Oxygen Or CeRa? - Alternative View

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Oxygen Or CeRa? - Alternative View
Oxygen Or CeRa? - Alternative View

Video: Oxygen Or CeRa? - Alternative View

Video: Oxygen Or CeRa? - Alternative View
Video: Affordable Alternatives to Luxury Watches 2 (Rolex, Patek, Lange & More) 2024, September

“And so we proclaimed the glory to the Gods, who are our Fathers, and we are Their sons. And we will be worthy of Their purity of bodies and our souls, which will never die.”The Russian language, like the beauty of nature, carries the original messages of our Ancestors and Gods. Of course, these covenants are revealed as we are ready to receive the Grace of Earthly Life.

And right now is the climax of their unveiling. Each Russian word has many figurative meanings, in this article we use a significant semantic row in line with our topic.

1. Oxygen and Sulfur

Oxygen - to the source of love of the paternal Family (our) CeRa - the radiance of grayness (Gada) The way of life of the Vedic culture in harmony with Nature leads to an increase in Oxygen in the atmosphere of the Earth and a riot of trees, herbs and flowers - green, people drink spring water and bathe in clean rivers. Every day the Energy of Life multiplies - there are more children, flowers and trees!

The way of life of Civilization (civil (lat) - city dweller) leads to an increase in the content of sulfur oxides (SO, SO2) in the atmosphere and gray color around people. Civilization has built gray concrete cities with human hands, with gray smoke from factories and cars, gray houses, gray roads and gray faces of deceived people wandering to WORK every day. As official (serpentine?) Science notes, for the first time in the last billion years, hydrogen sulfide zones in the seas and oceans began to expand, like the content of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere. This is caused by water poisoning, the death of plankton, deforestation (5 hectares per second), drainage of swamps (emit 5 times more oxygen than forests), an economy built on burning oil and other minerals. Who benefits from increasing the amount of hydrogen sulfide? This is a favorable atmosphere for the life of reptiles (nagas, snakes, dragons).

Official (serpentine?) Science has established that in the beginning there was hydrogen sulfide life on Earth. Three to four billion years ago, the atmosphere on the planet was rarefied and almost did not contain Oxygen, but had Hydrogen sulfide. At that time, hydrogen sulfide bacteria actively multiplied, and the plants inhaled carbon dioxide, and exhaled sulfur and water. Oxygen was poison for those forms of life, therefore life itself was built on completely different rules.

For about a billion years, the masters of the Earth were creatures breathing hydrogen sulfide, and they had plenty of time to evolve to the highest intelligent life forms. This is how Dragons (Reasonable snakes, Nagas) appeared, who lived on the surface of the Earth and below it. Let's call them the Creator God - Gad, for him the most pleasant smells are the smells of rotten eggs and hydrogen sulfide aroma.

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Then the God-creator Rod got down to business, bringing photosynthetic bacteria and plants into earthly life. According to Russian fairy tales (the most ancient Russian written Vedas), sometimes heroes (Ilya Muromets, Ivan Tsarevich, Katygoroshek, Vernigor), then Serpents Gorynychy (Tsmok, Aspid, Serpent Kastey, the many-headed Miracle Yudo) won on Earth. It should be noted that oxygen is a more active gas than hydrogen sulfide. In the inanimate (mineral) part of nature, it is present only in a bound form, in order to release it, you need a lot of effort - this is what green plants do, a genius product of the Family.

For more than a billion years, there was a battle between Gad and Rod, between oxygen and hydrogen sulfide life, in which, in the end, God Rod won, and hydrogen sulfide life retreated to the bottom of the Seas and Oceans. Now only the hydrogen sulfide belt remains - vast areas of the coast of Peru, Namibia, India, the bottom of the Red and Black Seas. Moreover, the bottom of the Black Sea was poisoned after the last flood. The kingdom of the Black Sea Snake is described in detail in tales about Sadko. In Russian folk tales, the Serpent Gorynych, when he felt a Russian hero next to him, used to say: "It stinks with the Russian spirit." We smell unpleasant for the Serpents, and they for us with their hydrogen sulfide aroma (rotten eggs) - even more so.

