The Horrors Of Slavery Are Shameful Pages In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

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The Horrors Of Slavery Are Shameful Pages In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
The Horrors Of Slavery Are Shameful Pages In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Horrors Of Slavery Are Shameful Pages In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Horrors Of Slavery Are Shameful Pages In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: Twelve Lies about Reality. 2024, September

People deprived of their freedom, primarily prisoners of war, became slaves. This phenomenon has been around for many thousands of years, and, unfortunately, it still occurs today, although it is illegal and not on such a massive scale. Let us recall the last, terrible pages of this phenomenon. Don't look impressionable!

Another warning - there are violent shots in the post !!

On December 27, 1512, the Spanish government banned the use of American Indians in the colonies as slaves, but at the same time allowed the import of slaves from Africa into the New World.


Documents show that at least 600 slaves were loaded onto a ship with a displacement of 120 tons.


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In total, about 13 million African slaves were imported into British North America and later into the United States. On average, out of 3-5 captured slaves, only one was delivered to the plantation, the rest died during capture and transportation. Researchers estimate that Africa has lost up to 80 million lives as a result of the slave trade.

Slaves did not have any rights and freedoms and were considered the property of the owner, with which the owner can do whatever he wants, without any persecution from the law.


The negroes were so cheap that it was more profitable for the planters to torture a slave in an overwhelming job in a short time than to exploit him longer, but more prudently. The average life span of a slave on plantations in some parts of the South did not exceed six to seven years.

Slaves were considered as movable property, called SUBHUMAN - subhuman, unreasonable, humanoid /


The punishments were very severe. They cut off the ears of the escaped and caught slave, and cut off the arms and legs of his children for unfulfilled work. The slave owner could, if desired, kill his slave, although able-bodied slaves were rarely killed.


The invention of the gin (gin), which accelerated the cleaning of cotton, caused the rise of cotton growing and significantly increased the demand for slaves, and the beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe and then in the United States increased the demand for both cotton and slaves.


The price of a slave rose from $ 300 in 1795 to $ 900 in 1849 and to $ 1,500-2,000 on the eve of the Civil War. The intensification of slave labor and the exploitation of slaves increased sharply.

"Smuggled" Officer, 1862 The freed slaves were considered smuggling or seized property at this time.


Incidentally, a historical fact - African slaves were owned not only by whites, but also by indigenous Indians, as well as free blacks.


For example, the number of slaves who belonged to the Cherokee Indians was 600 at the turn of the 19th century and about 1500 during the movement to the West in 1838-1839. Also, if a white man came to America on Indian lands, he could marry a representative of the Cherokee tribe, and, starting a trade or farming, he received slaves under his control.

Also, as of 1830, 3,775 free blacks owned 12,740 black slaves.


Most of the slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from black slave owners.


And in Africa there were whole "factories" for raising slaves, capturing them and transporting them to America.

As soon as the children got to their feet, they were poisoned to work on the plantation.


Numerous medical experiments, such as human exposure to chloroform, tumor development, electric shock, neurosurgery, amputation, etc.


Many medical publications before the Civil War were full of similar experiments involving slaves. For example, in the summer of 1989, builders recovered 10,000 bones from a basement belonging to the Georgia College of Medicine in August, most of the recovered remains were clearly tortured and died from gruesome experiments that were performed without anesthesia.

Various brochures were published for slave owners.


For example, on the subject of breeding American slaves - advice on the reproduction of slaves in order to increase the welfare of the slave owners by using forced sex between slaves, sexual relations with the master and slaves, and getting as many children as possible. Constantly giving birth slaves were encouraged in every possible way. The purpose of this breeding is to produce new slaves and to avoid unnecessary spending on buying new slaves.


Even after the abolition of slavery in the United States until the 1970s, racial segregation persisted, and in Europe, Negroes and Aboriginal people were shown in zoos as animals.


Until the 60s of the last century, the aborigines of Australia were considered animals.


The game is Dolbani Negro (equivalent to a piñata - a pot / donkey with sweets, which is smashed with a stick), quite common fun among American kids.


The game was most often played at birthday parties. The game used some pretty barbaric techniques to prolong it. Black baby girls, who were naturally weak and whiny, were considered the best for playing. Slave women were forced to breastfeed these children, so that later in the "game" with the blows of children's sticks, one could induce vomiting and crying. If the babies lost consciousness, then the adults would pinch their torn skin, bringing them to consciousness.


In New Orleans and many other southern states, weak and whiny children were killed immediately. They could simply be fed to crocodiles or used as bait in crocodile hunting.


Today slavery is prohibited in all countries of the world, but there is an illegal market for human trafficking.


Now there are about 30 million people in slavery, which is more than at any other time in history. According to the UN, 700 thousand people are enslaved annually. The majority of the victims of this practice are women and children. Approximately 75-80% of victims of the slave trade are used in the sex industry. According to a 2009 Washington Times article, the Taliban are buying children as young as seven to be used as suicide bombers.