Aztec Civilization: Why The Neighbors Did Not Like Tenochki - Alternative View

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Aztec Civilization: Why The Neighbors Did Not Like Tenochki - Alternative View
Aztec Civilization: Why The Neighbors Did Not Like Tenochki - Alternative View

Video: Aztec Civilization: Why The Neighbors Did Not Like Tenochki - Alternative View

Video: Aztec Civilization: Why The Neighbors Did Not Like Tenochki - Alternative View
Video: Tenochtitlan -The Venice of Mesoamerica (Aztec History) 2024, September

The Aztecs are an Indian people who lived in the center and partly in the south of the American continent before the capture of Mexico in 1521 by the Spanish conquistadors. Their ancient history is a search for permanent home for many years. They wandered with a group of other tribes across the territories of many modern states of Latin America. Until we stopped near the current capital of Mexico. The concept of the Aztecs also includes the military-political community of the tribes and city-states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan.

Aztec civilization, brief description

This "troika" established tough and sometimes barbaric rule from the northern borders of modern Mexico to Guatemala during the period 1400-1521. At the same time, skillful management of the economy made it possible to create one of the most ancient and even almost "capitalist" civilizations.

When the concept of "civilization" is written or pronounced, many associate it with some unique achievement in the life of the people. In fact, this term refers to a certain period, stage, in the development of this or that society: savagery - barbarism - civilization. Each period must meet some scientific criteria.

Among the important criteria of civilization is the presence of a class society in relation to the ownership of the means of production, the social division of labor. Further, there should be not huts, but stone cities, the presence of their own language and writing, other important phenomena of life.

Aztec empire 1519
Aztec empire 1519

Aztec empire 1519

Among the Aztecs, in addition to their own means of communication, several Indian languages were second. The Aztecs used them in communication with other peoples. The Aztecs still use variations of them in everyday life.

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The Aztec people were considered admirers of creativity expressed in words. Books were written in pictograms; bark of trees served as paper. Basically, they set out the life of the authorities, priests, a list of tribute collections, various registers. If the Spanish conquistadors had not destroyed most of the books, then mankind would have known the Aztecs better.

Ancient city of the Aztecs. Mexico
Ancient city of the Aztecs. Mexico

Ancient city of the Aztecs. Mexico

The information of one navigator and invader of Mexico B. Castillo about the history of the country is invaluable. In particular, about the peoples of this group. In it, for the first time, Europeans learn information about tenochki (named after the leader Tenoch). That was the name of the tribe that lived in the city of Texcoco, while the neighboring tribes called it the Aztecs. The slave system flourished in the cities. But the local slavery was different from the European one.

The slave had property and even his slaves, he could redeem himself and become a free citizen of the city. Not only prisoners of war fell into slavery, but also the Aztecs-debtors, as well as the poor, who sold themselves and their families. The slaves wore collars and shackles.

Aztec clothing
Aztec clothing

Aztec clothing

The bloodlust of the tenochkin Aztecs

In the empire of these tribes, barbaric sacrifices continued to be massively cultivated. This relic of the previous period of life is inherent in almost all Latin American civilizations. But the Aztecs surpassed other Indians in bloodlust. Obviously, the neighboring tribes knew about this, so they did not want the Aztecs to settle nearby.

Ritual cannibalism among the Aztecs
Ritual cannibalism among the Aztecs

Ritual cannibalism among the Aztecs

The sacrifices were based on the religion of the Indians. According to myths, God spent his blood for the benefit of those who believed in him. Therefore, the Aztecs performed sacrificial rites regularly: they killed both slaves and free people. Blood at the mass rituals flowed like a river, because at the same time thousands of people lost their lives. The Aztec chronicles have preserved information about these cruel acts. So, in honor of the construction of a high pyramid, 80 thousand people were simultaneously sacrificed. While still alive, they took out their hearts and drained all their blood. Then the priests burned the corpses.

The peoples of Mexico hated the Aztecs. Scientists have concluded that the Spanish were rapidly taking over Mexico. The tribes considered that it is better to submit to foreigners than to fear bloody raids of tenochki for the next "portion" for sacrifices.

Aztec temple carved into the rock
Aztec temple carved into the rock

Aztec temple carved into the rock

Let's make a quick analysis of the similarities and differences between these three famous tribes:

- only the Maya did not have writing;

- the end of the world in 2012 was predicted by the calendars of the Aztecs and Maya;

- the Incas never built pyramids;

- the wheel was invented by the Incas, but only for children's toys;

- Aztecs and Mayans used cocoa as a currency;

- the Incas did not have shipping;

- Coca leaves were chewed only by the Incas (gave strength);

- only the Incas had a single centralized state;

- the Incas transmitted information by means of fire, they smelted copper, - bronze and gold, and grew potatoes. Potatoes were bred by the predecessors - the Incas 3000 years BC, and they carried out its selection and reproduction. Some varieties are still grown today.