In the Bible, the servants of Satan always appeared, accompanied by an intolerable smell of sulfur. In general, in the Bible, sulfur is the most mentioned chemical element, and in more than 10 places, the battle of God (angel, archangel) with the Serpent is mentioned. “And the war passed in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but they could not resist, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceived the whole universe, was cast out to earth, and his angels were cast out with him. " In European myths, dragons have always had an insatiable desire to accumulate treasures - gold, gems and young girls. The dragon's blood was chemically active for some reason. Myths and legends say that the dragon's blood corroded and dissolved the swords of the knights. The dragon's body was arranged in such a miraculous way that wherever the dragon lay down to rest, a caustic bubbling puddle immediately appeared from the reaction of its body with the environment (CePa compounds). And only gold, which, as is known from legends, withstood the streams of "dragon blood", could become a dry, cozy "bedding" for a dragon. Neither acid nor alkali is afraid of gold. Therefore, the dragon could rest and gain strength on gold. For life, the dragon needed sulfur compounds and arsenic, which are found in extremely small quantities in plant foods. As a result, the dragon was forced to wander around in search of delicious minerals. Sulfur is contained in pyrite and chalcopyrite (it was called frog gold in Russia), arsenic is found most often in the form of orpiment (gold paint). Dragons also loved to eat gems.

According to legend, the older the dragons, the stronger. They reach the limit of possibilities at the age of 1-2 thousand years. The ancient people lived up to this age, until they began to listen to the cunning admonitions of the dragons. Some flying dragons need oil and dragons have replenished its reserves in the Absheron region, where sources of oil have come to the surface since ancient times. Oil accumulated in puddles and lakes, and dragons from the Don steppes flocked there on oil. They carefully sucked in the black liquid, puffed themselves full, trying not to burp with flame, not to inadvertently set fire to the precious source. Then they spread their wings, made a farewell circle over the Caspian coast and headed north. In a swollen goiter, a fire-breathing gland rumbled in the uterus, oil burned in it with an even flame, hot air filled the voids of a huge dragon's body, allowing it to stay in the air. This is what Indian legends tell … From the sacred intoxicating drink of soma and heavenly fire, the giant dragon Vritra was born. This terrible, armless and legless monster lay curled up in rings in the mountains, blocked the way for the rivers and drank all the waters that they carried into the ocean. But the god of thunder, Indra, defeated Vritra with a wonderful weapon. The dragon-bound waters escaped from captivity and rushed to the ocean. Indra dismembered the body of the defeated enemy into two parts. One ascended to heaven to become the Moon, while the other turned into the womb of all creatures living on Earth (we were populated with worms). That is why, when Indians mention gluttons and gluttons, they say that they sacrifice to the dragon. The mythical hero of the Sumerians, the ancient inhabitants of the interfluve of the Tigris and Euphrates, Gilgamesh goes with his friend Enkidu to the cedar forest,to slay the monstrous giant Humbaba. This guardian of the forest had seven "neck robes", seven "horrors" or "radiant lights". Each of them was an independent semi-divine being. As it approaches, the monster lets out a terrible roar. The giant dragon-snake Abarga-mogoy (Avraga-mogoy) with 27 heads and 33 tails, rampaged and harmed people in every way, is stated in the legends and tales of all Mongolian peoples. Many heroes fought with him. Many heroes fought with him. Many heroes fought with him.

But only the fearless Buryat warrior Geser managed to defeat the dragon, whose exploits are described in the Buryat epic "Geser". The ancient monument of Iranian culture "Avesta" describes the gigantic dragon Azhi-Dakhak: Three-footed, six-eyed, Insidious, crooked … His cruelty knew no boundaries, and his plans were truly terrifying. A mighty hero named Tritaona went out to battle with the monster: And he struck the Three-headed Dahaku serpent. But the memory of Azhi-Dakhak remained not only in "Avesta". In modern Tajik language, the dragon is called similarly: Ajaho. And one of the Armenian drokons-vishaps is called Azhdahak - almost the same as his ancient Iranian predecessor. In ancient Mesopotamia, in the underground country of Chur, a terrible monster lived - the winged dragon Asag. Often he came out of the underworld and ran like a whirlwind across the earth, spreading ailments and infirmities,poisoning the air with their foul breath.

