experts. He put the remains of the "ice man" in a plastic bag with his own hand. Exactly one year later, at the age of 64, Professor Henn died in a mysterious car accident. He was on his way to a conference dedicated to Oetzi, where he intended to announce to the scientific world about "sensational discoveries." Did not have time … The cause of the accident has not yet been clarified.


The next, whom the mummy "sentenced to death", was the climber Kurt Fritz. It was he who led Henn's group to the place where Oetzi rested. Kurt was an experienced mountain guide, but ended his life under a sudden avalanche that suddenly descended in perfect weather, although this could not be. At the same time, he was the only one in a bunch of climbers who died. His mutilated body was found at the bottom of a deep gorge.

Then, the turn of the famous Austrian journalist Rainer Holzl, who filmed the process of extracting Ötzi from the ice captivity, went on a stasis. Then he created a documentary about the find and covered the story of the mysterious mummy in the press. The journalist died of a fatal brain tumor.

In 2004, the ominous death toll continued. Not less the sad fate of the one who first discovered the "ice man". Helmut Simon went to court for a long time with the Italian authorities, demanding a reward for a unique find. Finally, they promised to pay him 100 thousand dollars. Helmut went to Italy, where in numerous interviews he told how the gods showed him the way to Oetzi. It would be better if he did not disturb the secret forces again …

Back in Austria, Simon left his hotel in Zazzburg to hike up the mountains on his own. Suddenly, a snowstorm fell on the slopes of the Ötztaz ridge. The temperature began to drop rapidly, and the warm autumn gave way to winter cold. Simon did not return back. Only eight days later, rescuers found his body: he crashed to death, falling from a hundred-meter height. Ironically, this happened not far from the place of the last refuge of Ötzi.

The strange coincidences did not end there. Less than an hour after the unfortunate traveler's funeral, the head of the search group, 45-year-old Dieter Varnake, died of a sudden heart attack. He was a man in full bloom, never complaining of heart. Varnake left after the one he had recently been looking for in the mountains.

Another Austrian archaeologist, 66-year-old Konrad Spindler, who became a member of the ice man's research team, did not believe in the curse and dismissed the ominous rumors. “Nonsense, fictions of the press! he said with ill-concealed irritation. "And what do you want to say that I am next on the list?" Exactly one year later, Spindler died of multiple sclerosis, becoming the sixth victim of the mysterious "pestilence".

Finally, the Australian archaeologist Tom Loy became the last prey of the mummy. A molecular chemist was found dead at his home in Brisbane, in the Australian state of Queensland. The body was found only six days after death. And again the irony of fate: the scientist was just finishing a large scientific work dedicated to the "ice man". It is worth noting that Loy suffered from a blood disease, however, it was discovered in him shortly after meeting with the Tyrolean mummy.

So, today there are seven corpses … and not the slightest evidence. The investigation is being carried out by both Italian and Austrian police officers. However, the only suspect has an iron alibi: all this time he lay quietly in the freezer of the museum at a temperature of -6 ° C and did not go anywhere. Whether all these tragedies have a supernatural cause, no one has yet undertaken to assert.

Although the reason for this may be the strange negative influence that the mummy has on tourists: after viewing the exhibit, many complain of poor health, and some even faint. Judging by the official statistics, the same phenomena are observed in the Hermitage, the British Museum and the Louvre - exactly in those rooms where mummies are exhibited.


Experts are inclined to believe that Ötzi was a powerful sorcerer during his lifetime. For this he was killed. Perhaps a special spell had been cast on him. Such rituals existed among the ancient druids: a person received a "death spell" - a special mystical procedure that foreshadowed terrible punishment for everyone who wants to disturb the peace of his body in the future. It was a kind of "insurance" against tomb robbers.

Ancient Scythians practiced similar rituals. And, interestingly, their spells seem to "work" too. This is eloquently evidenced by at least the fate of five "black archaeologists" from Ukraine, who plundered Scythian burial mounds. A criminal case was opened against them. For a year and a half, while awaiting trial, the criminals were under recognizance not to leave. But the trial never took place - every single "black digger" died as a result of strange accidents and diseases.

Researchers still put forward many hypotheses about how the mummies were able to kill so many people. The most popular among them are: deadly energy barriers set by ancient magicians; fatal exposure to extremely dangerous microorganisms; the release of a deadly gas created by the ancient chemical priests. And experts on paranormal phenomena explain what is happening with the so-called "necrotic connection."

It can arise between the soul or energy essence of a deceased person in the next world and material objects in our world. Through them, the deceased is able to punish people who have disturbed his peace.

For this, negative energy impulses are used, which are detrimental to health. Our ancestors discovered this a long time ago. After all, it is no coincidence that the customs of all peoples forbid desecrating the graves of the dead.