The Mystery Of The "cursed Books". Part 2 - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The "cursed Books". Part 2 - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The "cursed Books". Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The "cursed Books". Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The
Video: World's most mysterious books 😮// दुनीया की सबसे रहसमयी किताबे 2024, September

In the photo: The Babylonian priest Berossus communicated with mysterious creatures that resembled fish. Instead of legs, they had fins.

If the ancient knowledge had not been lost, the world would look different now


On the initiative of the ancient Indian king Ashoka, the "Secret Society of the Nine Unknowns" was created, somewhat reminiscent of modern research centers. The society consisted of nine of the greatest Indian scientists and sages, whose task was to systematize and catalog all scientific knowledge obtained from ancient sacred manuscripts and as a result of experiments and observations. Each of the "Nine Unknowns" wrote one book on one or another branch of scientific knowledge. The activities of the society took place in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy. King Ashoka, a devout Buddhist and a staunch opponent of war, was well aware of the power of knowledge and could not allow it to be used for destruction and war.

However, the tsar had something to fear: the scientific information that his scientists had at his disposal, even by modern standards, seems incredible. Thus, one of the books was devoted to overcoming gravity and controlling it, creating artificial weightlessness in terrestrial conditions. The other is devoted to the creation and use of some kind of super-powerful weapon, which has much in common with modern developments in the field of nuclear and psychotronic weapons. Another book contained detailed descriptions and drawings of aircraft that allowed ancient aviators not only to take off into the air, but also to make space flights.

WHERE THE RARITIES ARE STORED TODAY: Unknown. Mention of these works is found in many ancient Indian written sources, but none of these books have been found by archaeologists. Presumably, some books are still kept in monasteries in Tibet and India. And, of course, Buddhist lamas will do everything possible so that this knowledge never gets to the representatives of modern civilization.


Rescuing the unique library of the Byzantine Caesars from destruction, the youngest daughter of the despot Thomas Sophia (Zoya) Palaeologus marries the great Russian prince Ivan III. Under conditions of the strictest secrecy and under reliable protection, she transports 70 carts with books from Constantinople to Moscow. In order to reliably protect the library, which was named "Liberia", and later "The Library of Ivan the Terrible," the books were put in a stone crypt in one of the Kremlin cathedrals, and locks were hung on the iron doors. According to a learned monk from Maxim the Greek, there were ancient clay tablets, parchments, and ancient Greek books in the library. If you believe the testimony of 53 handwritten and printed books in Church Slavonic, where she is mentioned, there were even parchment scrolls in Old Aramaic in the library, signed with the name Jesus.

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WHERE THE RARITIES ARE STORED TODAY: Unknown. "Liberia" disappeared in the 60s of the 16th century.


The Library of Alexandria was founded in the 300s BC. e. ruler of Athens Demetrius of Phaler. It contained about seven hundred thousand handwritten books. Demetrius himself wrote a huge number of works, one of which with the strange title "On a beam of light in the sky" is probably the first work about flying saucers.

It is known for certain that at the time of Julius Caesar, the Library of Alexandria was undoubtedly already considered a repository of secret books, giving almost unlimited power. According to the information that has come down to us, the library, for example, contained the "History of the World" by the Babylonian priest, historian and astronomer Berossus (356 BC - 261 BC). In it, he described his first contacts with aliens - the mysterious Apkallus, creatures that resembled fish. They gave people the first scientific knowledge.

The library also kept the complete collected works of Manetho. This Egyptian priest and historian knew all the secrets of Egypt. Apparently, this was precisely what posed a danger. There were also the works of the Phoenician historian Mocus, who is credited with creating the atomic theory. There were also books that contained the secrets of making gold and silver. In all likelihood, they contained the main keys to alchemy, which we lack for comprehending this science.

WHERE RARITIES ARE STORED TODAY: The library was destroyed either by Caesar or by accidental fire. But, most likely, not completely. And if some secret organizations today have manuscripts of Alexandrian origin, they diligently hide them.

What else was burned

In 1885, the writer, French occultist Saint Yves d'Alveidre received an order from the chapter of Notre Dame to destroy his last work “Mission of India in Europe and European Mission in Asia. The problem of the Mahatmas and its solution”.

In 1897, the heirs of the writer Stanislav de Guaita received an order, failure to comply with which also threatened them with death, to destroy four unpublished manuscripts of this writer on the problems of black magic, as well as all of his archives.

In 1933 in Germany the Nazis burned all copies of the book Rosicrucians. To the history of the Reformation”.

By order of the Italian dictator Mussolini, in 1944, 80,000 books and manuscripts belonging to the Royal Scientific Society of Naples were burned. The goal of the operation is to prevent important magical documents from falling into the hands of the allies. The Neapolitan library supposedly contained both unpublished manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci and documents of the famous occultist Aleister Crowley.


Scientists are still wondering what is depicted in the Voynich manuscript.

Maybe this is a diagram of the structure of the universe?

What have not been read

Modern scientists cannot understand almost anything from the "Vimanika-Shastra", which describes the devices of aircraft - vimana. Although it is written in Sanskrit.

The Voynich manuscript has resisted all attempts to translate it to this day. The approximate date of appearance is 1609. And no one has yet proved what it really is: the writings of medieval alchemists, an ingenious hoax or the creation of an alien who decided to stay on Earth and tell about the herbs and stars of his world. Stored at Yale University, in the library of rare books under catalog number MS 408.

Pigeon, or Stone, book, the hieroglyphs of which are carved on flat rocks located at the mouth of the Indel River (a tributary of the Vyg River, which flows into the White Sea near Belomorsk). It is believed that this artifact contains unique information about the sources of strength and power, the secrets of the universe and the origin of the universe.


Is the secret of powerful power in magic?

It may seem strange to many that books on magic were hidden and destroyed along with scientific treatises. The fact is that for a long time not only the achievements and discoveries of ancient scientists, who were ahead of both their own and our time, but also knowledge from the field of mysticism and occultism, remained a mystery for a long time. Until recently, magic enjoyed no less respect in the scientific world than the rest of the exact, natural and humanitarian sciences. And, for example, at the universities of Toledo, Salamanca and Krakow, occult sciences were taught on a par with mathematics, logic and theology. However, the availability and prevalence of magical knowledge has always been apparent. In reality, only a few have mastered this secret wisdom to the full. And they became rulers.