For a long time, the gods did not dare to oppose the fierce dragon. But the most daring of the gods - Ninurta came forward and defeated the dragon. In the medieval Persian book "Wonders of the World" (XIII century), the dragon Astin is described: "It reaches several farsakhs in length, has a leopard coloring and two wings." It has six heads on one neck, a dragon has a mane. If with his fiery breath he dies on an elephant, then "the elephant will immediately turn black." Quetzalcoatl - "The Feathered Serpent", a powerful South American deity worshiped by the Aztecs, Olmecs, Toltecs, Mixtecs and Maya. The cult of Quetzalcoatl is at least several thousand years old. Most likely, human sacrifices were made to the Winged Serpent, but in general he was considered a purely positive creature.

It was believed that the Feathered Serpent gave people a calendar, taught them to grow maize (corn), invented books - in a word, was engaged in "enlightenment". In ancient Greek mythology, Python is a monstrous dragon, a servant of Hera and a pupil of Typhon. Python guarded the ancient prophecy of Hera in Delphi. Python devastated the vicinity of Delphi, devouring people and livestock. The terrible snake seemed invulnerable. Strength he was not inferior to Zeus. Many daredevils who hoped to defeat the monster had to move to the kingdom of the shadows of Hades after the battle with him. Once Apollo landed at the entrance to the gloomy cave where Python lived. The dragon crawled out into the light, spewing fire. Its tail beat on the ground, sweeping away age-old trees. But no matter how angry Python was, he could not harm the young god of light. Smiling, Apollo pulled the bowstring, a golden arrow sang - the serpentine body shuddered, the dragon's eyes were covered with darkness,and Python gave up his ghost.

In Scandinavian mythology, a huge snake is the fruit of cohabitation of the god of cunning Loki and the giantess Angrboda. In the ocean, this reptile has grown so much that it was able to turn around the Earth, reaching its head to its tail. Therefore, she received the name Mitgard - the World Serpent. Her relationship with the gods did not work out - Mitgard was most at enmity with the thunderer Thor (Perun). Once Thor decided to go “fishing” and catch Mitgard. Thor threw his magic hammer Mjolnir after her. The latter caught up with Mitgard, but never killed her.

In Ragnarok (the last battle of the gods) Thor will finally kill Mithgard. Orochi (Yamata no Orochi) is a popular nine-headed and nine-tailed snake from Japanese mythology. He was gorgeous and terrible. His body stretched across nine hills and valleys in Izumo Province (southeast Japan). Some sources say that the number 9 in this legend means infinity - that is, there were innumerable heads, and no one could measure the length of Orochi. According to legend, one day the god Susanoo met an old man and an old woman who complained to him about Orochi. The serpent terrorized Izumo, forcing people to sacrifice virgins to him. The daughter of the elderly was to be next. Susanoo invited them to save her, but in exchange for this he wanted a girl to be his wife. The parents, naturally, agreed. Orochi was killed in the traditional way for similar myths:Susanoo put out nine barrels of sake and chopped off all the heads of the drunken monster.

The only place where dragons are very fond of is China. But the Slavs with the Chinese during a certain historical period were always in very cold relations, due to a completely different worldview. The cunning of modern Chinese and their dual policies are obvious today (snake methods). In Imperial China, the higher the status of a man, the more "draconic" should be in him. This hierarchy was most clearly expressed in the men's suit. If you are a very minor official, you should wear clothes with one dragon, if Confucian virtues are your norm of life, then with three. And if you were born an emperor, you can safely afford a brocade dress with nine embroidered dragons. And then no one will confuse you with the pathetic imperial adviser. By the way,violators of the dragon hierarchy (if there were any) were punished with all the gentleness characteristic of humanistic Chinese culture - death. To know how to infringe on the title of the Most Dragon-like Man.

