Geneticists Have Found The True Aryans! - Alternative View

Geneticists Have Found The True Aryans! - Alternative View
Geneticists Have Found The True Aryans! - Alternative View

Video: Geneticists Have Found The True Aryans! - Alternative View

Video: Geneticists Have Found The True Aryans! - Alternative View
Video: Aryan Migration: Who are our ancestors, really? 2024, September

Geneticists were able to isolate the DNA of the legendary tribe from ancient vessels and skulls. After the latest developments, all of humanity was divided into haplogroups, one of them turned out to be the closest relative of the legendary Aryans. Today researchers are ready to name the modern descendants of a great civilization!

Approximately 2 million people, that is how many were destroyed by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War. He inspired the world that the Germans are the descendants of the great Aryans, which means that other nations must obey them or disappear from the face of the Earth. But why did Hitler actually exterminate the Slavs? Who really is the carrier of the true Aryan gene?

Ancient legends claim the Aryans were not easy progenitors of mankind, but they were also the keepers of sacred knowledge, they were subject to: the secret of the laws of nature, the technology of working with metals and stone, knowledge about the structure of the Universe, much of what we today call superpowers.

In their quest to gain sacred knowledge, the servants of the Third Reich sent expeditions to the Himalayas and Tibet. Not a single hypothesis about the birthplace of the great race was left without the attention of the Reich Chancellor, but the Fuhrer was not looking there.

For many years the Sumerian civilization was considered to be the most ancient - 6 thousand years BC, but what Russian scientists found in the Voronezh region changed the course of history. More than 26 sites of ancient people were discovered near the village of Kostenki. Radiocarbon analysis of the bones from the burial showed that they were Indo-Europeans and they lived in Voronezh 30 thousand years ago.

Cultural markers or distinctive features of artifacts from Kostenki are repeated in ancient sites around the world. But the age of archaeological finds in India, Turkey and China is much less than Russian.

Chelyabinsk region, Museum, model of Sintashta's chariot
Chelyabinsk region, Museum, model of Sintashta's chariot

Chelyabinsk region, Museum, model of Sintashta's chariot.

During the excavations in Arkaim, the group found mass graves. With the help of the latest technologies, Russian scientists have managed to carry out the most accurate analysis of the DNA of ancient Chelyabinsk residents. It's hard to believe, but according to the results of recent studies, Indians lived in Arkaim 40 thousand years ago.

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Official science maintains that humanity originated in the South and that the settlement on the plane went from southern to northern lands. However, modern research casts doubt on this hypothesis.

If we take the fact of the emergence of civilization on the territory of Russia as a basis, how, after 30 thousand years, did the Indian Brahmans retain the pure genes of the inhabitants of the Arkaim-Aryans?

The fact is that Indian caste society and each caste strictly monitors the purity of blood, marriages are concluded only with their own kind. It was this isolation that preserved the pure Aryan blood among the Brahmans.

Wedding in India
Wedding in India

Wedding in India.

Fair-haired, blue-eyed, with fair skin are only the primary external signs of belonging to the descendants of the Aryans, they are characteristic of many European peoples. So were the blue-eyed Germans really true Aryans?

Recent research by scientists has shown that the Germans were descendants of the Aryans, but very distant.

Did the Reich Chancellor of Germany know about this? And if he knew, could this have stopped the ruthless extermination of peoples? History does not tolerate the subjunctive mood! And how today's discoveries could change our past, we will never know, but perhaps it is this new knowledge that will help people avoid repeating old mistakes.