According to scientific data, at the time when dinosaurs lived, the atmosphere had 12% oxygen (now 21%) and an increased content of hydrogen sulfide. Terrestrial giant dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago, and flying ones - over 100. Part of the primitive level of development reptiles became oxygen-breathing - these are lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and hydrogen sulfide Highly Intelligent Snakes went to caves and to the bottom of the oceans. NATURAL CULTURE is life in the Garden of Eden near the Prophetic Forest, feeding on raw natural perennial fruits (apples, pears, apricots and another 100 species), perennial nuts (pine, walnuts, hazelnuts and another 100 species), berries (cherries, viburnum, sea buckthorn, blueberries, lingonberries, wild strawberries and 100 more species), mushrooms and herbs (runny, dandelion and 100 more species) and inhaling the air with the aromas of flowers. People build houses from natural materials (wood, clay,reed) and are engaged in the development of their NATURAL abilities - telepathy, telekinesis, as well as the formation of a strong beautiful body, the creation of a happy large family and the enhancement of the Natural beauty around them with the maintenance of the Primordial Purity of the Body, Soul, Spirit, Water, Earth and Heaven. When every family has its own Garden and Home, that is, food security, psychological stability, the ability to give birth and raise healthy children, the ability to leave children with a truly valuable living inheritance, the opportunity to engage in work, not hired work. When every family has its own Garden and Home, that is, food security, psychological stability, the ability to give birth and raise healthy children, the ability to leave children with a truly valuable living inheritance, the opportunity to engage in labor, not hired work. When every family has its own Garden and Home, that is, food security, psychological stability, the ability to give birth and raise healthy children, the ability to leave children with a truly valuable living inheritance, the opportunity to engage in work, not hired work.

It makes no sense to wear metal spillikins (like sacred amulets), as well as build cities to feed parasites on the living body of Mankind - priests, police, presidents. By the example of BelaRusi, one can see how the high content of fresh natural air has a positive effect on people's lives. Forests and swamps occupy about two thirds of the territory of Belarus. Now it is one of the cleanest countries in Europe and the CIS, people live in prosperity and tranquility, there is a beautiful landscape design in every city and village.

The state significantly supports life in the countryside and agritourism, fully fulfilled the country's food security program, glorifies patriotism and love for the Motherland (posters "For Prosperous Belarus" are hanging throughout the country).

BelaRus is the only Slavic country where Vedic symbols remain in the flag, there are no problems with illegal migration and there are no orange revolutions. At the same time, more forests are planted than cut down. The government and people are trying to work for the God of the Family.

2. How Our Acid Culture Was Served Today

Now we are witnessing the return of hydrogen sulfide values: - factories smoke, emitting sulfur oxides and burning oxygen, and almost everyone contributes to this with their way of life, - cars, ships, airplanes smoke, - oil and minerals are burned - oxygen melts, - forests are cut down from speed of 5 hectares per second, - plankton perishes, not withstanding contamination with sulfur and other poisons, - most people use household hygiene products with a huge sulfur content. Sodium lauryl sulfate (sulfur salt) is the main ingredient in 95% of all toothpastes, shampoos, shower gels, etc., - household chemicals - for washing dishes, etc. - based on sulfur salts, - all industrial fruits (apples, bananas, etc.) and dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, etc.) are processed with sulfur for good preservation and presentation,- all industrially grown vegetables are fertilized with nitrates (sulfur salts), by the way, the main amount of agricultural pesticides is waste from the production of chemical weapons, - meat products are tinted red with sulfur salts, - beet sugar (and these are almost all of our sweets, chocolates, cakes, biscuits and pastries) in production are bleached with sulfur, - the main drink in which sulfur dioxide is used is wine. Sulfurous acid is used in juice production. It is added to freshly squeezed juice to inhibit the growth of acetic acid bacteria, wild yeast and molds. - a large number of canned goods in SuperMARKet contains food preservative E220 (sulfur dioxide - Type: Food additive, Category: Preservatives Effects on the body: Dangerous to health, Group description: Preservatives),- for a long time, sulfurous acid in the form of 1-2% solutions has been used to disinfect devices, vessels, bottles, corks and other equipment and tools needed in winemaking, beverage production and other food industries - most people no longer plant trees, in order to provide oxygen and food for themselves and their children, and yet each person inhales about 20 kg of air a day and eats 3-5 kg of food.

People hope that the state will plant trees and food for them - you just need to go to work - the media rain down on us through films, cartoons, newspapers, sensations with Loch Ness monsters a huge number of images of dragons, dinosaurs, snakemen, all kinds of mutants, vampires, kind dragons, etc. For what? If it seems like there are no dragons now? Preparing a base for their return ??? - more frequent hydrogen sulfide volcanic eruptions, possibly controlled by underground reptiles, - the image of the Snake in medicine, which seems to care about the health of people, but every decade there are more and more sick. Body Exposure to Sulfur Dioxide (Data from Scientific Food Standards) SO2 is toxic. Symptoms of sulfur dioxide poisoning are runny nose, cough, hoarseness, sore throat. Inhalation of higher concentration sulfur dioxide - suffocation,speech disorder, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, acute pulmonary edema is possible. May cause fatal allergic reactions in asthmatics, destroys vitamin B1. Typical food items: beer, soft drinks, dried fruits, juices, alcoholic drinks, wine, vinegar, potato products. If you think you are prone to allergies, you better avoid sulfur dioxide and its derivatives. People react differently to sulfur dioxide. Some people (with a high content of snake genes) painlessly tolerate up to 4 g of sulfite per day (i.e. about 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight), while others, after taking very small amounts, complain of headaches, nausea, diarrhea or sensation heaviness in the stomach. Sulfur dioxide is a common cause of headaches after drinking wine. May cause fatal allergic reactions in asthmatics, destroys vitamin B1. Typical food items: beer, soft drinks, dried fruits, juices, alcoholic drinks, wine, vinegar, potato products. If you think you are prone to allergies, you better avoid sulfur dioxide and its derivatives. People react differently to sulfur dioxide. Some people (with a high content of snake genes) painlessly tolerate up to 4 g of sulfite per day (i.e. about 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight), while others, after taking very small amounts, complain of headaches, nausea, diarrhea or sensation heaviness in the stomach. Sulfur dioxide is a common cause of headaches after drinking wine. May cause fatal allergic reactions in asthmatics, destroys vitamin B1. Typical food items: beer, soft drinks, dried fruits, juices, alcoholic drinks, wine, vinegar, potato products. If you think you are prone to allergies, you better avoid sulfur dioxide and its derivatives. People react differently to sulfur dioxide. Some people (with a high content of snake genes) painlessly tolerate up to 4 g of sulfite per day (i.e. about 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight), while others, after taking very small amounts, complain of headaches, nausea, diarrhea or sensation heaviness in the stomach. Sulfur dioxide is a common cause of headaches after drinking wine.vinegar, potato products. If you think you are prone to allergies, you better avoid sulfur dioxide and its derivatives. People react differently to sulfur dioxide. Some people (with a high content of snake genes) painlessly tolerate up to 4 g of sulfite per day (i.e. about 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight), while others, after taking very small amounts, complain of headaches, nausea, diarrhea or sensation heaviness in the stomach. Sulfur dioxide is a common cause of headaches after drinking wine.vinegar, potato products. If you think you are prone to allergies, you better avoid sulfur dioxide and its derivatives. People react differently to sulfur dioxide. Some people (with a high content of snake genes) painlessly tolerate up to 4 g of sulfite per day (i.e. about 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight), while others, after taking very small amounts, complain of headaches, nausea, diarrhea or sensation heaviness in the stomach. Sulfur dioxide is a common cause of headaches after drinking wine.while others, after taking very small amounts, complain of headaches, nausea, diarrhea, or a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Sulfur dioxide is a common cause of headaches after drinking wine.while others, after taking very small amounts, complain of headaches, nausea, diarrhea, or a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Sulfur dioxide is a common cause of headaches after drinking wine.

The acidity of gastric juice is of great importance for the tolerance of sulfurous acid dissolved in wine - people with low or high acidity are much more sensitive than people with normal acidity. Thus, the body of a modern person is scored from the inside (through food, household chemicals) and outside (city air, tobacco, acid rain), consciousness is scored through the gray landscapes of city life, images of dragons in the media, etc.

Therefore, most of our scientists, inventors, industrialists, journalists and those who finance them, willingly or unwillingly, are servants of the Gad and hasten his return to Earth. At the same time, the Snakes have thoroughly taken up the seeding of meat eaters, vegetarians, and raw food eaters - everyone who buys food in the store.

3. How the Snakes made their way to us

Most likely, the intelligence of the Serpentines is much higher than the Human, but they lack the sphere of feelings, cordiality and sincerity. In an open battle, Yarila (St. George the Victorious, Katigoroshek, Vernigor) always defeated the Serpent, so the Serpent, in order to grab his own, often acted surreptitiously, with cunning and deception. The starting point, or actually "the beginning of history" is the fall, described in 3 chap. Books of Genesis (Bible). The main vehicle of temptation is the Serpent. He inclines a person to accept some forbidden “knowledge”, which entails a violation of the normal state of affairs and the beginning of human history. The forbidden knowledge consisted in that destruction of the Divine Natural World (cooking instead of raw food, cutting down the Gardens of Eden for cereals, religion instead of personal communication with God), and the primordial goal of Mankind is to multiply Natural Beauty.

The snake among people of many cultures was revered as a symbol of "wisdom" - it was the Gady (in the form of "Gods") who brought to people who lived in harmony with Nature (Slavs, Indians, Indians, Negroes and Chinese) religions, writing, agriculture of annual crops, baking and cooking, making alcohol, urban planning and the extraction of natural bowels of the earth for burning and melting down (see the mythology of these peoples). Why do we need such wisdom ??? All English-speaking peoples (North and Latin America, Europe) are so worn out by the snakes that they cannot pronounce the sun-bearing letter "R", and they pray to Gadu. When a significant moment comes in their life, English-speaking people say: "Oh, May Gad !!!" They also want to promote English as the official planetary language. We can hit this gray proposal only with the RUSSIAN language, as the interstate language for the whole Earth!

All European languages appeared from Latin in the Middle Ages, Latin is castrated Russian, you can check. By the Middle Ages in Europe (Venea), so many forests were cleared that a draconian law was passed prohibiting deforestation for firewood (on pain of death), so people began to wash much less and, accordingly, stink more. From this stench, the technocratic system of Europe grew, which snakes whispered to white princes and scientists, and it spread throughout the Earth. First, from their underground hydrogen sulfide dens, they began to sneak up on the leaders and princes of people and with a quiet, insinuating word, like the Serpent in the Biblical Garden of Eden, toss up ideas for building cities, mining, smelting metals and cooking food on fire. They also began to marry and marry leaders,changing their appearance or introducing their serpentine genes due to the effect of telegony, kidnapping young beautiful virgins. Slavs, Indians, Indians and Europeans have stories about these abductions. Having started eating food processed on fire, people began to rot from the inside. It became easier for the rotten people to push all new ideas to increase the content of hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere, so that the bastards felt better not only underground, but also on the ground. This rotting of people continues today, so people often get sick and live short (less than a thousand years). The rotting bodies of humans are inhabited by snakes in the form of worms (with the support of putrefactive bacteria) that live in the brains, eyes, belly and muscles.people started to rot from the inside. It became easier for the rotten people to push all new ideas to increase the content of hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere, so that the bastards felt better not only underground, but also on the ground. This rotting of people continues today, so people often get sick and live short (less than a thousand years). The rotting bodies of humans are inhabited by snakes in the form of worms (with the support of putrefactive bacteria) that live in the brains, eyes, belly and muscles.people started to rot from the inside. It became easier for the rotten people to push all new ideas to increase the content of hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere, so that the bastards felt better not only underground, but also on the ground. This rotting of people continues today, so people often get sick and live short (less than a thousand years). The rotting bodies of humans are inhabited by snakes in the form of worms (with the support of putrefactive bacteria) that live in the brains, eyes, belly and muscles.in the abdomen and muscles.in the abdomen and muscles.

Watch the BBC movie "Parasites" and you will see everything with your own eyes. This is the bitter truth, all people who eat thermally processed plant foods, even the most environmentally friendly ones, rot from the inside and increase the content of hydrogen sulfide in their bodies, supporting putrefactive bacteria. God ROD did not create such food, he carefully prepared food in the sun and gave each person a LIQUE (37 * C) for further assimilation of food. And those who eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, alcohol, tobacco, canned food from SuperMARKets - rot an order of magnitude more. If you are inspired by information from any writer, scientist, sorcerer or public figure - come and smell how his breath smells and it will immediately become clear for whom he works. Snakes in the form of worms and worms, settling in a human body, begin to dictate their will to him - eat bread, meat,cheese, chocolate, drink alcohol, cow's milk, earn gold (money) to maintain the foundations of Civilization, settle in a city apartment - there is more comfort and convenience, put your body into a putrid state so that we can continue to live in it, create an atmosphere, so that we can live freely on the surface of the Earth (+ CePa). Moreover, worms in a person also have several bodies (explicit and implicit), on the physical level they feed on rot, and on the energy level - on the energy of pleasure (from fried food, sex, violence, gambling). With the introduction of one-year farming, the Serpents drove the man out of the Garden of Eden and the Endless Forested Forest (which is full of easy-to-find food) and put the man in the position of cancer. Agriculture, together with religion, alcohol and bread-making, first began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map).cow milk, earn gold (money) to maintain the foundations of Civilization, settle in a city apartment - there is more comfort and convenience, put your body into a putrid state so that we can continue to live in it, remove the atmosphere so that we can live freely on the surface Earth (+ CeRa). Moreover, worms in a person also have several bodies (explicit and implicit), on the physical level they feed on rot, and on the energy level - on the energy of pleasure (from fried food, sex, violence, gambling). With the introduction of one-year farming, the Serpents drove the man out of the Garden of Eden and the Endless Forested Forest (which is full of easy-to-find food) and put the man in the position of cancer. Agriculture, together with religion, alcohol and bread-making, first began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map).cow milk, earn gold (money) to maintain the foundations of Civilization, settle in a city apartment - there is more comfort and convenience, put your body into a putrid state so that we can continue to live in it, remove the atmosphere so that we can live freely on the surface Earth (+ CeRa). Moreover, worms in a person also have several bodies (explicit and implicit), on the physical level they feed on rot, and on the energy level - on the energy of pleasure (from fried food, sex, violence, gambling). With the introduction of one-year farming, the Serpents drove the man out of the Garden of Eden and the Endless Forested Forest (which is full of easy-to-find food) and put the man in the position of cancer. Agriculture, together with religion, alcohol and bread-making, first began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map).earn gold (money) to maintain the foundations of Civilization, settle in a city apartment - there is more comfort and convenience, bring your body into a putrid state so that we can continue to live in it, remove the atmosphere so that we can live freely on the surface of the Earth (+ Sulfur). Moreover, worms in a person also have several bodies (explicit and implicit), on the physical level they feed on rot, and on the energy level - on the energy of pleasure (from fried food, sex, violence, gambling). With the introduction of one-year farming, the Serpents drove the man out of the Garden of Eden and the Endless Forested Forest (which is full of easy-to-find food) and put the man in the position of cancer. Agriculture, together with religion, alcohol and bread-making, first began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map).earn gold (money) to maintain the foundations of Civilization, settle in a city apartment - there is more comfort and convenience, bring your body into a putrid state so that we can continue to live in it, remove the atmosphere so that we can live freely on the surface of the Earth (+ Sulfur). Moreover, worms in a person also have several bodies (explicit and implicit), on the physical level they feed on rot, and on the energy level - on the energy of pleasure (from fried food, sex, violence, gambling). With the introduction of one-year farming, the Serpents drove the man out of the Garden of Eden and the Endless Forested Forest (which is full of easy-to-find food) and put the man in the position of cancer. Agriculture, together with religion, alcohol and bread-making, first began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map).put your body in a putrid state so that we can continue to live in it, cut off the atmosphere so that we can live freely on the surface of the Earth (+ CeRa). Moreover, worms in a person also have several bodies (explicit and implicit), on the physical level they feed on rot, and on the energy level - on the energy of pleasure (from fried food, sex, violence, gambling). With the introduction of one-year farming, the Serpents drove the man out of the Garden of Eden and the Endless Forested Forest (which is full of easy-to-find food) and put the man in the position of cancer. Agriculture, together with religion, alcohol and bread-making, first began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map).put your body in a putrid state so that we can continue to live in it, cut off the atmosphere so that we can live freely on the surface of the Earth (+ CeRa). Moreover, worms in a person also have several bodies (explicit and implicit), on the physical level they feed on rot, and on the energy level - on the energy of pleasure (from fried food, sex, violence, gambling). With the introduction of one-year farming, the Serpents drove the man out of the Garden of Eden and the Endless Forested Forest (which is full of easy-to-find food) and put the man in the position of cancer. Agriculture, together with religion, alcohol and bread-making, first began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map). Moreover, worms in a person also have several bodies (explicit and implicit), on the physical level they feed on rot, and on the energy level - on the energy of pleasure (from fried food, sex, violence, gambling). With the introduction of one-year farming, the Serpents drove the man out of the Garden of Eden and the Endless Forested Forest (which is full of easy-to-find food) and put the man in the position of cancer. Agriculture, together with religion, alcohol and bread-making, first began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map). Moreover, worms in a person also have several bodies (explicit and implicit), on the physical level they feed on rot, and on the energy level - on the energy of pleasure (from fried food, sex, violence, gambling). With the introduction of one-year farming, the Serpents drove the man out of the Garden of Eden and the Endless Forested Forest (which is full of easy-to-find food) and put the man in the position of cancer. Agriculture, together with religion, alcohol and bread-making, first began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map).alcohol and baking for the first time began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map).alcohol and baking for the first time began to take root near the hydrogen sulfide zones of the Earth (see map).

It is noteworthy that the hydrogen sulfide belt of the Earth coincides with the centers of the oldest one-year agriculture and the places where the main modern religions appeared. The natural human desire is to eat natural food (apple, nut), build your own home, plant a beautiful fruitful garden and forest around, give birth to healthy children, work creatively, improving your LABOR (+ Oxygen).

4. Game - 30 days

Dear friend, do you feel the difference between your original natural desire and the desire for a serpent inside you? Are you ready to become St. George the Victorious in your life and in your body? Or will you continue to be a cog in the hydrogen sulfide program? I appeal to a living natural cell that wanders through your body in search of a healthy place, and I offer you the game "30 days without sulfur".

The game is needed to clear the brain and refresh the body, in order to understand your Joy, Health and the Purpose of life on the Native Land, to free yourself from the alien influence of the Gad. The essence of the game: to live 15-30 days as tuned in to Nature as possible, limiting the intake of sulfur-containing substances into your body, observing your new insights.

1) It is best to spend these days in the bosom of Nature, breathing fresh air, or maximize walks in the fresh air

2) Remove the access of household chemicals to the body, use only soap, and brush your teeth with a toothbrush and water

3) Eat homemade vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts (Ukrainian or Georgian in shells can be used), preferably a raw food diet, if there is enough Willpower, but you can also slightly boil it. Only buckwheat (sem. Buckwheat) can be purchased. Drink only spring water

4) Pay special attention to eating greens, because the structure of hemoglobin in human blood is similar to the structure of chlorophyll in plants, and there is a SIGNIFICANT improvement in blood

5) Do not touch nightshades (tobacco, tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, eggplant) and cereals (wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice) as weapons of genetic warfare used by Gad

6) Observe and care for trees and shrubs, but not plow and farm annuals, listen attentively to the rustle of foliage and the singing of birds that spread the news of the Family and every day to bathe in a natural reservoir (lake, river, pond), a bathhouse, make friends with sun and stars

7) Listen to the voice of Conscience. It is easy to check the difference between the voice of a serpent in a person and the voice of the soul, it is to see what will become more on Earth and the Body as a result of fulfilling the advice - Sulfur dioxide or Oxygen

8) If you want to continue the Game for life and share it with your friends and relatives

5. Who wins whom, civilization or culture, CeRa or Oxygen

Dear friend, you and your children will live on our Earth. Now you have learned the many-thousand-year-old secret that lies behind all the conspiracies on Earth and you decide what to do with all this. To support the plans of God the Rod, each person must plant so many trees and shrubs so that their Sour Rod will suffice for the breath of his entire family, plant so many fruit, nut and berry trees and shrubs so that there is enough to feed the whole family and find his own spring water for drinking the whole family … Thus, we come to the idea of creating our own family estate, as to the most important act of creativity of a Free Living Man (and a magician, and a knight, and weighing). For a person who uses the benefits of civilization, you need to additionally plant trees in order to deactivate the sulfur released when receiving these benefits (car, manufactured goods, electricity),so that as a result of life there is a positive balance of Oxygen. Sulfur is a divine element, but an excess of hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and sulfurous acids in the atmosphere are poisonous to humans, mammals and green plants. Today, if you eat meat, eggs, milk, bread, potato pancakes and do not build a family estate and plant trees and do not intend to do this, you are working for Gad's plans. Time to choose! Son of the Family Svyatozar Dawn.